- Software for the Commodore VIC-20 computer
- Index of all files under this area, text version.
- Index of all files under this area, HTML version.
- Cartlist-1.9m.txt
- List of (almost) all VIC-20 cartridges ever produced,
version 1.9m (June 6, 1998).
Composed by Ward F. Shrake and Paul A. Le Brasse.
- Cartlist-2.10.txt
- List of (almost) all VIC-20 cartridges ever produced,
version 2.10 (July 29, 2001).
Composed by Ward F. Shrake and Paul A. Le Brasse.
- Cartzilla.html
- Reviews of (almost) all VIC-20 game cartridges ever produced.
Composed by Ward F. Shrake.
HTML version by Marko Mäkelä.
- Cartzilla.old.txt
- Reviews of (almost) all VIC-20 game cartridges ever produced.
Composed by Ward F. Shrake. Initial release.
- Cartzilla.txt
- Reviews of (almost) all VIC-20 game cartridges ever produced.
Composed by Ward F. Shrake. Proofread by Marko Mäkelä.
- FAQ.txt
- Frequently Asked Questions about the VIC-20 Classic Game & Home
Computing System, Release 2b (Ver 1.3) July 1997. © 1997 Ward Shrake
- Tapelist.txt
- A list of VIC-20 tape games. Composed by Ward F. Shrake.
- VIC-Tech.zip
- Information how to archive VIC-20 game cartridges.
Written by Ward F. Shrake.
- memorytest.zip
- A simple memory tester written by Timo Raita. Documentation, source
code and binary included.
- archivers/
- Here you will find archivers and dearchivers for the VIC.
Most programs here require an 8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- puzip113.v20.prg
- ZIP Compressor for the VIC-20 (16K expansion required)
- assembler/
- Here you will find some tools that might be helpful when coding
machine language on the Vic. But you'd be much better off using some
sort of a cross-development system. Most programs here require an
8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- 6502 Assembler.prg
- A simple 6502 assembler written in BASIC.
- Assam 20.prg
- An assembler written in machine language.
- Basmon.prg
- A simple hex-dec conversion tool with some features.
- Dis Assembler.prg
- A 6502 disassembler written in BASIC.
- MLX 2.02.prg
- A utility for entering machine language programs (enter bytes in decimal
notation, with checksums over 6 byte groups).
- MLtracer.prg
- A 6502 simulator (single-stepper) written in BASIC.
- Mach.taal Les 1.prg
- Mach.taal Les 2.prg
- Mach.taal Les 3.prg
- Mach.taal Les 4.prg
- Mach.taal Les 5.prg
- Mach.taal Les 6.prg
- Mach.taal Les 7.prg
- Mach.taal Les 8.prg
- Mach.taal Les 9.prg
- Mach.taal Les 10.prg
- Mach.taal Les 11.prg
- Mach.taal Les 12.prg
- A machine language course in Dutch.
- Sammon ($2000).prg
- A machine language monitor of some sort.
- Source (40t).prg
- A disassembler that writes the output into a disk file.
- vicdebug98-sys40960.prg
- vicdebug98.txt
- A machine language monitor with some advanced features, such as a
symbol table for VIC-20 KERNAL jump table entries. Uploaded by the
author, kevinsayler@hotmail.com or ksayler1@dtgnet.com.
- audio/
- Audio software for the Commodore VIC-20
- fisichella.lnx
- Fisichella v1.2, a music editor by Aleksi Eeben (aleksi@cncd.fi),
- loop arranger.lnx
- Loop Arranger, a music pattern editor by Aleksi Eeben (aleksi@cncd.fi),
http://www.cncd.fi/aeeben/. Requires 3k or 8k expansion.
- micro_vicious_2.0_d64.zip
- Music synth program for unexpanded vic with docs
- victracker-1.0.tar.gz
- VIC-TRACKER is a full-featured tracker-style music editor.
A song compressor/compiler is included which runs on any Unix system and
produces Vic-20 assembly source files. This file contains the source
code, released under the BSD license.
- victracker-2.0-vic20.zip
- VIC-20 binaries and several demo songs of VIC-TRACKER 2.0. Also the source
code package for Unix is included.
- victracker-2.0.d64.gz
- VIC-20 binaries and several demo songs of VIC-TRACKER 2.0 as a 1541 disk
image. Also the source code package for Unix is included.
- victracker-2.0.tar.gz
- VIC-TRACKER is a full-featured tracker-style music editor for the
Commodore VIC-20. A song compressor/compiler is included which runs on
any Unix system and produces Vic-20 assembly source files.
This file contains the source code, released under the BSD license.
See also Daniel Kahlin's VIC-TRACKER page at
- victracker-20041023_d64.zip
- VIC-Tracker beta version with tape support. The archive includes:
1541 disk image, .tap-tape image, source code and vic-20 binaries in a
zip archive. http://www.kahlin.net/daniel/victracker/
- victracker-vic20.zip
- VIC-20 binaries and a demo song of VIC-TRACKER 1.0. Also the source code
package for Unix is included. See also Daniel Kahlin's VIC-TRACKER
page at http://www.kahlin.net/daniel/victracker/.
- carts/
- This directory contains freely distributable game cartridges for the
Commodore VIC-20, mostly published between 1981 and 1985.
The cartridges are sorted by ROM size, usually 4, 8 or 16 kilobytes.
- FE3-Cart_Collection.zip
- SDCard image for VIC Final Expansion 3 cartridge. Includes numerous roms.
- 4k/
- quikman-rom.a0
- Pac-Man clone by Robert Hurst
- 8k/
- IFR (Flight Simulator).prg
- An instrumental flight simulator by Ron Wanttaja
http://www.wanttaja.com, published by Academy Software.
- IFR-copying.txt
- Ron Wanttaja's declaration that his IFR game can be copied for personal
or non-profit use.
