Directories under /pub/cbm
- Welcome to the Commodore 8-bit file area at!
See the FTP site list in the faq/ directory for more sites.
- b/
- The Commodore Model B computer was designed for serious business use,
but it didn't do very well on the market.
See also
- This section contains gzipped 8050 disk images of the original Chicago
B128 Users Group (CBUG) software library collection. The files are named
using the original diskette numbering scheme as published in their
Escape newsletters.
These images were produced from the original master diskettes by
Edward Shockley in memory of Norman Deletzke, founder of the CBUG,
with permission. For more information on the CBUG visit the
Commodore B Series site at
- carts/
- dev/
- diag/
- documents/
- de/
- edu/
- firmware@ (link)
- games/
- miscellaneous/
- os/
- prod/
- schematics@ (link)
- term/
- unsorted/
- utilities/
- c128/
- archivers/
- audio/
- collections/
- comm/
- bbs/
- BBS programs for the Commdore 128
- cpm@ (link)
- demodisks@ (link)
- demos/
- diskutil/
- boot/
- directory/
- diskcopy/
- editors/
- filecopy/
- transfer/
- firmware@ (link)
- games/
- 40/
- All games in this directory are for the 40-column screen of the
Commodore 128 and have been written in BASIC, unless otherwise specified.
- 80/
- All games in this directory are for the 80-column screen of the
Commodore 128 and have been written in BASIC, unless otherwise specified.
- graphics/
- Ipaint/
- fractals/
- viewers/
- vbm/
- VBM is a bitmap viewer for use with a 64k VDC, programmed by Craig Bruce.
- os/
- Here are the various alternative operating systems for the C128.
- ace/
- ACE is an operating system for the C64 and C128 that provides a Unix-like
command-shell environment.
The ace16*.sfx archives were created by Ismael Cordeiro
( from the original files which are now available at
More files can be found on that site.
- cpm@ (link)
- cs-dos/
- CS-DOS is an MS-DOS like operating environment for the Commodore 128.
This directory contains the CS-DOS distribution and miscellanous
programs designed for it.
- geos@ (link)
- nt-dos/
- Here are versions of an OS by Nicolas Tormo <>.
All texts are in French, and there is no documentation. But you might
still want to take a look at the windowing versions.
- unix128v3/
- This is a Unix-like environment for the C128.
- packetradio/
- This directory contains packet radio stuff for the C128. See modem.gif
for a schematic diagram. The software is packed using PK-Zip on MS-DOS.
Unpack it before transfering the files to your C128.
These files were uploaded by
- productivity/
- programming/
- cpm@ (link)
- documents/
- Here you will find some Commodore 128 related programming information.
Most of these documents were downloaded from Herne Data System's CP/M
- geos@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- utilities/
- c64/
- The Commodore 64 is perhaps the most popular 8-bit home computer system.
It was released in 1982, and some units were manufactured as late as the
1990s. See for Commodore 64 related news.
- amusements/
- archivers/
- disk@ (link)
- audio/
- Vibrants/
- 3x-player/
- Unlike other tunes, the 3x tunes start at $4000.
- Accept/
- $1000/$1003 tunes by Accept
- Deek/
- $1000/$1003 tunes by Deek
- Drax/
- $1000/$1003 tunes by Drax
- Jens Christian Huus/
- Link/
- Metal/
- Scortia/
- utils/
- editor/
- editors/
- players/
- samples/
- Compod/
- These tunes are in PSID v2 format. To load them on a real Commodore 64,
strip the first 124 bytes. All tunes except Coldiarus are initialised by
jsr $1000 and played by calling jsr $1003 once per frame.
- sfx/
- Files for the Commodore SFX Sound Expander
- demodisks@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- sidplayer/
- In order to play these musics, you will need Compute's Sidplayer
or any compatible player. These can be found in the
/pub/cbm/c64/audio/players or /pub/cbm/c128/audio directories.
- utilities/
- collections/
- cbm/
- comm/
- RS-232 terminal programs and data communication software
- Novaterm/
- Novaterm is one of the best terminal programs for the Commodore 64.
Some of these files are also available from
- v10/
- v9.4/
- v9.5/
- v9.6/
- bbs/
- bbs programs for the commodore 64
- database/
- demodisks@ (link)
- demos/
- You may find more recent demos at
Also see the SCS*TRC home page at,
and the Commodore 64 demoscene Hall of Fame
- generic/
- poor/
- ntsc/
- 9th Hell/
- Abyss/
- Apostasy/
- Arson/
- Ballistics/
- Carcass/
- Carcass
- Cheyens/
- Co-op/
- DNA/
- Demonix/
- Dream/
- Eclipse/
- Electron/
- Elixir/
- Entity/
- Evil/
- Fatal/
- Forces of Evil/
- Havok/
- IMP/
- Longshot/
- Lords/
- Mystique/
- Omni/
- Opal/
- PSW/
- Here are PSW's first 5 demos... In order from oldest to newest they are:
Wevealed, Spin, Test Pattern, DYCP and 12th Day.
- Plague/
- Reign of Terror/
- Renegade Programmers Group/
- Retro 64/
- These are all the files that Retro 64 has released up to date.
All are NTSC/PAL compatible.
The file "scd-r64" was removed, as it doesn't load at all.
- Revenge/
- Roy Batty/
- SSC/
- Second Dimension/
- Shade/
- Sinister/
- Storm/
- Style/
- Suicide/
- Suppliers/
- The Wanted/
- Time/
- Venom/
- Vile/
- Vortex/
- Wanderer/
- Braindead, rampar, puke demo, hellfire, 4kaos, something fishy,
cremation, catchem, cremation, diehard, envyintro, hellchild
- Wildfire/
- misc/
- ntsc-fixed/
- Note: All files in this directory are 'NTSC fixes' of European or
Australian demos. This just means they have been fixed to work on
NTSC c-64's, rather than the PAL c-64's the demos were originally
created on.
- pal/
- 20th Century Composers/
- Abnormal/
- Abnormal (Norway).
The demo "Little shit" is missing.
- Accuracy/
- Acrise/
- Active/
- Agony/
- Alcoholics/
- Antic/
- Array/
- Arson/
- Artline Designs/
- Ash&Dave/
- Asphyxia/
- ASPHYXIA is the oldest active c64 Polish demogroup.
- Assembly94/
- Content of this directory was updated 18-jan-95
(All releases should be final now) -Mysdee
- Assembly95/
- Assembly96/
- Here are the Commodore 64 productions from Assembly '96.
- Assembly97/
- Assembly '97 was held in August 1997 in Helsinki, Finland.
- Astral/
- Atrix/
- Avenger Electronics/
- Babygang/
- Battery/
- Beyond Force/
- Black Mail/
- Bonzai/
- Booze Design/
- Borderzone/
- Borderzone had 3 members: Psy, Mat and Demon.
- Brave/
- Brave was an Austrian group, formed by two Members (Jacky and Aacon)
after the splitting of The Wild Boys in 1989. To contact them, write to
Sascha Bamschoria <>
- Breeze/
- Byterapers Inc/
- Byterapers is a Finnish and
North European group that is still active and producing state-of-art demos.
Descriptions, screenshots and demo backgrounds can be found by linking
directly to (B)
C-64 warepage.
- Cage/
- Cage is a small English group. It was previously known as G-Tech.
- Camelot/
- Caution/
- Censor Design/
- Chromance/
- This directory contains the productions of Chromance,
a Hungarian group.
The LZH files contain whole disksides (ZipCode format),
and the LNX files contain multiple files.
Uploaded by Jean/Chromance (
- other/
- Collision/
- Commodore Clan/
- These demos were procuded by Commodore Clan, a Swedish group,
before it joined The Vicious Circle, which was based in Germany.
- Contex/
- Cosine/
- Cosmos Designs/
- Crazy/
- Creators/
- Creators home page:
These demos were uploaded by Kranix/Creators
a.k.a. Ola Jacob Mjøen Iversen <>.
- Crest/
- Crest is a German group. You can reach it over Internet via
its member Roland Tögel (
- Cross/
- Danelaw/
- Daniax/
- Daniax was a Danish group that used the acronym DNX.
- Danish Design/
- Death Sector/
- Defiance/
- DemoBit95/
- DemoBit95 was the first big party organized in Slovakia.
All participiants were from Slovakia and the Chech Republic.
- Diffusion/
- Digital Designs/
- Digital Designs was based in Norway.
These demos were uploaded by Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz'.
- Digitize Design Group/
- Digivision/
- Dinasours/
- Dual Crew/
- Dual Crew Shining
is a Swedish group that started in 1985.
- Eastenders/
- Eltronic/
- Elysium/
- Entropy/
- Equinoxe/
- Equinoxe was based in Germany.
- mags/
- Eternity/
- Extend/
- FBI Crew/
- This directory contains the productions of FBI Crew,
a Hungarian group that later formed Chromance.
