Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


HTML documents related to the Commodore PET


cassinterface.zip 2009-08-18 112278
Instructions on building a cassette interface for C= computers
Commodore PET FAQ.html 2021-06-02 61570
Original PET FAQ by Larry Anderson. Updated @portcommodore.com

peddle.de.html 2009-08-18 4564
A German article about Chuck Peddle
peddle.en.html 2009-08-18 4203
English translation of an article about Chuck Peddle
peddle.gif 2009-08-18 30908
Picture of Chuck Peddle

sipodp3.zip 2009-08-18 34628
IEC to IEEE interface between c64/vic and PET

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