- IFR.txt
- quikman-8k.a0
- Pac-Man clone by Robert Hurst
- collections/
- Collections of VIC-20 software, usually sold by
Commodore in Tape form, and usually in boxed
- 3501_quizmaster_data_quiz_2.tap
- 3501_quizmaster_data_quiz_2_bad.tap
- 3501_quizmaster_program_s1.t64
- 3501_quizmaster_program_s2.t64
- VIC-3501 QuizMaster
- 3504_know_your_own_personality_s1.t64
- 3504_know_your_own_personality_s2.T64
- 3504_personality_data_s1.tap
- 3504_personality_data_s2.tap
- VIC-3504 Know your own Personality
- 3505_demonstration_data_s1.tap
- 3505_demonstration_data_s2.tap
- 3505_robert_carriers_menu_planner_t1s1.t64
- 3505_robert_carriers_menu_planner_t1s2.t64
- VIC-3505 Robert Carrier's Menu Planner
- CES 118 Geography Book I.zip
- CES 118 Geography Book I
- CES 121 F Francais_Livre_II.zip
- CES-109 Math_Book_II.zip
- CES 109 Math Book II
- CES-110 Math_Book_III.zip
- CES-110 Math Book III
- CES-111 English Book I.zip
- CES 111 English Book I
- Cymbal_Games20.zip
- Cymbal Software Games 20 Collection
- Gamebase20_v03.zip
- Large game collection for VIC-20, includes VICE 2.4
- VT-108 Math_Book_I.zip
- VT 108 Math Book I
- basic1a.t64
- basic1b.t64
- Non-English "Introduction to BASIC". More info needed.
- demo_tape.t64
- Unknown 'demo' utility software. More info needed.
- vl101_an_introduction_to_basic_part_1_s1.t64
- vl101_an_introduction_to_basic_part_1_s2.t64
- VL101 Introduction to BASIC Part 1
- vl102_an_introduction_to_basic_part_2_s1.t64
- vl102_an_introduction_to_basic_part_2_s2.t64
- VL102 Introduction to BASIC Part 2
- vm116_mastering_your_vic20_s1.t64
- vm116_mastering_your_vic20_s2.t64
- VM116 Mastering Your VIC-20 through 8 BASIC Projects
- vp088_super_screen.t64
- VP 088 Super Screen
- vt1001_car_chase.t64
- vt1002_vic_21_casino_style_blackjack.t64
- vt1003_vic_biorhythms.t64
- vt1004_space_math.t64
- vt1005_blue_meanies_from_outer_space.t64
- vt1006_slither.t64
- vt1006_super_slither.t64
- VT 106 Recreation Six Pack
- vt1007_personal_finance1_s1.T64
- vt1007_personal_finance1_s2.T64
- vt1008_personal_finance2_s1.T64
- vt1008_personal_finance2_s2.T64
- vt1009_vic_typewriter_s1.T64
- vt1009_vic_typewriter_s2.T64
- vt1010_expense_calendar_s1.T64
- vt1010_expense_calendar_s2.T64
- vt1011_loan_calc_s1.T64
- vt1011_loan_calc_s2.T64
- vt1011_loan_mortgage.t64
- vt1012_home_inventory_s1.T64
- vt1012_home_inventory_s2.T64
- VT107 Personal Finance 6 Pack
- vt108a_ scare_city_motel.t64
- vt108a_ sector_five.t64
- vt108a_.t64
- vt108a_backfire.t64
- vt108a_lcm_machine.t64
- vt108a_numbowl .t64
- vt108a_ruler_dueler.t64
- VT 108 Math Improvement Six Pack
- vt109a_vic_synthesizer.t64
- vt109b_treasures_of_the_bat_cave.T64
- vt109c_super_seeker.t64
- vt109d_alpha_draw.t64
- vt109e_big_bad_wolf.t64
- vt109f_crawler.t64
- VT 109 Six Pack Sampler
- vt232_vicmodem_s1.t64
- vt232_vicmodem_s2.t64
- VICMODEM and 64 TERM shipped with VICMODEM 1600
- vtxxx_automodem_s1.t64
- vtxxx_automodem_s2.t64
- Victerm and 64 TERM shipped with AUTOMODEM 1650
- vtxxxx_pharoahs_tomb.tap
- Pharoah's Tomb 16k VIC-20 game
- demos.basic/
- Here you will find demos and other programs that require little
interaction. All of these programs have been written in BASIC.
- 3k/
- Bach Menuett 1.prg
- Plays Bach's Menuett Nr. 1. Requires at least 3k of expanded memory.
- Birdface.superexpander.prg
- Draws a bird face. Requires at least a 3k memory expansion and the
Super Expander ROM.
- 8k/
- Andromeda.prg
- An animation about an alien coming to a town.
- printer/
- These programs print pictures on a 80-column printer.
- Dame 1.prg
- Prints a picture of a woman, left half. Requires a 16k expansion.
- Dame 2.prg
- Prints a picture of a woman, right half.
- Dragon 1.prg
- Prints a dragon, left half. Requires an 8k expansion.
- Dragon 2.prg
- Prints a dragon, right half.
- Enterprise1.prg
- Prints the U.S.S. Enterprise, left half. Requires a 24k expansion.
- Enterprise2.prg
- Prints the U.S.S. Enterprise, right half.
- Guust.prg
- Prints a ghost. Requires an 8k expansion.
- Leeuw.prg
- Prints a tiger. Requires an 8k expansion.
- Liefde Is.prg
- Prints a picture on two pages, 40 columns each.
- Monalisa 1.prg
- Prints the Mona Lisa, left half. Requires an 8k expansion.
- Monalisa 2.prg
- Prints the Mona Lisa, right half.
- Pin-up.prg
- Prints a pin-up girl.
- Spock.prg
- Prints a 40-column picture of Mr. Spock.
- superexpander/
- These programs require the Super Expander cartridge.
- garfield se.prg
- resolution se.prg
- unexpanded/
- Allegro.prg
- Plays Johann Sebastian Bach's Allegro.
- Big 2.prg
- Writes some text on a 25x30 screen. PAL (6561) only.
- Big Chars.prg
- Defines 8x16 characters and 8x8 characters simultaneously
and demonstrates their use.
- Big One (s).prg
- A "commercial" for Big 2.
- Birds Demo.prg
- Demonstrates user-defined characters and sound effects.
- Boogie1.prg
- Plays a terrible melody and shows a clumsy animation.
- Bounce.prg
- Bounces the text window around the screen.
- Bumblebee.prg
- Plays the Bumble Bee music piece.
- Cirkel.prg
- Draws a circle on the screen.
- Crazybeat.prg
- Plays a nice music piece.
- Dobbelsteen.prg
- Throws dice.
- Dragon Demo.prg
- Draws a dragon and plays very annoying sounds.
- E.T. Demo.prg
- This extremely slow program draws a picture of the E.T.
- Frere Jacques.prg
- Plays the kanon song "Meister Jakob", or "Frere Jacques".
- House.prg
- A picture of a house, by Craig Bruce
- Kaleidoscope.prg
- Draws a changing colourful graphics.
- Keyboard Demo.prg
- Draws a picture of the VIC-20 keyboard.
- Liner.prg
- Draws lines on the screen.