The LZH files contain whole disksides (ZipCode format),
and the LNX files contain multiple files.
Uploaded by Jean/Chromance (
- other/
- FairLight/
- Fantasy/
- Fashion/
- Fatum/
- Fatum is a Polish group. GrABBA/Fatum, or
Robert Grabowski <> uploaded these files.
- Finnish Gold/
- Flash Inc/
- Flash Incorporated was formed in Sweden in 1989. Visit their
homepage at
for more information.
- Flood/
- Flood is a German demo group. Its home page is at This
demo was uploaded by Vultan/Flood <>.
- Focus/
- Forces of Evil/
- Galicya/
- Genesis_Project/
- Graffity/
- High Tec Crew/
- Hoaxers/
- Hoaxers has about 10 members, and is located in Norway.. As the demos
are in PAL, I guess some of you guys out there calling from the States
will have problems with some of the parts.. But it is still worth getting
Yours: Rune of Hoaxers (
- Horizon/
- Horizon is/was a Swedish group.
Here is an almost complete collection of Horizon's C64 demos. (Two demos
are missing: "Code Is An Art" and "Dolly Party".)
- Hype/
- IPC/
- Increasing Popularity Crew (IPC) was formed by
Morpheus/Flash Inc. and his friends.
- Ideal/
- Ideal is a Hungarian demo group. These demos were uploaded by
GCS/Ideal a.k.a. Laszlo Boszormenyi <>.
- Ikari/
- Ikon Visual/
- Interfox/
- This directory contains demos of Interfox.
The demos are written from about 1985 to 1989.
- Knickers/
- Leader/
- Leader is a Hungarian legal demogroup, with its homepage at The members are:
- Qcy ........ code, lead
- Satyr ...... code, edit
- Victory .... code
- Flash ...... gfx, music
- CopAss ..... code, gfx
- Con ........ music
- McLoad ..... ex-swap
- Lepsi/
- Light/
- Maniax/
- Masters' Design Group/
- Megastyle Inc/
- Megaunit/
- Modern Arts/
- Motion/
- Mr.Cursor/
- Mute 101/
- Nato/
- In the period summer 1989 to summer 1992 the BUDS (Brain Using Demo
section) produced 8 demos for NATO. Starting with Wraxirmer 5, later
came Twister, Catcher, Wriggler, Tripler, Matcher, Dodger and finally
the BUDS demo.
BUDS started with Overall and Maduplec as members, but after the first
demo "Wraxirmer 5", Overall stopped his activities. Maduplec then coded
the rest of the demos with graphics from friends and exclusive sound-tracks
supplied by the Vibrants. However, in the last couple of demos, all graphics
and music was made by Maduplec.
NATO and BUDS stopped producing demos when Maduplec and the other
remaining danish members joined Crest in 1992 when NATO was dissolved.
- Neoplasia/
- Nipson Product/
- NoName/
- Noice/
- North Party 1997/
- North Party 1997 was held at Bartoszyce, Poland in 7-9th February 1997
by Fatum Band and Kraciki Design. This was the first North Party, and
150 people attended to it.
- Graphics/
- Intros/
- Music/
- Nostalgia/
- Offence/
- Offence was lively in early 90's, and it is making a comeback.
- Oneway/
- Origo Dreamline/
- Orion/
- Oxyron/
- Padua/
- Panic/
- Panoramic Designs/
- Panoramic Design (Norway) (former Rawhead and The Shadows).
These demos were uploaded by Glenn/Shape.
- Paradize/
- Paragon/
- Plush/
- Pretzel Logic/
- Pretzel Logic (Sweden).
Uploaded by Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz'.
- Process/
- Psycho-Genesis/
- Pu-239/
- Pu-239 home page:
These demos were uploaded by Pasi 'Albert' Ojala <>
- Pulsar/
- Pulsar was a British demo group.
- Quality/
- This directory contains the productions of Quality, a Hungarian group.
The LZH files contain whole disksides (ZipCode format),
and the LNX files contain multiple files.
Uploaded by Jean/Chromance (
- other/
- Quintex Designs/
- Radio Fucom/
- Wolfgang Schliess coded demos in a number of German groups in the late
1980s and early 1990s.
- Radix/
- Rawhead/
- Rawhead (Norway).
- Rebels/
- Reflex/
- Resource/
- Resource is a rather new group based in Hungary. Its homepage is at
Uploads by Edhellon/Resource (
- Scallop/
- Science 451/
- Scouse/
- Shape/
- Shape is/was based in Norway.
Contact: Glenn Rune Gallefoss/Shape & Blues Muz'
- Shield/
- Shining 8/
- Shining 8 is a German demo group. These demos were provided by
Romrunner a.k.a. John Koelz <>. See also the Shining 8
home page
- Silicon Ltd/
- Sphinx/
- Spirit/
- Demos made by the group Spirit.
- Steel/
- Stoat&Tim/
- Sub Zero/
- T'Pau/
- Taboo/
- Taboo was founded in March 1992. Now, we have about 10 members, all of
us living in Poland. For more info about our present activity, go to
the Taboo Home Page
Yours, MMS/Taboo <>.
These files were uploaded by
Krzysztof Matula <>.
- Talent/
- Tetragon/
- The Ancient Temple/
- This is the current archive of TAT (The Ancient Temple) productions as it
also exists on
Uploaded 2000-05-25 by Icey (
- The Black Lords/
- The Cream Crackers/
- The Dutch USA-Team/
- The Judges/
- The Judges was a located in the Netherlands. They programmed some of the
first demos that fiddled seriously with $d011.
- The Last Science/
- The Leftovers/
- The Level 99 Industries/
- The Party 4/
- The Radbrekkjers (IOC)/
- The Radbrekkjers (IOC) demos
Notice that we have parodied several famous groups in our demos.
(Fairlight, Oxyron, Panoramic Designs, Budbrain (Amiga) etc...)
Our famous slogans:
-Schnabelkase immer, in deinem schlafenzimmer.
-Tanz mit mir Derrick, never mind Klein.
signed... Hi-potent :)
- The Ruling Company/
- The Shadows/
- The Shadows (Norway).
The demos were uploaded by Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz'
- The Sharks/
- The Supply Team/
- The Supply Team was a Danish group active in 1985-1989.
This collection of TST demos was uploaded by Rambones (
All files are in the public domain and may be put freely on CDs.
- The Vicious Circle/
- The Vicious Circle was a German group that got new members from
Commodore Clan, a Swedish group.
- Topaz Beerline/
- coop/
- Topaz Beerline co-operation demos
- misc/
- Tough/
- Triad/
- Triad is a cracker and demo group based in Sweden. The Triad homepage
is maintained by King Fisher at
These Triad productions were uploaded by King Fisher / Triad
a.k.a. Linus Walleij <>. Some of the files are unsorted
and with short filenames. These files should be correctly
transferred, unlike some Triad stuff you might have encountered
elsewhere on the net.
See also the Triad FTP site at
- Multifile Demos/
- These demos consist of multiple files.
Unfortunately we don't have the full file names of all productions,
and all the descriptions are missing.
- Onefile Demos/
- All these files are C64 demos packed into a single program file.
Some are distributed as Lynx archives.
The full file names for some productions are unfortunately missing.
Feel free to send us the descriptions for these demos.
- Text+Notes/
- Here are some texts and notes.
- Triangle 3532/
- Tribute1994/
- ## Stuff released at Tribute1994 ##
- Trinomic/
- Troopers/
- Troopers (Norway), later known as Prosonix.
- Unic/
- Unit5/
- Unit 5 was a Swedish demogroup.
Here are some of its productions.
The lzh files are multi-part demos. Use LHX64 to extract them.
- Vision/
- Visual Reality/
- War Deal Lamers/
- War Deal Lamers was formed in May, 1989, (-: and it was the lamest
group on the scene :-), but it becomes better afterwards, hopes
Suicide/WDL <>.
The group currently has two active coders but almost no graphics artists.
It hasn't published anything for a year, but there is a new demo under
construction, and it will be released on a demo party.
- Whoop/
- X-95/
- X-Ample/
- X-Factor/
- X-Factor, started as Imagination Developments, was founded in Denmark
in 1989. These files were uploaded by Nep/CML.
- Yawthrust/
- Z-Circle/
- Zoko/
- Zone45/
- Zoo'97/
- Zoo'97 - C=64 Party at 21-23.11.1997 in Pori, Finland
Total Epygt by Extend wasn't released yet in this pack because
the compo versions were not finished..
The D64 files were compiled by Agemixer/Scallop.
This text is written by Venturus/Vandals^Damage!
The logo in file_id.diz is drawn by Nup!/Pro^Arts.
- misc/
- Games/
- diskutil/
- archivers/
- directory/
- diskcopy/
- editors/
- fastloaders/
- filecopy/
- misc/
- routines/
- transfer/
- edu/
- Educational software for the Commodore 64
- Canada@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- games/
- All games you can find here are freely distributable. If you are looking
for commercial games, you are looking at the wrong place. Try e.g.