- Lintjes.prg
- Draws random horizontal lines on the screen.
- Lotus.prg
- Draws a picture of a Lotus Esprit.
- Merry Vic-mas.prg
- Draws a christmas tree and plays a christmas song.
- Mork & Mindy.prg
- Plays a song.
- Multicolour Magic.prg
- Teaches and demonstrates the use of multicolour graphics.
- Penny Lane.prg
- Plays the Penny Lane song by the Beatles.
- Pno2.prg
- Creates various sound effects when you press the keys.
- Raket.prg
- Animation of a rocket that is taking off.
- Robots.prg
- Draws robots on the screen.
- Screen Demo.prg
- Features some sort of morphing in BASIC.
- Silent Night.prg
- Plays the Christmas song "silent night".
- Smallfont.prg
- Defines a small (4x6) font.
- Snoopy Hires.prg
- A picture of the Snoopy comic character.
- Solitair.prg
- Plays the game of Solitaire. The texts are in Dutch.
- Sound Library.prg
- 20 different sound effects written in BASIC.
- Sound Shaper.prg
- A sound effect program.
- Star Wars IRQ.prg
- Installs an interrupt routine that plays the Star Wars theme.
- Stillenacht.prg
- Plays the famous Christmas song with three voices. The initializations
take quite long.
- Vic Cirkeldemo.prg
- Draws two circles on the screen.
- Vic Demo 1.prg
- Vic Demo 2.prg
- Vic Demo 3.prg
- Very poor demos of the VIC-20. Some of them are by Commodore.
- Vic Hires Plot.prg
- Plots points on the screen.
- Vic Miauw.prg
- Draws a cat.
- Vic Mosaic.prg
- No, this is not a web browser for your VIC. It draws some sort of mosaic
on the screen.
- World Map.prg
- Draws a small world map in high resolution graphics.
- demos/
- Bouncing Ball II.d64.gz
- Bouncing Ball II (for unexpanded Vic-20). The winner of the
Alternative Party '98 demo competition.
- Bouncing Ball II.zip
- This packet contains source code, binaries in separate files and some
information. Uploaded by Viznut/Ocsa (vheikkil@hytti.uku.fi),
- Cuckoo-clock-source.zip
- Source code of the cuckoo clock program in DASM format
- Cuckoo-clock.prg
- A cuckoo clock for the VIC-20 written by Timo Raita <vic@iki.fi>. This
interrupt-driven program reads the system time (TI$) and plays cuckoo
samples at half and full hours. Requires at least an 8k expansion.
- Fine scroll.prg
- A scroller demo. The scroll is not too fine on PAL-B systems.
SYS8192 to start. Requires an 8k expansion.
- VIC20-AR89-1.prg
- VIC20-AR89-1.readme
- A simple demo for the unexpanded PAL Vic-20, featuring a horizontal
one-line text scroll and some music. Written in June 1994.
- VVV-NTSC.sfx
- Veni vidi Vic!, 6560 (NTSC-M) version. Some parts of this demo are
available separately, so that they can be loaded on an unexpanded VIC-20.
The demo itself requires an 8k memory expansion and a 1540/1541/1570/1571
disk drive. This self-extracting archive can be loaded and started on
a Commodore 64 or 128.
- VVV-NTSC.zip
- Veni vidi Vic!, 6560 (NTSC-M) version, with added support for the
Commodore 1581 disk drive (in addition to the originally supported
1540, 1541, 1570 and 1571). Full source code is in VVV-src-GPL.tar.gz.
- VVV-PAL.sfx
- Veni vidi Vic!, 6561 (PAL-B) version. Some parts of this demo are
available separately, so that they can be loaded on an unexpanded VIC-20.
The demo itself requires an 8k memory expansion and a 1540/1541/1570/1571
disk drive. This self-extracting archive can be loaded and started on
a Commodore 64 or 128.
- VVV-PAL.zip
- Veni vidi Vic!, 6561 (PAL-B) version, with added support for the
Commodore 1581 disk drive (in addition to the originally supported
1540, 1541, 1570 and 1571). Full source code is in VVV-src-GPL.tar.gz.
- VVV-src-GPL.tar.gz
- Full source code of Veni vidi Vic!, including the originally closed-source
music written by Jonas Hultén, and including 1581 patches by Albert/Pu-239
a.k.a. Pasi Ojala.
- VVV-src.tar.gz
- Source code of Veni vidi Vic!, World's first known trackmo (multipart
demo that loads from disk while running) for the VIC-20, developed
in 1996 and published on The Party '96 in Denmark. For more information,
see http://www.funet.fi/~msmakela/vvv.html.
- demodisk1.d64.gz
- Collected demos for the unexpanded VIC-20, composed by Aleksi Eeben
- demodisk1.txt
- Directory listing of demodisk1.d64, composed by Marko Mäkelä
- demodisk2.d64.gz
- Collected demos for the unexpanded VIC-20, composed by Aleksi Eeben
- demodisk3_d64.zip
- Collected demos for the unexpanded VIC-20, composed by Aleksi Eeben
- AD/
- These demos require at least an 8-kilobyte expansion and were
produced by Andreas Dietmair (Andi.Diaet@t-online.de).
Note that the phone number listed in the demos is no longer valid.
- Animierte Grafiken.lnx.gz
- Animated vector graphics 1 to 3. Requires 24k RAM expansion at BLK1-BLK3
and 4k at the top half of BLK5 ($bf00-$bfff).
- Fantasmagoria.prg
- Released in September 1991. Requires a 16-kilobyte expansion. Push
the fire button to start. Bitmapped animated graphics.
- Hiresstars 40960.prg
- Released in 1989. Requires RAM at least at BLK1, BLK2 and BLK5.
SYS40960 to start. No music, and a non-smooth one-line scroll.
- Intro 2.prg
- 1991: an intro. Displays colourful graphics and a bitmapped scroll. The
background melody appears to be from the TV series 'Dallas'. Requires
an 8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- Intro.prg
- 1990: A non-graphics intro for with no sound. Requires an 8-kilobyte memory
expansion. Compressed with PuCrunch to eliminate the need for typing a
SYS call.
- Number One.prg
- Released in June 1990. Features a soft bitmap scroll and a simple
melody. Compressed with PuCrunch to eliminate a loader part.
- Samples.lnx.gz
- Digitized audio samples from May 1990; speech and music. Requires
RAM at BLK1-BLK3 and BLK5.
- Scroll-Animation.lnx.gz
- 1989: 8×8 character scroll and animated characters. No sound.
Requires expansion memory at BLK1 and BLK5.
- Scrutinized.prg
- October 27, 1991: vertical scroll and zooming horizontal scroll. No sound.
Requires an 8-kilobyte expansion. Compressed with PuCrunch to eliminate a
loader part.
- Sleepless Nights.prg
- 1990: A four-picture animation. Requires 16 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Upscroll.lnx.gz
- December 1989: Vertical high-resolution scroller; no sound. The
actual demo requires RAM at BLK5, and it starts with SYS40960.
- Vic-Art sys40960.prg
- Released in 1989. Requires RAM at least at BLK1 and BLK5.
SYS40960 to start. Plotted graphics.
- Bonzai/
- These files were uploaded by Walt/Bonzai (Anders Fogh).
- Demopart.prg
- A smooth scroll and a tech-tech effect. Runs on an unexpanded PAL VIC-20.
- Demopart.txt
- Release notes for Bonzai's first demopart for the unexpanded VIC-20.
- Pu-239/
- Pu-239 is a Finnish Commodore demo group, see http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Pu-239/
- Birthday.prg
- Birthday_n.prg
- A vic-20 demo released 11.8.1990 by Secundus of Pu-239.
16k extra memory required. Load and run. Separate PAL and
NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and
uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 (albert@cs.tut.fi)
- PU-239 in Lahti.prg
- PU-239 in Lahti_n.prg
- A vic-20 demo from 1989 by Secundus of Pu-239.
8k extra memory required. No sound included. Load and run.
Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and
uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 (albert@cs.tut.fi)
- PU-239-demo.prg
- PU-239-demo_n.prg
- The very first vic-20 demo by Secundus of Pu-239 (15.2.1989).
3k memory expansion required. Load and run.
Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and
uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 (albert@cs.tut.fi)
- Pacman.prg
- Pacman_n.prg
- A vic-20 demo from 1989 by Secundus of Pu-239.
8k extra memory required. Load and run.
Separate PAL and NTSC versions. Re-sourced, NTSC-fixed, compressed and
uploaded by Albert of Pu-239 (albert@cs.tut.fi)
- Pu239-1990-src.lha
- "Re-sourced" source codes for Pu-239 VIC20 demos from 1989 and 1990.
(Pu-239 in Lahti, Pu-239-demo, Pacman, and Birthday) The sources
are compilable with at least DASM 2.12.
- vimm-src.lha
- The source code for VIMM.
For more information, see http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Pu-239/vimm/
- vimm.d64.gz
- vimm.zip
- VICI Iterum MM - 29.12.2000, Autodetecting PAL/NTSC multi-part demo for 16k
mem expansion by Pasi Ojala and Anders Carlsson - Supports
Some of the parts can be loaded & run in a machine with 8k expansion.
For more information, see http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Pu-239/vimm/
- vimmii-2002-src.lha
- The source code for VIMMII.
For more information, see http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Pu-239/vimmii/
- vimmii.d64.gz
- vimmii.zip
- VICI Iterum MMII - 9.6.2002, PAL multi-part demo for unexpaded vic20
by Pasi Ojala and Anders Carlsson - Supports 1540/41,1570/71,1581.
For more information, see http://www.cs.tut.fi/~albert/Pu-239/vimmii/
- aeeben/
- These programs are © Aleksi Eeben (aleksi@cncd.fi),
- big time [cncd].prg
- CNCD's entry at Assembly 2001. A huge scroller and a number of smaller
- dragonwing.prg
- A fast-scrolling game. Collect fuel cells (marked with 'F') and avoid
colliding with the walls.
- frozen.prg
- Frozen time, a full-screen sinus effect plus one-line smooth scroller.
- happyhour.prg
- Eight vertical raster splits plus one-line smooth scroller.
Improved from rasterbar.prg.
- plotter.prg
- Shaded double sine dots/blocks plus one-line coarse scroller.
- rasterbar.prg
- Five vertical raster splits. plus one-line smooth scroller.
See happyhour.prg.
- firmware@ (link)
- games.basic/
- Welcome to the VIC-20 game collection! The games are sorted by the memory
expansions that they require.
- 16k/
- The games in this directory require at least 16 kilobytes of extra memory.
They are written in BASIC and require no joystick, unless otherwise
- Apshai-1.csm.gz
- Apshai-2.csm.gz
- Original tape images of Temple of Apshai (© 1983 Epyx / Automated
Simulations), two cassette sides. The game is controlled with keyboard.
- Apshai-doc.zip
- The manual of Temple of Apshai, copied from
- Apshai.d64.gz
- Temple of Apshai, modified from the original tape version, to use the
disk drive. No bugs have been corrected. For instance, entering a
level greater than 4 will trigger an error. The file "level1" includes
all data from "bothteens4" and "set1", and also the other level files
contain common data.
- Atlantis (40t).prg
- Find the Atlantis in this text adventure.
- Baldor's Castle.sys20182.prg
- A quite unplayable graphical adventure.
- Castle Dark.prg
- A semi-graphical text adventure.
- Castlemaze.prg
- A text adventure.
- Colonel's House-doc.prg
- Instructions for the Colonel's House.
- Colonel's House.csm.gz
- Original tape data for the Colonel's House.
- Colonel's House.prg
- The Colonel's House - a text adventure - "the first of the seven knives
of eternity" by Robert Davis.
- Crush Crumble and Chomp.csm.gz
- Original tape data for Crush Crumble and Chomp.
- Crush Crumble and Chomp.prg
- Crush, Crumble & Chomp - the movie monster game by Epyx 1982.
See also http://home.arcor.de/cybergoth/epyx/crushcrumblechomp.html.
- Dark-dungeons.prg
- A role-playing adventure by Anirog.
- Encounter-2.prg
- A version of Encounter by Pixel productions that is not LIST protected.
- Encounter.prg
- This Pixel game has a very long initial demo. The 'b' key has some control
over the game.
- Flightpath-737.prg
- A flight simulator by Anirog. Controls: f1, f3, f5, f7: speed;
a, z, f, v, r, e: other things; and the joystick.
To take off, center the plane with the runway (HDG = RH), accelerate to
ASI = 200, drop the flaps (v) and pull the nose up.
- Football Manager.prg
- In this game you manage a football team. Produced by Addictive Games.
- Lost Dutchman's Gold.prg
- A very big text adventure. The game state can be saved.
- Miser House.prg
- A text adventure.
- Monopoly.prg
- A german Monopoly game with one computer player and up to 7 human
players. No graphics.