- Llamasoft/
- These games were produced by Jeff Minter a.k.a. Yak of Llamasoft in the 1980's. He has kindly given
permission to distribute these files. Most of these files have been
obtained from unauthorised copies that may have been modified by hackers.
Original disk, tape or cartridge images are welcome.
- The Bingo Team/
- The games by The Bingo Team are rather simple, often two-player games.
- adventures/
- Most of these text adventures were distributed by The Bingo Team
and uploaded by Most are written by Dorothy Millard.
- preview/
- graphics/
- converters.crossplatform@ (link)
- converters/
- GoDot/
- GoDot is an image processing program for the Commodore 64, developed
by Arndt Dettke. According to the author, this package has been placed
into the public domain on September 5, 2001. The following excerpt is
Seit dem 5. September ist GoDot Public Domain! Nach Rücksprache mit
allen bisherigen Distributoren habe ich mich zu diesem Entschluss
durchgerungen. Es kann nun in allen PD-Archiven und auf Clubdisketten
weitergereicht werden. Einzige Bedingung: GoDot darf nicht ohne meine
Erlaubnis für eine öffentliche Distribution verändert werden.
These compressed 1541 disk image files have been extracted from
the original ZIP files.
- demo/
- This is an old demo of GoDot, when the program still was distributed
on a shareware basis.
- misc/
- Miscellanous additions for GoDot.
- geos@ (link)
- editors/
- FGM/
- Most Fun Graphics Machine stuff has been uploaded by Jack VanderWhite.
- other/
- pictures/
- FLI/
- Some of these files require an FLI viewer, some are runnable, but might
work only on PAL or only on NTSC computers.
- Koala/
- MacPaint/
- PrintFox/
- other/
- Here you will find pictures in custom formats.
- runnable/
- viewers/
- html/
- magazines/
- Ahoy/
- Issues of the Ahoy magazine
- Diehard/
- Driven/
- Driven Mag, a North American scene magazine.
- Floppy Magazine/
- Floppy Magazine was published in Finland (in Finnish) from 1985 to 1988.
Tiedostonimistä ilmenee julkaisuvuosi. Kaksipuoliset levykkeet on merkitty
päätteillä "a" ja "b". Katso myös
- Gamers_Guide/
- Lately some of the older Guides were found to be corrupted and I have thus
made new transfers of the entire collection for safety reasons.
Programs used for this transfer were StarCommander 0.71 and Starlynx for
lynxing. I will now rely completely on Joe Forsters tools as they've shown to
be reliable in difference from other tools out there.
Files named gg_xx(n) are NTSC versions. From issue #09 forth the Guides
autodetect NTSC and fix themselves. We currently only have the NTSC
version of GG #06.
King Fisher / Triad aka Linus Walleij
-- Information Wants to be Free
- Gazette/
- Mojo/
- Mojo is published by a user group in North America.
- Newspress/
- Overshadow/
- Angels' Overshadow
diskmags all the released issues from 1997 to 2020.
- Propaganda/
- Propaganda is a PAL scene magazine.
- Tiger Disk/
- VandalismNews/
- Vandalism News disk magazine.
- Violence/
- Vision/
- manuals/
- Commodore 64 related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore
computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if
original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are
forbidden by copyright law.
- software/
- notemakers/
- os/
- GeckOS@ (link)
- ace@ (link)
- geos@ (link)
- lunix/
- LUnix is a simple multitasking OS for the Commodore 64 being developed
by Daniel Dallmann <>.
The LUnix homepage is at
- packers/
- These crunchers and packers are presented here mainly for historical
reasons. If you are looking for a fast and decent cruncher for serious
use, check Pasi Ojala's PuCrunch, a cross-platform cruncher.
- packetradio/
- This directory contains packet radio stuff for the C64. See modem.gif
for a schematic diagram. The software is packed using PK-Zip on MS-DOS.
Unpack it before transfering the files to your C64.
These files were uploaded by
- productivity/
- * This directory contains miscellaneous productivity software
* for the C64. This would include stuff like word processor,
* calculation software, and the like.
- programming/
- documents/
- roms@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- tapeutil/
- utilities/
- c65/
- Here is some stuff for the Commodore 65, whose production was canned
at the very last minute in late 1991.
To extract files from the .lha or .lzh archives, use
LHX64 in the C64 mode, available from /pub/cbm/c64/archivers/.
- docs@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- src@ (link)
- crossplatform/
- Here is our collection of cross-platform tools, e.g. programs that are
support the Commodore 8-bit computers on other platforms.
- audio/
- HighVoltageSIDs/
At last! A SID tune collection specifically designed for SIDPlayer!
This collection has around 95% of the most popular tunes from the
Commodore 64...
- msdos/
- sounds/
- converters/
- Amiga/
- Windows/
- c128@ (link)
- c64@ (link)
- msdos/
- pet@ (link)
- plus4@ (link)
- unix/
- vic20@ (link)
- emulators/
- Amiga/
- Atari/
- Frodo/
- Frodo V4.0 is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS, AmigaOS
and Windows systems.
Author: (Christian Bauer)
- MacOS/
- For more information about VICE, see its home page at
- android/
- For more information about VICE, see its home page at
- old/
- For more information about VICE, see its home page at
- plus/
- alec/
- This directory contains different releases of the
shareware ALE C64 emulator.
The files were uploaded by the author,
- c64s@ (link)
- cb64/
- The development of the Come Back 64 emulator has been discontinued.
- ccs64@ (link)
- msdos/
- VICE@ (link)
- c64s/
- ccs64/
- CCS64 is currently the best Commodore 64 emulator for Pentium boxes
running MS-DOS. The author is Håkan Sundell <>,
and CCS64's home page is at
CCS64 is also available for some Unix variants, see
- pc64/
- This directory contains distribution files of the Commodore 64 emulator
called PC64. It requires at least 386 and VGA, and runs in MS-DOS,
Windows, OS/2 as well as in the Linux dosemu.
PC64 for Windows is a newer product that requires Windows.
PC64 won't be developed or distributed any longer. See PC64-The End.txt
or PC64-Das Ende.txt for more details.
- transfer@ (link)
- pc64@ (link)
- resid/
- ReSID is a Commodore 6581 or 8580 Sound Interface Device emulator.
It is included in VICE, a versatile Commodore emulator.
- unix/
- VICE@ (link)
- graphics/
- Here you will find converters, viewers and image processing tools
for different platforms. These programs support the graphics formats
used on 8-bit Commodores.
- Amiga/
- c64@ (link)
- msdos/
- ConGo/
- ConGo is an accessory program for
GoDot, running on Windows 95 or 98. These files were uploaded by the
author, Matthias Matting.
- unix/
- programming@ (link)
- transfer/
- Data transfer utilities
- 1541-dos/
- These are the programs and instructions on how to read and write
MS-DOS disks with a modified 1541. A 1541-II cannot unfortunately
be modified for the program.
- 1541-to-PC/
- Amiga/
- C2N232/
- C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator
with an RS-232 interface. It was designed by
Marko Mäkelä (
The device allows data transfers between all 8-bit Commodore computers that
are equipped with a cassette interface (PET series, VIC-20, C64, C128,
264 series, PET-II series) and any computer that has a 38400 bps RS-232
interface. Supported protocols include pulse width modulation (normal
cassette LOAD/SAVE/OPEN, and any tape speeders that use at most 3 different
pulse widths), and a custom protocol whose transfer speed exceeds 38400 bps
already on a 1 MHz Commodore.
The software is work in progress. The preferred methods of using the C2N232
are c2nload and cbmlink, the replacement of prlink.
- firmware/
- C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator
with an RS-232 interface. It was designed by
Marko Mäkelä (
Here you can find the firmware for the C2N232 device.
- gallery/
- hardware/
- C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator
with an RS-232 interface. It was designed by
Marko Mäkelä (
The hardware design (made with the Eagle layout editor by CadSoft) is
based on two integrated circuits: an Atmel AT90S2313 microcontroller
and a Maxim MAX232 line driver.
These files may be used according to the terms of the GNU General Public
License. Essentially, you may make money and need not pay any royalties
to anyone, and if you modify the design, you must make the modifications
available on the same conditions.
- CBM-to-PC/
- Linux/
- datassette/
- misc/
- This directory contains miscellanous transferring utilities.
- demodisks/
- This directory contains test/demo diskettes (compressed disk images)
of different Commodore products. Uploads are naturally welcome.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- c128/
- Here are disks supplied with the Commodore 128.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- cpm@ (link)
- src@ (link)
- c64/
- This directory contains test/demo diskettes supplied with the
Commodore 64 or products tightly related with it.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- cpm/
- src@ (link)
- modem/
- Software for Commodore modems
- sfx/
- c900/
- Floppy and hard drive images for Commodore 900 (Z8000) computer.
Most images read in by the folks at, unless otherwise
- cmd/
- drives/
- This directory contains test/demo diskettes shipped with different
Commodore disk drives.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- other/
- This directory contains test/demo diskettes (compressed disk images)
shipped with miscellanous Commodore products.
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- pet/
- Test/demo diskettes for PET hardware
These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are
corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden
by copyright law.
- petdisk/
- These 8050 disk images were made from original-looking disks,
but the disks were not write protected. The txt files contain
the disk labels and the directory contents, and the d80.gz files
are GNU zipped 8050 disk images (2083 blocks, or 533248 bytes).
- documents/
- cables/
- chipdata/
- 6500/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group NMOS 6500/1 One-Chip Microcomputer
- 6509/
- CSG 6509 Microprocessor with Memory Management, 10/86
- 650x/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group: NMOS 6500 Series Microprocessors
- 6523/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group MPS 6523 Tri-Port Interface (TPI)
- 6525/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group MPS 6525 tri-port interface
- 6545/
- 6582/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group: HMOS 6582 Sound Interface Device
- 65c23/
- Commodore Semiconductor Group 65C23 Tri-Port Interface (preliminary)
- 6809/
- Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data: MC6809E 8-bit microprocessing unit
- 7501/
- This is a draft copy of the preliminary 7501 data sheet.
It originates from a pile of papers scanned by Tibor Biczo.
William Levak, who sorted and scaled the images, noticed that
all but 2 pages are reworked copies of the 6510 preliminary data
sheet. Page 2 is missing.
- la8200m/
- Sanyo LA8200M read/write amplifier data sheet
(equivalent to the Sony CX20185 and the Motorola MC28719)
- r650x/
- Rockwell R650X and R651X Microprocessors (CPU)
Document No. 29000D39, Data Sheet, Rev. 8, June 1987
- t6721/
- Toshiba Integrated Circuit, Technical Data: T6721A, T6772, T6684.
C²MOS Voice Synthesizing LSI, 1 Nov. 1983; revised 1 Jun. 1984.
- wd177x/
- Technical information about the Western Digital 1770/1772/1773
Floppy Disk Controller chips. The WD1770 and the WD1772 are used
in the Commodore 1570/1571 and 1581 disk drives.
- ym3526/
- This is the data sheet for the Yamaha YM3526 OPL FM synthesizer
chip used in the Commodore C64/C128 Sounder Expander cartridge.
Anyone wishing to program the YM3526 should refer to one of the
many documents available on the internet on programming the OPL
FM synthesizer used in Creative SoundBlaster cards.
According to Magnus Eriksson, the YM3526 should not be confused
with OPL2 (YM3812) or OPL3 (YMF262).
- disk-drives/
- maps@ (link)
- programming@ (link)
- projects/
- accelerators/
- turboprocess/
- Roßmöller TurboProcess was a 4 MHz 65816 cartridge for the Commodore 64.
- drives/
- Projects related to mass storage
- ieee-488/
- IEEE-488 a.k.a. HP-IB a.k.a. GP-IB is a parallel bus used in the
Commodore PET line of computers. For its home computers, Commodore
developed a very slow serial version of the bus.
- c64@ (link)
- vic20@ (link)
- interfaces/
- mouse/
- This is a serial mouse interface for Commodore computers. It effectively
lets you to connect an RS-232C PC mouse as a 1351 compatible device
to the joystick port.
- Filez/
- Gallery/
- plus4joy/
- Here you will find instructions on building an adapter for connecting
a normal Atari VCS 2600 style digital joystick to the Commodore plus/4.
The document was created and uploaded by Levente Hársfalvi
- video/
- memory/
- c128/
- Memory expansions for the Commodore 128, 128D and 128DCR
- 1028/
- This directory contains the instructions for building an internal memory
expansion of 256, 512 or 1024 kilobytes for the Commodore 128 or
Commodore 128D computers. There are different versions of the
documentation, and some software to test the memory expansion.
Don't forget to look for prlink in /pub/cbm/transfer. It is a
transfer system for PC or Amiga and C= 8-bit computers. It supports
also this memory expansion.
- c64/
- Memory expansions for the Commodore 64
- 256kB/
- This directory contains the instructions for building an internal memory
expansion of 256 kilobytes for the Commodore 64 computer. There are
different versions of the documentation, and some software to test the
memory expansion.
- pet/
- plus4/
- Memory expansions for the Commodore 264 Series
- reu/
- Memory expansions for the Commodore RAM Expansion Unit
- vic20/
- Memory expansions for the Commodore VIC-20
- other/
- rs232/
- The lack of real RS-232C interface on the C64 has inspired many
people to design their own interfaces and to write instructions
how to build them.
- scsi/
- transfer@ (link)
- repair/
- techtopics@ (link)
- faq/
- cpm@ (link)
- trivia/
- This directory contains Commodore trivia questions with answers.
These questions have been created by Jim Brain.
- firmware/
- This directory contains original firmware of 6502-based Commodore
products, for the purpose of troubleshooting and repairing old
equipment. If you have other ROMs or more precise information
(i.e. ROM part numbers), feel free to contact us.
- characters/
- computers/
- Firmware for Commodore 8-bit home computers.
The chronological order is: VIC-20, C64, plus/4, C128, C65.
- b/
- The Commodore 600 series was known as the B128 in the United States,
and the machine that was known there as the B256, was called the 700
series in Europe. These machines are also known as "CBM II Low Profile"
and "CBM II High Profile", respectively.
The 600 and the 700 series are almost identical, but 700 series machines
have a built-in monitor, a separate keyboard, and a different character
generator ROM. The 610/710 has 128kB RAM, the 620/720 has 256kB RAM,
and the 630/730 has 256kB RAM and a co-processor card (Z80 and 8088 were
planned, but it is not sure if these cards actually existed).
The 500 series uses a 6567/6569 VIC-II video chip instead of the 6845 CRTC.
It also runs at around 1 MHz instead of the 2 MHz of other Model B
Of th roms below, the kernal and BASIC 8k roms are 2364 / MCM68764 compatible,
while the character roms are .. complicated. The schematic says they are 4k
2332s, but also that pin 21 (an active-high chip select on the 2332) is A12,
which suggests it wants to be an 8k 2364/68764. I have no idea.
See also ../b/index.html and ../../../b/index.html.
- drives@ (link)
- other@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- c128/
- diag@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- other/
- ROM images for the open function-rom socket of the c128
- schematics@ (link)
- c64/
- Firmware for all variations on the Commodore 64k computer.
The eprom type for 8k BASIC & KERNAL is a 2564. A 2764 can
be used with an appropriate adapter. Char roms can be
replaced with a 2532, or a 2732 with adapter. The 16k rom
in the 64C can be replaced with a 27128 eprom.
- carts@ (link)
- diag@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- max/
- schematics@ (link)
- source@ (link)
- c65/
- The Commodore 65 was never produced. These ROM images are from
prototype units. The number codes are date codes: YYMMDD.
- c900/
- Various roms and disk images for the Commodore C900 (Z8000) computer
- kim1/
- lcd/
- 27c256 roms from the two known prototypes, namely those
from Bil Herd and Jeff Porter, with thanks to those
gentlemen for their help.
- pet/
- 8096/
- 8296/
- Commodore 8296 specific firmware
- schematics@ (link)
- SuperPET/
- The SuperPET is a 8032 PET with one or two added boards that were designed
at the University of Waterloo. The computer has a built-in RS-232C
interface and many built-in programming languages. In Europe, this machine
was called the MicroMainFrame 9000, or MMF 9000.
- schematics@ (link)
- cash_register/
- ROMS for prototype Commodore Cash Register, from Frank Hughes
- pictures@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- other/
- 3rd party firmware for the PET
Mostly for option rom slots:
-- UD12 $9000 (36864)
-- UD11 $A000 (40960)
- petdiag@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- source@ (link)
- plus4/
- Here are the ROMs for the Commodore 264 series, which includes the
C16, C116 and the plus/4.
- 232/
- 264/
- 364/
- This directory contains original firmware of the Commodore 364
prototype. Uploaded by Bo Zimmerman ( See for more information
All are 16K, either 23128 ROMs and 27128 EPROMs
- PI9/
- carts@ (link)
- diag@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- source@ (link)
- vic20/
- carts@ (link)
- diag@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- schematics@ (link)
- source@ (link)
- drives/
- Firmware for Commodore disk drives.
According to William Levak, Commodore used six different native
disk formats:
2040/3040 - This is slightly different from later formats:
tracks 18 - 24 have 20 sectors instead of 19.
2031/4040/1540/1541/1551/1570 - single sided, single density, 48tpi
1571 - A double sided version.
8050 - single sided, 96tpi
1001/8250 - double sided, 96tpi
1581, 3½" DD with MFM
While we're on the subject, Commodore's single density drives are actually
double density, and the double density drives are actually quad density.
Quad density disks have the same capacity of high density disks, but the
magnetic film is compatible with double density disks.