- Morloc House.prg
- A text adventure.
- Myst. Island.prg
- Mystery Island.prg
- A joystick-controlled adventure. Not very playable.
- Odyssee 2000.prg
- A German multi-player space game.
- Orb.prg
- A Dutch text adventure by Impact.
- Rescue at Rigel.csm.gz
- Original tape image of Rescue at Rigel.
- Rescue at Rigel.prg
- Rescue at Rigel © 1982 Automated Simulations; © 1980 according to the printed
documentation. Movement commands: 1 to 9: move forward 1 to 9 feet;
shift+1 to shift+9: dodge and move forward 1 to 9 feet; r=turn right,
l=turn left, v=turn around. Combat commands: B=fire blaster;
F=fire powergun; P=set powergun level (1 to 9); S=force shield on/off;
A=amble system on/off; M=melee (hand-to-hand combat). Special commands:
H=heal wounds; T=activate transporter beam; D=determine current depth;
C=count the number of captives released; ?=negotiate with alien creature.
- Star Quest.prg
- Some sort of a space game.
- Star Trek.prg
- Become Captain Kirk of USS Enterprise.
- Star Trek.printer.prg
- A Star Trek game with printer output.
- Starship-escape.prg
- In this game by Sumlock Micros you will have to escape from a star ship,
which consists of several rooms.
- Stoneville Manor.prg
- A text adventure.
- Submarine.prg
- A submarine game by Himer Datenservice.
- Subspace Striker.prg
- A keyboard-controlled shoot-em-up.
- Sword of Fargoal-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Sword of Fargoal.
- Sword of Fargoal.csm.gz
- Tape image of Sword of Fargoal.
- Sword of Fargoal.prg
- Epyx presents: The Sword of Fargoal by Jeff McCord © 1983. A Nethack-like
adventure game. This version has been converted from the tape image.
- The Lair.prg
- A graphical dungeon adventure with save-game option.
- The Valley.prg
- A role playing game.
- Thriller.prg
- A 2D maze game by Bernd Wiebelt. The instructions are in German.
- Tomb of Drewan-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Tomb of Drewan, with a "loading picture".
- Tomb of Drewan.prg
- A graphical adventure written in BASIC. Programmed by Trevor Pitts.
- Toptrainer.prg
- A football manager game with German texts.
- Trivia Hangman-doc.prg
- Instructions for Trivia Hangman.
- Trivia Hangman-game.prg
- The familiar "Hangman" game with a twist - you have to answer trivia
questions as well as guess letters of the word. If your man gets hanged,
it's pretty gruesome. Young children may require therapy.
- Zor.prg
- ZOR - der Schlacht der Roboter (partially German texts). Fight against
an enemy robot - ZOR. Programmed by Pixel Productions.
- 32k/
- O. Dorf.prg
- Oldorf.prg
- This role playing game "Oldorfs Castle" requires the Vic Super Expander
at BLK5 and 24 kilobytes of RAM expansion at BLK1, BLK2 and BLK3. The
third part of the game appears to be missing.
- 3k/
- The games in this directory are written in BASIC and require a 3-kilobyte
memory expansion, like the Superexpander. Some of them work also with
a bigger expansion.
- 3D Doolhof.prg
- A 3D maze game in Dutch.
- 3D Tic Tac Toe.prg
- A 3-dimensional tic-tac-toe game against the computer.
The texts are in German. Works also with 8k or more.
- 3D Tic-Tac-Toe.prg
- A two-player tic-tac-toe with a 3x3x3 matrix. Requires at least
3 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Alien Plague.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alien Plague. Works in both 3k and 8k computers.
- Alien Plague.prg
- Alien Plague resembles Space Invaders. This version is linked for a
3-kilobyte memory expansion.
- Auto-Simulator-1.prg
- First part of the actual game. This part initializes the graphics
and loads the second part.
- Auto-Simulator-2.prg
- Second part of the actual game.
- Auto-Simulator.csm.gz
- Tape image of Auto-Simulator, also called Fahr-Simulator.
- Auto-Simulator.prg
- © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd., A.A. Scherff und H.G. Nowacki,
Essen, April 1982. This part shows the instructions and loads the game
from the tape. The game works also with an 8k expansion.
- Avaruuspeli.prg
- A space game in Finnish. Controls: W, P, S, D, C, R.
- Biorhythmus.cas.gz
- Tape image of Biorhythmus.
- Biorhythmus.prg
- This German program displays your biorhythmus curves. The date of birth
and the date of the curves must be in the same century.
- Bomber.prg
- Bomb two targets from a fast flying plane. This game is very fast for
being written in BASIC. Works also with 8k or more.
- Catacombs.prg
- A Pac-Man clone.
- Caves of Ice.prg
- A three-dimensional maze game in a 5x5x5 room maze. Requires at least
3 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Cremlin.prg
- Eliminate all enemy objects on the screen in 100 seconds. The
instructions and other texts are in Dutch. Works also with 8k or more.
- Domino.prg
- The game of domino. The texts are in Dutch, but the game is quite simple
anyway. Works also with 8k or more.
- Droids.prg
- Some sort of a game for 1-4 players. Works also with 8k or more.
- Duikboten.prg
- Sink the enemy submarines or boats. No graphics; you have to imagine the
8x8 matrix yourself. All texts are in Dutch. Works also with 8k or more.
- Flightsimulator.prg
- A very primitive and irrealistic simulation of a landing plane.
The instructions are in German. Works also with 8k or more.
- Frog.prg
- In this game, you are a frog and must catch bugs for your living.
Very fast for a BASIC game. Works also with 8k or more.
- Geluiden.prg
- Sound effects. The menu is in Dutch.
- Gobang.cas.gz
- Tape image of Gobang.
- Gobang.prg
- Gobang, © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. Gomoku against the
computer. Use the function keys to move the cursor and RETURN to
place your move. The objective is to place five pieces in a row
vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Works also with 8k or more.
- Hebbes.prg
- A dice game for 4 players. The texts are in Dutch.
- Insluit Spel.prg
- Capture the VIC by building a wall around it. The instructions are in
Dutch. Works also with 8k or more.
- Kanonen-loader.prg
- Needed for loading Kanonen on a computer that has at least an 8k expansion.
- Kanonen.csm.gz
- Tape image of Kanonen.
- Kanonen.prg
- Kanonen, © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. Artillery duel in German.
In the game, each player has to specify two numeric quantities in each round,
separated by a comma.
- Lighthouse.csm.gz
- Tape image of Lighthouse. The loader and the actual game are EOR protected.