- new/
- Serial bus based Commodore disk drives
- 1541/
- This directory contains ROMs of 1540, 1541, 1541C and 1541-II drives.
The ROM checksums are valid. If you add the byte values together
(adc data:adc #0), the sum of the $c000-$dfff ROM will be $c0, and the
$e000-$ffff ROM will add up to $e0. This applies also to the halves of
the 1541-II ROM. The 2764 and 27128 eproms can be used as replacements.
- hacks/
- Modifications to the original Commodore 1540, 1541 or 1541-II firmware
- schematics@ (link)
- 1551/
- The 1551 was designed for the Commodore 264 series of computers,
consisting of the C16, C116 and plus/4.
Replacement eprom for firmware is the 27128
- schematics@ (link)
- 1571/
- Here is the firmware of the 1570, 1571 and 1571CR drives. There are some
differences between these drives. The 1570 is single-sided, while the
others are double-sided. See the README file for details.
The 27256 eprom can be used as a firmware replacement.
- schematics@ (link)
- 1581/
- The Commodore 1581 is a 3,5 inch drive with serial bus connection.
The drive used a normal MFM controller and a double density drive
mechanism. The 27256 can be used as a replacement eprom.
- hacks/
- These files were uploaded by TFSS of GPS (
- old/
- Here you will find firmware and technical data of Commodore's
professional disk drives, equipped with the IEEE-488 interface.
Most of the disk drive information was supplied by
William M. Levak <>.
- 1001/
- Firmware ROMs of COMMODORE SFD 1001 IEEE488 Floppy Disk Drive,
with 1MB capacity on 5¼" DS/DD disks.
- schematics@ (link)
- 2031/
- These files were uploaded by William M. Levak <>.
- schematics@ (link)
- 4040/
- These files were uploaded by William M. Levak <>.
- schematics@ (link)
- 8050/
- These files were uploaded by William M. Levak <>.
- d/
- The files in this directory were supplied by Olaf Seibert.
- 8060/
- 8280/
- These files were saved off some EPROM chips on a 8280 motherboard.
Uploaded by Bo Zimmerman <>.
- 9090/
- The Commodore D9060 and D9090 can use the same firmware. The difference
between these units is that the jumper J14 on the DOS board is open in
the D9060, and closed in the D9090 to select a 4-head vs. 6-head drive.
The jumper J13 seems to be unused.
According to Wolfgang Günther, the EPROM type may be 2564 or 2764,
depending on the board version ("Assy No. 300012-001, Rev.B" or
"Assy No. 300012-002, Rev.A"). This is the case of 300516/300517 rev.C.
- schematics@ (link)
- other/
- Firmware for disk drives not manufactured by Commodore.
- commander/
- Firmware for Commander Electronics Disk Drives
- misc/
- Firmware for Miscellaneous Disk Drives
- msd/
- These drives were manufactured by MSD Systems, Inc., 10031 Monroe,
Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75229. The SD-1 is a single disk drive unit,
and the SD-2 is a dual disk drive unit.
- misc/
- 264diag/
- c128diag/
- c64carts/
- btx/
- BTX, or Bildschirmtext, is/was a modem-based on-line system that started
in the 1980s. It was run by the state-owned telephone corporation.
- c64diag/
- cbm2carts@ (link)
- cbm_video_board/
- chessmate/
- cmd/
- petdiag/
- plus4carts/
- Firmware and cartridge images for the Commodore Plus/4
Includes the Commodore 116, C16, 232, 264, and V364 computers.
- Games@ (link)
- Tools@ (link)
- printerif/
- unknown/
- vc-20diag/
- viccarts@ (link)
- printers/
- 1515/
- 1520/
- 1525/
- 1526/
- The Commodore 1526 is a dot matrix printer that attaches to the serial bus.
- 3022/
- Firmware of the Commodore 3022 IEEE-488 printer
- 4022/
- 4023@ (link)
- 6400/
- 8023P-MPP1361/
- These files were uploaded by William M. Levak <>.
- 8028/
- These files were contributed by Nicolas Welte
- dps1101/
- mcs801/
- mcs810-820/
- mps1000/
- mps1224/
- mps1230/
- Firmware for the Commodore printer MPS-1230
- mps1270/
- mps2020/
- mps801/
- mps803/
- speed/
- This directory contains firmware for computers and disk drives
to speed up disk io. Check the manuals area for documentation.
- geos/
- GEOS is a graphical environment for the Commodore 64, 128 and the plus/4.
Some versions of it are available for download at
- GeoThek/
- This is a collection of German GEOS files (GeoThek library).
The collection is provided here "as is", mainly for two reasons.
First, the disks are organized with some kind of internal logic
(files that belong together are on the same diskette), and second,
even though many of these files are available in the main archive
(even as newer versions), some files may be adapted for German needs
and might not work in English GEOS versions properly.
Merging this collection with our GEOS archive would be possible but very
time-consuming, since there are no descriptions for individual files
(other than the info block), and it would be difficult to decide which
files belong together.
- 128/
- Fonts/
- Fotoalben/
- Programme/
- Spezial/
- geoPaint/
- sonstige/
- autoexec/
- c128/
- c64/
- comm/
- deskacc/
- drivers/
- input/
- printers/
- Here you will find some printer drivers for GEOS.
- fonts/
- 60dpi/
- 60dpimega/
- barcode/
- english/
- hungarian/
- math/
- mega/
- music/
- nonenglish/
- postscript/
- signlang/
- symbols/
- unsorted/
- utilities/
- games/
- graphics/
- albums/
- converters/
- demos/
- editors/
- images/
- To save space, all Lynxed and Converted files are in GNU Zip format.
The .sfx files can be directly used on the Commodore.
- viewers/
- magazines/
- LoadStar/
- Run/
- geoVision/
- geoWorld/
- manuals/
- non-GEOS/
- patches/
- plus4/
- Graphic Environment Operating System for the Plus/4
Might also require the 1551 disk drive.
Uses a joystick for operation
- productivity/
- docs/
- programming/
- documents/
- source/
- util/
- archiving/
- database/
- disk/
- file/
- font@ (link)
- internet/
- misc/
- printing/
- screensavers/
- sound/
- text/
- html/
- Here you will find miscellanous HTML documents and pictures
related to Commodore.
- c64@ (link)
- pet@ (link)
- plus4@ (link)
- magazines/
- c=hacking/
- The main C=Hacking archive is at
- code/
- Example programs for different C=Hacking issues
- 01/
- 02/
- 03/
- 04/
- 05/
- 06/
- 07/
- 08/
- 09/
- 10/
- 12/
- 13/
- 14/
- 15/
- 16/
- 17/
- 18/
- 19/
- 20/
- commodorefree/
- computes_gazette/
- disks@ (link)
- cursor/
- CURSOR Programs for PET Computers
Started in 1978 by The Code Works in Godeta, California
- disk/
- Disk magazines for different platforms
- c64@ (link)
- plus4@ (link)
- vic20@ (link)
- pet_users_club/
- Official Commodore magazine started in 1979
- transactor/
- The Transactor started on April 30, 1978, as a bulletin of
Commodore Business Machines at Agincourt, Ontario, Canada.
Later, it became an independent publication. The files in
this (still incomplete) archive were provided by Craig Bruce
and others. The metadata (textual descriptions) and the
browsing system were constructed by Marko Mäkelä.
Permission to distribute these files was granted by the editor of
The Transactor magazine, Karl Hildon, who is still selling reprints of
The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology,
../../manuals/anthology/index.html. Contact him for details at
If you have any of the missing magazines or disks, please contact us.
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- disks/
- These disk images are available here with the permission of Karl Hildon,
the former editor of The Transactor magazine. For each disk, there are
two files: a photograph of the label side, and a compressed image of the
1541 disk contents.
If you have any of the missing disks, please contact us.
- v4i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 4, Issue 06, May 1984
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i1/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 01, July 1984
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i2/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 02, September 1984
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i3/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 03, November 1984
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i4/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 04, January 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i5/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 05, March 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v5i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 06, May 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i1/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 01, July 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i2/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 02, September 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i3/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 03, November 1985
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i4/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 04, January 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i5/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 05, March 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v6i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 06, May 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i1/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 01, July 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i2/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 02, September 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i3/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 03, November 1986
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i4/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 04, January 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i5/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 05, March 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v7i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 06, May 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i1/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 01, July 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i2/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 02, September 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i3/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 03, November 1987
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i4/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 04, January 1988
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i5/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 05, March 1988
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v8i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 06, May 1988
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i1/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 01, September 1988
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i2/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 02, December 1988
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i3/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 03, February 1989
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i4/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 04, April 1989
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i5/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 05, June 1989
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- v9i6/
- The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 06, August 1989
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- manuals/
- Commodore related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers &
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing.
Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law.