- Lighthouse.prg
- This game tests addition and subtraction skills.
- Mastermind.prg
- The classic memorizing game. There is a very long delay loop in the
beginning. The texts are in Dutch.
- Owerri.cas.gz
- Tape image of Owerri.
- Owerri.prg
- Owerri, © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. In this German game, you have
to move pieces around. One player can be steered by the computer.
- Quatrainment.prg
- Some sort of a logical game. Works also with 8k or more.
- Rail.prg
- A rail road game that only works with an 3kB expansion.
- Road Rally.csm.gz
- Tape image of Road Rally.
- Road Rally.prg
- "A game for one against the clock." Avoid hitting the walls. Programmed
by Commodore Germany in 1982.
- Safe.prg
- Open a money safe (Dutch). Works also with 8k or more.
- Slang.prg
- Slang2.prg
- Control a snake and eat numbers. Controls: T U Y H.
- Space Division.prg
- This UMI game teaches you division. You will have to answer 20 problems
before the space shuttle can take off.
- Therapy.prg
- Dr. Rom, a therapist program. Requires at least 3kB of extra memory.
- Wakken&Ijsbeeren.prg
- Some sort of a dice game. You must know some Dutch to play this one.
Works also with 8k or more.
- Yahtzee.prg
- The game of Yahtzee for 1 or 2 players, in Dutch. Works also with 8k or more.
- Zeeslag 2 Vic's.prg
- Ditto, but you can also place your own ships. Works also with 8k or more.
- Zeeslag.prg
- Sink the enemy float. The texts are in Dutch. Works also with 8k or more.
- 8k/
- Unless otherwise stated, all games in this directory require at least
8 kilobytes of expansion memory and are written in BASIC.
- 3D Labyrinth.prg
- A threedimensional labyrinth game by Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk/. Might contain some
machine-language routines, but the game is very slow anyway.
- 4 op een rij.prg
- Four in the row, or Vier gewinnt, or Vier op een rij. A variant of
tic-tac-toe with gravity. The texts are in Dutch.
- Adventure.prg
- A maze game that is controlled by joystick. Boosted by a small
machine-language subroutine.
- Alien Demon-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Alien Demon.
- Alien Demon.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alien Demon.
- Alien Demon.prg
- "In space no one can hear you cry for help!" Published by
K-tel International [UK] Ltd. The game uses two machine language
- Alien Plague.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alien Plague. Works in both 3k and 8k computers.
- Alien Plague.prg
- Alien Plague resembles Space Invaders. This version is linked for at least
8 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Balloon Blitz.b.prg
- Balloon Blitz.f.prg
- An air balloon game. Destroy enemy tanks in your sector with a hot
air balloon.
- Cabby.b.prg
- Cabby.f.prg
- Some sort of maze game.
- Car Crash.prg
- A simple Pac-Man like game. Controls: (.) and (,). Includes a LIST
protection; otherwise fully BASIC.
- Cavern Runner 1.prg
- Cavern Runner 2.prg
- A vertically scrolling slalom game. Supports keyboard and joystick.
The texts are in Dutch.
- Caves of Silver.prg
- A text adventure.
- Chess 1.0-b.prg
- Chess 1.0-f.prg
- A chess game.
- China Clan-2.prg
- A different version of China Clan.
- China Clan.csm.gz
- Tape image of China Clan.
- China Clan.prg
- The instructions for this board game are in German: "CHINA-CLAN
können Sie gegen einen Partner sowie auch gegen den Computer
spielen. Es wird abwechselnd gewürfelt und gezogen (bei einer 6
zweimal). Trifft der Chinese auf ein Hindernis" zieht er die
restlichen Felder zurück. ZIEL DES SPIELES: Sie neutralisieren den
Gegner indem Sie seine Figuren einkreisen. Wer drei Chinesen
unschädlich gemacht hat, siegt." Programmed by Frank Bentler, Köln,
© 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd.
- Citadel.prg
- An adventure with a text interface.
- Crazy Eights.prg
- A card game. Contains some bugs. Use the cursor up and down keys to
select the card to play and press RETURN. It won't let you play a card
you just drew. It does incorporate the 2's and Jacks rules. It doesn't
ask you what suit you want for a crazy eight.
- Crazy Kong.b.prg
- Crazy Kong.f.prg
- A Crazy Kong clone by Udo Gertz. Not very playable.
- Crazy Kong1.prg
- Crazy Kong2.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone. Requires joystick.
- Death Serpent.prg
- The Serpent of Death. Help King Tut-Ankh-Amon to jump from a pyramid
to another.
- Death Ship.prg
- A text adventure.
- Earthquake.cas.gz
- Tape image of Earthquake.
- Earthquake.prg
- A text adventure by Aardvark. Rescue people after an earthquake has
- Ench Journey.prg
- A graphical adventure game.
- Escape from Mount Drash.d64.gz
- Ultima: Escape from Mount Drash, whose loader was converted from tape
to disk in 2002. This is not the original file, but it is more original
than the single-file version below.
- Escape from Mount Drash.prg
- Ultima: Escape from Mount Drash by Keith Zabalaoui. Copyright 1983
Sierra On-Line, Inc. Ultima (tm) Lord British. The game uses some
machine language subroutines.
- Fantasia Land.prg
- A text adventure.
- Football Manager.cas.gz
- Tape image of Football Manager.
- Football Manager.prg
- Manage a British football team by buying, selling and choosing players.
There are 32 teams and 4 leagues.
- Frank.prg
- Rescue all parachute jumpers into your boat. Controls: L and ;.
The texts are in German.
- Galaxy.1.prg
- A space game of some sort. The texts are in Dutch. Controls in
the actual game: space, period (.) and comma (,).
- Gator Beach.prg
- Eliminate crocodiles (green and red things) by putting sticks in their
mouths. This game is boosted by several machine language routines.
Requires joystick.
- Golf.prg
- A Dutch golf training game.
- Hangman.prg
- Hangman game featuring some machine language subroutines.
- K&K.prg
- A two-player strategic game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Ladders1.prg
- Ladders2.prg
- A Fast Eddie clone. Uses a machine language subroutine. First load and
run the first part, then the second part.
- Laivanupotus.prg
- The boat-sinking game in Finnish.
- Laser Barrage.prg
- The object of this game is to defend 10 fuel pods from 16 robots.
- Marple Manor.prg
- A text adventure game.
- Maze.prg
- A 3-dimensional maze game. Choose your heading with N, S, E or W and
use the space bar to go forward.