- anthology/
- The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology was composed by
Karl J.H. Hildon, the editor of The Transactor magazine
He has given the permission to distribute these files, but he
is still selling reprints of this book. Contact him for
details at
These images were obtained from Craig Bruce. The metadata (textual
table of contents) and the browsing system were created by Marko Mäkelä.
- 100/
- 200/
- 400/
- c128/
- Commodore 64 related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore
computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if
original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are
forbidden by copyright law.
- c64@ (link)
- c65/
- c900/
- Commodore 900 related manuals and documentation
The non-Coherent docs were scanned by Frank Hughes
- cbm2/
- Manuals for Commodore 500/600/700 (CBM-II / PET-II) Computers
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore
computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if
original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are
forbidden by copyright law.
- cmd/
- Creative Micro Designs related manuals
Some of these manuals were originally distributed with CMD
computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if
original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are
forbidden by copyright law.
- drives/
- Manuals for Commodore disk drives
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore
computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if
original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are
forbidden by copyright law.
- monitors/
- Commodore Monitor related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers &
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing.
Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law.
- mos/
- other/
- peripherals/
- Commodore related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers &
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing.
Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law.
- pet/
- Manuals for the Commodore PET
These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers &
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing.
Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law.
- 8296supplement@ (link)
- MemExpansion/
- SuperPET/
- Waterloo Manuals for the SP9000 or MMF 9000 "SuperPET"
- SuperPET-overview/
- Commodore SuperPET Computers System Overview provides an introduction to
the hardware of the Commodore SuperPET and an overview of the Waterloo
software for that computer.
This manual was scanned by William Levak. The blank pages have been
- plus4/
- printers/
- Commodore related manuals
See also the Project 64 document homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at
These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers &
peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing.
Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law.
- vic20@ (link)
- maps/
- Memory Maps for various Commodore 8-bit computers.
Some of these are from
- pet/
- See also the PET home pages,, and
- SuperPET/
- The SuperPET is a 8032 PET with one or two added boards that were designed
at the University of Waterloo. The computer has a built-in RS-232C
interface and many built-in programming languages. In Europe, this machine
was called the MicroMainFrame 9000, or MMF 9000.
- firmware@ (link)
- os9/
- schematics@ (link)
- archivers/
- audio/
- Audio and music utilities for the PET series
- comm/
- mcterm/
- cursor@ (link)
- demodisks@ (link)
- demos/
- Demos for Commodore PET series computers
- Cursor/
- These animations were published in the Cursor tape magazine.
They work best on 40-column PETs. Beware, some of these demos
make use of the "smoke POKE" that speeds up video on older PETs
and may damage some newer models.
- Senil/
- Demos from the SENIL group. All require 80 column screen
- printer/
- edu/
- Canada/
- These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada
as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection
dated 1983. Unfortunately, not all disks are present, and not all disks
are complete.
These programs run on PETs with Basic 2.0 and 4.0 with either 40 or
80 column screens, and on the Commodore 64. On every disk there is the
program "cbm4032v2.1 50 hz" to run the programs on the 8032.
- misc/
- These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada
as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection
dated 1983. They run on the following computers: BASIC 2.0 PET,
BASIC 4.0 PET, 8032 CBM (with an 40-column emulator program) and
the Commodore 64. The programs seem to be slightly updated versions
compared to the collections at uploaded by Olaf Seibert.
- math/
- programming@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- games/
- english/
- 8k/
- hal6500/
- infocom/
- joy/
- Games adapted for user port Joystick controller found in the
documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis
- snes/
- Games adapted for the TexElec SNES controller found in the
documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis
- unsorted/
- german/
- html/
- HTML documents related to the Commodore PET
- manuals/
- 8296supplement/
- Supplement to the PET 8032 manual, covering the PET 8296.
- imgs/
- LOS-96/
- LOS-96 Handbuch. German manual for the PET 8096.
- German 8096 LOS-KIT User's Manual. LOS-KIT is a set of development tools
especially for the LOS-96 `operating system'.
- os/
- GeckOS/
- LOS-96/
- LOS-96 is an BASIC-4 extension for the 8096 and 8296
- LOS-96@ (link)
- LOS-KIT@ (link)
- prod/
- jimsam/
- programming/
- Programming examples, tools and documentation
- firmware@ (link)
- lessons/
- These files were uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995 and converted to
gzipped Lynx format by Marko Mäkelä in 2001.
- snippets/
- schematics@ (link)
- src@ (link)
- unsorted/
- CBM/
- Official software from CBM for Pet comptuers
- Davies/
- Collection from John Davies of Wales
- ICPUG Collection "Brown", "COMAL", and various disks
- JB/
- KBV/
- Assembly source from K.B.V. Controls
- KenRoss/
- Collection from Ken Ross of London
- utilities/
- text/
- pictures/
- 8280/
- c65/
- This directory contains pictures of a Commodore C65 prototype. The
project was canned, but the prototypes were sold in Autumn 1993 when
Commodore liquidated one of its warehouses. The pictures are scanned
from the German 64'er magazine, issue 3/94. Read the article and also
the interview of a chief engineer Fred Bowen in issue 4/94 to get more
Note that these pictures have poor quality, since they were scanned
from the magazine.
- cash_register/
- custom/
- Pictures of custom 8-bit equipment or hacks
- gpage1/
- Here are the pictures of George Page's computer collection, part 1.
You'd better view them through the file gpage1.html.
- t/
- Here are the thumbnails of George Page's computer collection, part 1.
You'd better view them through the file ../gpage1.html.
- gpage2/
- Here are the pictures of George Page's computer collection, part 2.
You'd better view them through the file gpage2.html, which has full
descriptions of the images.
- t/
- Here are the thumbnails of George Page's computer collection, part 2.
You'd better view them through the file ../gpage2.html, which has full
descriptions of the images.
- lcd/
- This directory contains pictures of a Commodore LCD prototype.
- manuals/
- other/
- plus4/
- This directory contains software for the Commodore 264 series,
which includes the plus/4, the C16 and the rarely seen C116.
All software should run on a plus/4, and on a C16 with a 64kB
memory expansion.
Special thanks go to Lion/Chromance <>, the maintainer
of the site, and to Luca/FIRE
<>, a plus/4 scener who has uploaded
most files.
The page lists all major
Commodore 264 related archive sites.
- Archivers/
- Archivers and DeArchivers for Plus/4 and C16 computers
- Demos/
- The Commodore plus/4 demo archive
- 220V/
- 23C/
- A-System/
- ATI/
- Absence/
- HOT/
- magazines@ (link)
- Aliens/
- Anarchy/
- Animals/
- Assassins/
- magazines@ (link)
- Axis/
- Scanners@ (link)
- BKN/
- BOM/
- Beginner_Duo/
- Boray/
- CAD/
- CSM/
- Callisto/
- Carrion/
- CeeKay/
- Charon/
- Coby/
- Coroners/
- These stuffs are packed all with LHA 2.12 (under DOS), with -o switch
(compatible mode). So they may be depackable on other systems, too.
The format of files is the usual .d64 (...zipcode does'nt exist on
Plus/4, moreover, depacking is screamly slow on Commodores...) disk-image
which is handled by C64S and much PC-1541 transferring stuffs. You can
especially use Trans64 to put these images back to an 1541-format disk
(1551 uses the same format, too). There should be ways on other systems
but I still don't work on them so...
N-JOY the progs... Old Commodores never die!!!
Beard / Coroners
- Cosine/
- Crown/
- DeltaSystem/
Short history
The Plus/4 section of Delta System was organized on the Autumn of 1990
with three members: UPC, Charles and Toma. There were no serious work
of ours 'till the Summer of 1991, but after that more & more programs
have been released (see below). Later two new members have joined our
section, namely: St.GLS and RVN (later Dragon) - a gfxman. In the
Winter of 1992 - after releasing our great megademo - the section has
been dissolved, though St.GLS has worked a few more months on. Most of
our works have been explored by the majority just posthumous.
If you're interested in any of these stuffs, just E-mail
Future prospects:
Since every member has sold its machine and moved to PC, and the
whole Plus/4 life is about to die, this section won't be reorganized
List of the past's Plus/4 members:
- Doky/
- EDC/
- ELF/
- ETC/
- Electronic+EVS/
- Exceed/
- FMJ/
- FYC/
- Fire/
- LoneNews@ (link)
- GFW/
- CoolNews@ (link)
- Gods Of The Universe
is a Hungarian group. Lavina/GOTU (Laszlo Szucs) can be reached at
- Supernews@ (link)
- Genesis_Project/
- Gentlemen/
- George/
- Gerliczer/
- Graffity/
- Grass/
- HBB/
- HOT/
- Heroes of Time (HOT)
All these productions were coded by the famous ULF! (
- HQC/
- These productions are from the group High Quality Crackings.
- Kruk/
- Kuni/
- LBM/
- LOD/
- LSS/
- Litwr/
- Logiker/
- MAT/
- MMS/
- MOS/
- MTV/
- MX/
- Methabolix
- Monarchy/
- Muffbusters/
- NST/
- New System Technology was a Hungarian group with the following
main members:
BAND (Endre Domokos),
BSZ (Balazs Szabo),
SENSOR (Istvan Dudok),
SZAKI (Tamas Sachs),
STINKY (Adorján Zoltán),
SUTY (Sütô Tibor).
There were some temporary members as well.
This information was provided by Szaki/NST (,
who will upload some more NST stuff next year.
- Nukem/
- PCS/
- PGC/
- Pigmy/
- RTS/
- Scorpions/
- magazines@ (link)
- Shine/
- Skoro/
- Spektro/
- Synergy/
- Synergy is a German plus/4 group. Its homepage is at
- Signals@ (link)
- TBC/
- TCB/
- TCL/
- TDC/
- TEC/
- TEK/
- TLT/
- TSG/
- TTC/
- TTL/
- TUW/
- Terrorists/
- TerrorNews@ (link)
- The_Byte/
- Thrust/
- These productions are from the group Thrust.
They were programmed by ULF! (
- UTG/
- Unlimited/
- Vanguard/
- Vortex/
- Wacky/
- Wilds/
- magazines@ (link)
- misc/
- Games/
- The plus/4 game archive.
- 1k/
- The executable program files of all these games are at most
1 kilobyte long. They may use more memory at run time.
- Llamasoft/
- These games have been converted from Commodore 64 titles made by
Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
- Solitaire/
- This plus/4 solitaire card game collection consists of games packed
into self dissolving archives. The games run both on PAL and on NTSC
systems. Uploaded by James Hehl <>.
- carts/
- misc/
- The plus/4 game archive.
The games have been sorted by their names into different subdirectories.
- 0/
- a/
- b/
- c/
- d/
- e/
- f/
- g/
- h/
- i/
- j/
- k/
- l/
- m/
- n/
- o/
- p/
- q/
- r/
- s/
- t/
- u/
- v/
- w/
- x/
- y/
- z/
- unsorted/
- Unsorted Plus/4 games uploaded by Gary P
- Parties/
- Global Pardey II/
- Hi Dear +4 Scene!
Here are some photos about plus 4 freax. Most of them were shot on
GLOBAL PARDEY II. in 1994 by Lacoste of WLS and Lavina of Gotu in Debrecen,
Hungary. Please upload similar photos if you have some.
Sorry for the bad resolution of the images (Handyscan sucks!)
- Tools/
- The plus/4 tool/utility collection
- Assembler/
- BBS/
- Business/
- Calendar/
- Clock/
- Compression/
- Database/
- Diagnostics/
- Dictionary/
- Disk/
- Education/
- Graphics/
- HamRadio/
- Lottery/
- Math/
- Misc/
- Music/
- Print/
- Programming/
- Tape/
- Utilities for the datassette
- Text/
- carts/
- firmware@ (link)
- geos@ (link)
- html/
- HTML documents related to the Commodore 264 series
- magazines/
- The plus/4 disk magazine collection
The magazines are sorted by the publishing groups.
- A-System/
- Absence/
- Assassins/
- Axis/
- BOM/
- Commodisk/
- Das_Magazin/
- Doki_News/
- EDC/
- EVS/
- Fire/
- Magazines by Fire.
Luca/Fire (Luca Carrafiello) can be reached at
See also
- GFW/
- Supernews magazine by GOTU
Lavina/Gotu (Laszlo Szucs) can be reached at
- GS/
- Hacker/
- Hard/
- Korak/
- Korak was a guy who didn't belong to any groups. He is one of the
great mysteries on the plus/4 scene, because nobody really knows who
he is. According to Lavina/GOTU, Korak also made everyone angry with
his comments about the scene.
- LEH/
- Lamer_News/
- MB/
- MBC/
- MTH/
- MTV/
- MX/
- Nukeman/
- Plus4_Power/
- Proky/
- Scorpions/
- Softy/
- Synergy/
- Signals is magazine published by a German group Synergy
on a rather irregular basis. The Signals home page is
- Terrorists/
- Unlimited/
- Unlimited is a German group whose home page
is at
- Club-Info/
- These magazines were downloaded from
and converted to gzipped disk images.
- Pluvi/
- These magazines were downloaded from
and converted to gzipped disk images.
- Wilds/
- manuals@ (link)
- plus4joy@ (link)
- programming/
- Information for plus/4, C16, C116 and V364 programmers
- manual/
- This Commodore plus/4 hardware manual was downloaded from
and the images were reduced and improved by William Levak.
See manual.html if you are using an HTML browser.
- t/
- Here you can find the thumb-nail images for the Commodore plus/4 hardware
manual. Go to the parent directory for more information.
- schematics@ (link)
- unsorted/
- This directory contains software uploaded by Jack Vander White.
No file descriptions are available.
- CBM/
- Software release by Commodore for their C16 and Plus/4 computers
These were usually in multi-tape packs.
- Ceep4a/
- These files contain 1541 disk images with some new plus/4 programs
programmed by Jim Hehl.
The files are courtecy of COMMODORE CEE Disk Magazine.
- programming/
- Programming information and tools.
See also and
- Amiga/
- b@ (link)
- c128@ (link)
- c64@ (link)
- cc65/
- Original location:
This directory contains sources and binaries for my port of
the cc65 C compiler. See
for more information.
- geos@ (link)
- msdos/
- The programs in this directory are for MS-DOS. If you develop programs
with these tools, you will need a transfer system to get the binaries to
a real Commodore, or you must use an emulator.
- pet@ (link)
- plus4@ (link)
- unix/
- The programs in this directory are typically to be on a bigger system
than an 8-bit Commodore. Most of these programs can be compiled on
non-unix systems, such as MS-DOS. If you develop programs with
these tools, you will need a transfer system to get the binaries to
a real Commodore, or you must use an emulator.
- vic20@ (link)
- schematics/
- Here are schematic diagrams of different Commodore devices.
You may also want to visit (USA) or (Germany) who sell service manuals
and schematic diagrams for various devices.
- cartridges/
- Cartridges for various computers
- c128/
- diag@ (link)
- c64/
- External cartridges for the Commodore 64
- cpm/
- The Commodore 64 CP/M cartridge has a Z80 processor running at 1 MHz.
The schematic diagram of the cartridge was reverse-engineered by
Ruud Baltissen. There is also some documentation on this cartridge in
early prints of the Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide. In later
prints, the pages that originally described the CP/M cartridge were
left blank.
- demodisks@ (link)
- demodisks@ (link)
- diag/
- diag2@ (link)
- freezer/
- Freezer cartridges allow the running program to be stopped, so that
memory images can be backed up, modified or restored.
- ieee-488/
- Commodore's IEEE-488 cartridge for the Commodore 64. Reverse-engineered
by Wolfgang Günther <>.
- magic-voice/
- The Commodore Magic Voice cartridge is a speech synthesizer with a very
limited vocabulary of English. For more information about the cartridge,
- sfx/
- The Commodore SFX Sound Expander was designed by Richard Watts of
Music Sales Ltd and sold by Commodore as part of the 'Commodore SFX'
product line. The cartridge uses an FM synthesis chip, the YM3256 OPL,
which is similar to the YM3812 OPL2 chip used in the AdLib and
SoundBlaster cards for IBM PC compatibles.
- demodisks@ (link)
- userport@ (link)
- pet/
- Commodore PET add-ons
- plus4/
- Cartridges for the Commodore 264 series (C16, C116 and plus/4)
- userport/
- Cartridges for the user port (Commodore 64 and VIC-20)
- modem/
- Commodore telephone modems (VICMODEM, 1650, 1660, 1670 et al) are
plugged into the user port.
- vic20/
- Cartridges for the VIC-20
- ieee-488/
- CBM IEEE-488 cartridges
VIC-1112 reverse-engineered by Wolfgang Günther <>
- userport@ (link)
- computers/
- Here are schematic diagrams of different Commodore computers.
Many of these directories also contain service and Tech manuals
- b/
- The Commodore Model B service manual and schematic diagrams
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- c128/
- The Commodore 128 existed in three different major board versions:
The first board was used in the flat 128 and in the plastic-cased 128D.
Then came the 128DCR board, with the floppy controller integrated on the
motherboard. There was also a 128CR (cost-reduced flat 128).
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- power/
- Power supplies of the Commodore 128 computers
Scanned by Martin Buchty, uploaded by Oliver Weissflach,
improved by William Levak
- servicemanuals/
- manual/
- Service Manual C-128/C128D Computer, November 1987, PN-314001-08
- c64/
- Here are some schematic diagrams of the Commodore 64.
- cartridges@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- manual-html/
- manual/
- Service Manual, Model C64 Computer, Feb. 1985 PN-314001-02
- servicemanuals/
- sx-64/
- c65/
- rev-3/
- c900/
- pet/
- 2001/
- The PET 2001, the first microcomputer by Commodore.