- Night Forest.prg
- A sort of maze game without graphics.
- Olympiad.prg
- I couldn't figure out what this game is about.
- Oper. Ganymed.prg
- Rescue the people of the planet Ganymed. The instructions are in German.
This is yet another vertically scrolling slalom game.
- Pests.prg
- Some sort of an item collecting game.
- Pyramid.prg
- A text adventure.
- Quest.prg
- An adventure in Dutch.
- Rat Man.csm.gz
- Original tape image of Rat Man. Use a hammer to squash rats. Joystick
or keyboard control. Copyright © 1982 Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk/. The game is mostly BASIC (relocated
to $2401), with some machine language subroutines.
- Rat Man.jpg
- Image of the tape inlay of Rat Man.
- Rat Man.prg
- Single-file version of Rat Man.
- Rox III.prg
- An asteroid game by Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk/. This game is pure BASIC, with the
BASIC text relocated to $2401.
- Samsara.prg
- A logical game against the computer. The instructions are in Dutch.
- Simpelpac.prg
- A kind of a Pac-Man clone. The instructions are in Dutch. The game asks
you to define the keys.
- Skymath.prg
- Addition and subtraction training.
- Space Math.prg
- This program teaches you mathematics and wrong spelling of English words.
- Star Trek.prg
- A Star Trek simulation game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Super Frog.prg
- A very poor Frogger clone with German texts.
- Tankslag.prg
- Shoot stars on the screen with your tank. Requires joystick.
- Tik Tak Tor.prg
- The classic 3x3 tic tac toe game in Dutch. For 1 or 2 players.
- Treasure Hunt.prg
- A 2D item collecting game.
- Twonkie.prg
- A monster killing game. Uses a text interface.
- Ultimate Tank.prg
- A tank duel. Includes some machine-language subroutines.
Requires joystick.
- Wallet Walker.cas.gz
- Tape image of Wallet Walker.
- Wallet Walker.prg
- © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. In this joystick-controlled game,
the objective is to fetch the green wallet from the right side of
the screen, avoiding deadly rain. The game is fast, thanks to some
machine-language subroutines. The game only works in PAL systems.
- Word Find.ex.prg
- A word puzzle of 10 words. Requires at least an 8 kB memory expansion.
- Word Hunt.prg
- Hunt words from a 10x10 matrix. The instructions are in English, but
the default words are in Dutch.
- Worm of Bemer.prg
- Eat mushrooms with a growing worm and avoid collisions to the walls and
to yourself.
- Wumpus.prg
- Some sort of a geometrical game. The instructions are very long, and they
are in Dutch.
- Zig Zago.prg
- A puzzle game against the Vic. The texts are in Dutch.
- Zorgon's Kingdom.lnx
- A five-part multi-load climb & run adventure.
- tb/
- This directory contains games that require Turtle BASIC, another BASIC
expansion that requires a memory expansion of at least 8 kilobytes.
- Artillery II.prg
- An artillery game. Requires Turtle BASIC.
- MG Slot IV.prg
- A "one-handed robber" game.
- Picture Maker.prg
- A drawing program. Requires joystick.
- Potholes VII.prg
- Another vertically scrolling car-drive game.
- Turtle Basic.prg
- The BASIC expansion.
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise stated, all games in this directory are designed for
single player, are written in BASIC and work in an unexpanded Vic.
- 17+4.cas.gz
- Tape image of 17+4.
- 17+4.prg
- Black Jack in German. The game works in all memory configurations.
- 3D Maze.csm.gz
- Tape image of 3D Maze.
- 3D Maze.prg
- 3D Maze, copyright © 1984 Mastertronic. "By pressing the keys 1
to 8 you can select a maze to explore in 3 dimensions. When the
second part has loaded try to reach the centre '*' of the 3-d maze
before you run out of air! You are displayed as the [red dot] on
the map." Use Z to turn left, C to turn right, M to move forward
and F1 to see the map. You may also move by using the joystick.
The game says "press A key to start", but the "A" key does not work.
Try the space bar instead.
- Aardvark.prg
- Improve your reaction time and typing skills.
- Aavelabyrintti.prg
- Ghost labyrinth. A simple game in Finnish. Controls: G, J, Y, B.
- Acrobat.prg
- A horizontally scrolling run&jump game by Anne Onimous, fixed up by Dr. B.
Use J to jump, S to slide, F to flip. The objective is to avoid hitting
obstacles on a horizontally scrolling track. The game uses some machine
language subroutines.
- Add 'em up.prg
- Collect as big numbers as possible. One or two players. Controls:
Z, X and space.
- African Escape.prg
- A textual adventure written in 1982 by Bruce Robinson.
- Airdefence.prg
- Shoot falling bombs before they hit the ground.
- Airplane.prg
- In this game, you land an airplane on a runway.
- Alien Raiders.prg
- A vertical shoot-em-up.
- Alien Wars.prg
- Shoot as many enemies as possible in limited time.
- Alien Waster.prg
- Another shooting game.
- Amok.prg
- Amok is a 2-dimensional Doom clone. :-) Shoot robots and move between
different rooms.
- Ampumapeli.prg
- A shooting game in Finnish.
- Anagrams.prg
- Input a word. The computer will mix the letters, and another player
will have to guess the word.
- Another Pacman.prg
- The name says it. This game works with keyboard only, and it is written
- Arrow.prg
- Control a snake and eat boxes. Avoid collisions with yourself.
- Artillery.prg
- A two-player-game. Destroy your opponent's cannon with your cannon by
setting the shooting angle and velocity. Use the function keys and Return.
- Asteroids.prg
- The classical game, written in BASIC. Quite unplayable.
- Astro Fighter.prg
- In this two-player game, you have to shoot your opponent's space ship
before he catches you. The game is very playable thanks to its machine
language subroutines.
- Attack.1.prg
- Attack.2.prg
- Defend your space station against enemy forces. The first part contains
the instructions (in German). The actual game is in the second part.
The colours are initially wrong.
- Auto Race.prg
- A car maze game. Collect points on the screen and avoid the enemy car.
This is a Dutch translation of Car Chase.
- Auto Rallye.cas.gz
- Tape image of Auto Rallye.
- Auto Rallye.prg
- Control the cyan car on the right of the screen, avoid hitting the enemy
car and pick up the points in the maze. Controls: A=accelerate,
D=decelerate, and J,K to change tracks.
- Autobahn.cas.gz
- Tape image of Autobahn.
- Autobahn.prg
- © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. In this simple game, you must
remain in the track. Controls: f1=left, f7=right. First, specify the
minimum and maximum width of the track. The game uses a machine language
subroutine, presumably to scroll the screen.