- 2001N/
- This is the service information on the 2001N/3000/4000 (no CRTC).
This is the dynamic system board.
- 8032/
- 8096/
- 8296/
- Commodore 8296 schematic diagram
- SuperPET/
- SuperPET or MicroMainFrame 9000 additional boards. A later version
has all boards combined into one.
- cash_register/
- Schematics for Universal CMOS PET, board 4090055,
and "Magic Board" printer interface
- firmware@ (link)
- pictures@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- ports/
- re/
- Here you will find the schematic diagrams of the Commodore PET computers
drawn by Ruud Baltissen. Everything else is covered except the power
supply and the power connector.
- univ/
- This is the universal system board used in the 4000-12 and later 8032
- univ2/
- Universal system board (later version). There are many small changes,
mostly ferrite beads, and filter capacitors. There are also fewer memory
options on this board.
- plus4/
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- manual/
- Service Manual Model Plus 4 Computer Oct. 1984 PN-314001-04
- vic20/
- The VIC-20 and the VIC-20CR
- cartridges@ (link)
- drives@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- datassette/
- Datasette service manual model C2N/1530/1531, preliminary, Oct. 1984
PN-314002-02. Pages scanned in two parts are designated "l" and "r" for
the left and right parts.
- drives/
- Commodore disk drives
- new/
- Here are schematic diagrams of new Commodore disk drives
(with serial bus interface)
- 1541/
- There are several versions of the Commodore 1541 disk drive.
Some are covered by the technical manual, other schematics were scanned
from later documents. There is even a reverse engineered diagram of the
1541-II drive.
- service/
- tech/
- Commodore Single Disk Drive, Technical Manual, Model 1540/1541, P/N
990445. There is no date, but it looks to be about 1984. This is an
early version covering only the 1540 and 1541, with an update that
covers the 1541B.
- 1551/
- Here is the schematic diagram of the Commodore 1551 disk drive.
- 1571/
- Here is the schematic diagram of the Commodore 1571 floppy disk drive.
The schematic also applies to the built-in 1571 in the Commodore 128D
to some extent, but not to the 1571CR, which is integrated on the
motherboard of the Commodore 128DCR. You can find those diagrams
among the Commodore 128 schematics.
- manual/
- This directory contains an HTML version of the Commodore 1571
service manual (PN-314002-04, October 1986).
- 1581/
- Service Manual, 1581, 3.5" Disk Drive, June 1987 PN-314982-01
- other/
- old/
- Here are schematic diagrams of old Commodore disk drives
(with IEEE-488 interface)
- 1001/
- The SFD-1001 is a single floppy drive equipped with CBM DOS 2.7.
- manual/
- These pages are from the Commodore SFD-1001 single floppy drive service
manual. The file names indicate page numbers.
- 2031/
- This is from a copy of the manual. The original had a number of
double fold-out sheets that had no apparent need for this format,
so I made them two separate pages when I coppied them. I have done
the same thing here but have numbered the pages "l"(left) and "r"(right)
to preserve the original pagination.
- 4031/
- 4040/
- The Commodore 2040/3040/4040 floppy disk drive
- 8050/
- Most files are from the 8050 - 8250 Dual Disk Drive Service Manual,
June 1985, PN-314011-03
That manual contained many triple width fold out pages. Most had a wide
enough margin so that they could be scanned as a double width page. Those
that could not are designated with a "l" for left and "r" for right parts
of the page. All but page 13 could be split so that no information was
cut in two by the split.
- 8280/
- Information about the Commodore 8280 8" Disk Drive
Almost everything you see here was assembled and
uploaded by William Levak.
- pictures@ (link)
- 9090/
- Commodore Hard Disk Drive Technical Manual, Model 9060/9090, P/N 990441
- schematics/
- kim-1/
- The KIM-1 was a 6502 learning kit produced by MOS Technologies.
These files were reconstructed by Ruud Baltissen.
- src@ (link)
- misc/
- monitors/
- printers/
- techtopics/
- src/
- Here you will find released source code of different Commodore
firmware and software.
- b/
- c128/
- c64/
- c65/
- drives/
- kim-1/
- pet/
- plus4/
- printer/
- vic20/
- transfer@ (link)
- vic20/
- Software for the Commodore VIC-20 computer
- archivers/
- Here you will find archivers and dearchivers for the VIC.
Most programs here require an 8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- assembler/
- Here you will find some tools that might be helpful when coding
machine language on the Vic. But you'd be much better off using some
sort of a cross-development system. Most programs here require an
8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- audio/
- Audio software for the Commodore VIC-20
- carts/
- This directory contains freely distributable game cartridges for the
Commodore VIC-20, mostly published between 1981 and 1985.
The cartridges are sorted by ROM size, usually 4, 8 or 16 kilobytes.
- 4k/
- 8k/
- collections/
- Collections of VIC-20 software, usually sold by
Commodore in Tape form, and usually in boxed
- demos.basic/
- Here you will find demos and other programs that require little
interaction. All of these programs have been written in BASIC.
- 3k/
- 8k/
- printer/
- These programs print pictures on a 80-column printer.
- superexpander/
- These programs require the Super Expander cartridge.
- unexpanded/
- demos/
- AD/
- These demos require at least an 8-kilobyte expansion and were
produced by Andreas Dietmair (
Note that the phone number listed in the demos is no longer valid.
- Bonzai/
- These files were uploaded by Walt/Bonzai (Anders Fogh).
- Pu-239/
- Pu-239 is a Finnish Commodore demo group, see
- aeeben/
- These programs are © Aleksi Eeben (,
- firmware@ (link)
- games.basic/
- Welcome to the VIC-20 game collection! The games are sorted by the memory
expansions that they require.
- 16k/
- The games in this directory require at least 16 kilobytes of extra memory.
They are written in BASIC and require no joystick, unless otherwise
- 32k/
- 3k/
- The games in this directory are written in BASIC and require a 3-kilobyte
memory expansion, like the Superexpander. Some of them work also with
a bigger expansion.
- 8k/
- Unless otherwise stated, all games in this directory require at least
8 kilobytes of expansion memory and are written in BASIC.
- tb/
- This directory contains games that require Turtle BASIC, another BASIC
expansion that requires a memory expansion of at least 8 kilobytes.
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise stated, all games in this directory are designed for
single player, are written in BASIC and work in an unexpanded Vic.
- games/
- Welcome to the VIC-20 game collection! The games are sorted by the memory
expansions that they require.
- 16k/
- The machine language games in this directory require at least 16 kilobytes
of extra memory, unless otherwise specified.
- Scott Adams/
- This directory contains text adventure games by Scott Adams They require 16 kilobytes of memory
at blocks 2 and 3, so you will need either a configurable 16k expansion,
or a 24k expansion to play these.
- 20k+/
- 3k/
- 8k/
- Unless otherwise stated, all machine language games in this directory
require at least 8 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- multipart.8k/
- Here are some multi-part VIC-20 games. All of them consist of a loader
and the actual program, which begins with "zz". All programs require at
least 8 kilobytes of memory expansion. The loaders require disk device
#8, unless otherwise specified.
- multipart.unexpanded/
- Here are some multi-part VIC-20 games. All of them consist of a loader
and the actual program, which begins with "zz". All programs work without
any memory expansion. The loaders require disk device #8, unless otherwise
specified. Gradually, these files will be converted to stand-alone
programs in ../unexpanded.
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise stated, all machine-language games in this directory
are designed for single player. All programs work without any memory
- unsorted/
- graphics/
- editors/
- pictures/
- These pictures were constructed around 1989 by Andreas Dietmair
( They require an 8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- viewers/
- magazines/
- Rockford FD/
- Rockford FD is a German disk magazine, apparently published in the 1990s.
- manuals/
- VIC-20 related documentation
- games/
- misc/
- VIC-20 misc documentation
- super-expander/
- Commodore VIC-20 Super Expander cartridge (3k RAM and extended BASIC)
- programming/
- Programming examples, tools and documentation
- VIC-Forth/
- roms/
- This collection was originally downloaded from,
but it has been extended since then. Should you have any VIC-20
cartridges that are not listed here, please let us know.
The files are in PRG format, i.e. the first two bytes contain the starting
address. You can use the VIC-20's LOAD command to load these files,
provided you have a RAM expansion in the appropriate memory area.
- 16k/
- 4k/
- All these files are 4k cartridge images, located at $a000-$afff.
- 8k/
- Here you will find 8k and 4k+4k cartridges.
- other/
- tools/
- 4k/
- These tools are 4kB or smaller cartridges.
Instructions for these tools are welcome.
- 8k/
- All these are 8kB cartridges.
Instructions for these tools are welcome.
- schematics@ (link)
- utilities/
- Here is the VIC-20 utility collection.
- 16k/
- 20K+/
- 3k/
- 8k/
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise notified, the programs here are written in BASIC.
Mirror sites
General information
File types