- Avoid Meteorites.prg
- Avoid hitting meteorites with your space shuttle. Controls: 4 and 6.
The texts are in Finnish.
- Baja 1000.prg
- Drive a truck, jump over objects with Space, and confuse heat-seeking
bombs with f7.
- Barricade.prg
- Stop the ball by surrounding it with walls, which can be laid with
the space bar.
- Barrier Battle.prg
- A two-player-game. Both players move around, building a wall. The game
ends when one of the players hits a wall.
- Beekeeper.prg
- A shoot-em-up written in BASIC.
- Big Bad Wolf.prg
- A simple text adventure.
- Bioritme.prg
- Shows biorhythm values for a given day.
- Bioritmes.prg
- A simple biorhythm program in Dutch.
- Bioritmiek.prg
- A biorhythm program in Dutch.
- Bird Hunt.prg
- Hunt birds. Requires joystick. The texts are in Dutch.
- Bke.prg
- Tic-tac-toe.
- Blackjack 2.prg
- A Black Jack game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Blackjack.prg
- A card playing game (should be self-explanatory).
- Blam!.prg
- Neutralize bombs on the screen by walking to them. The correct answer
to the question "blam no?" is the difference of the value at top right
and the value at bottom left. A good game for learning subtraction, but
otherwise very boring. Written in BASIC.
- Blue Meanies from Outer Space.prg
- A shooting game by Duane Later and © 1981 Commodore Business
Machines. Defend a space colony by shooting aliens with fixed cannons.
Keys (to fire): Q, A, Z, E, D and C.
- Bomb Scare.prg
- A textual adventure written in 1982 by Bruce Robinson.
- Bomber.prg
- Bomb a city with an aeroplane before you hit the buildings. Only
one bomb may be in the air at a time. Press F to release bombs.
The instructions are in German.
- Bombing.prg
- Drop bombs and avoid enemy anti-air activities. This is a very poor game.
Keys: F3, F5 and F7.
- Bommenwerper.prg
- Bomb a city with an aeroplane before you hit the buildings. Only
one bomb may be in the air at a time. Press F1 to release bombs.
The instructions are in Dutch.
- Bonking Barrels.prg
- Avoid falling barrels while climbing up. The game is controlled with the
keyboard. Written in BASIC.
- Bowling Champ.prg
- A simple bowling game. Hit space to toss the ball.
- Break Out 1.prg
- The name says it. A Break Out clone. Quite playable for being a
BASIC game.
- Break Out 2.prg
- The classic. Requires a paddle controller.
- Break Out 3.prg
- A Breakout game. Seems to require paddles.
- Break Out 4.prg
- A keyboard controlled Break Out clone.
- Breakaway.prg
- A logical game. Controls: numbers 678 for color selection,
letters YUIHJ for moving.
- Bunny Hop.prg
- Move around the screen by jumping to moving levels and eat carrots. Written
mostly in BASIC.
- Burning Building.prg
- Put out the fire with your helicopter. Written mostly in BASIC.
- CB Slot VI.prg
- A slot game simulation written in BASIC.
- CB Slot VIII.prg
- A slot game simulation written in BASIC.
- Canyon Runner.prg
- Another vertically scrolling slalom game.
- Car Chase.prg
- A one-player car maze game by Andy Finkel and © 1981 Commodore
Business Machines. Resembles Pac-man distantly.
- Car Drive.prg
- Yet another car driving slalom game. Controls: z and c, f1 and f7.
- Car Race.prg
- Race against the Vic on a 2-dimensional track. This game is quite
playable. The instructions are in Dutch.
- Castle Dungeon.prg
- A maze game, the loader. The actual program is in the file "d".
- Caves.prg
- An adventure game.
- Centipod.prg
- The familiar "Centipede" game. Good-speed action. Uses joystick. Custom-
character graphics. With machine language subroutines.
- Checkers 1.0.prg
- The game of Checkers written in BASIC.
- Checkers 2.prg
- This is the game of Checkers. The instructions are in German. The pieces
are moved by entering their coordinates (x,y).
- Checkers.prg
- The game of checkers. Contains some bugs.
- Chopper.prg
- Bomb cars and tanks with your helicopter and avoid anti-air activity.
The game uses machine-language subroutines.
- Christmas Tree.prg
- Draws a Christmas tree and plays the Christmas song "Tannenbaum".
Written in BASIC.
- Circus-doc.prg
- Instructions and original loader for Circus.
- Circus.prg
- A plagiate of the "Clowns" cartridge game. The loader is not needed for
loading the game.
- City Bomber.prg
- Bomb buildings in order to create a landing way for your aeroplane.
Press space to drop bombs. © 1982 Creative Software.
- City Crusher 2.prg
- City Crusher.prg
- Destroy a city before your bomber lands on the ground. The game contains
some machine-language subroutines. "City Crusher.prg" is the loader
- Cobra.cas.gz
- Tape image of Cobra.
- Cobra.prg
- Chase randomly appearing objects on the screen with a snake. The
instructions are in German.
- Code Breaker.prg
- A Mastermind-like game © 1981 Creative Software. Use the number keys
to place the stones.
- Code Maker.prg
- A Mastermind-like game © 1981 Creative Software. Use the number keys
to place the stones.
- Colorbot.b.prg
- Colorbot.f.prg
- Some kind of a shoot-em-up.
- Componeren.prg
- A better version of the "Vic as Piano" program.
- Computer Adventure.prg
- A textual adventure written in 1982 by Bruce Robinson.
- Cosmiads.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Bug-Byte. Includes machine-language routines.
Requires joystick.
- Cosmic Combat.b.prg
- Cosmic Combat.f.prg
- A shoot-em-up written in BASIC. Stationary screen, but still very slow.
- Cosmic Crusader.prg
- Some sort of a board game (?)
- Craps.prg
- The Game of Craps, a die game.
- Crazy Climber.b.prg
- Crazy Climber.p2.prg
- Climb up the wall and avoid windows. This game requires joystick.
Contains some machine-language subroutines.
- Crazy Song.prg
- Plays a multi-voice song.
- Critical Mass.prg
- In this two-player logical game, you place buttons on the playing field
on squares that do not contain your opponent's buttons. If the amount
of buttons in a square equals the amount of its neighboring squares, the
square will explode, i.e. the buttons in it will move to the neighboring
squares, and any buttons in them will change to your colour. The game
will end when you destroy the opponent's all buttons or when the playing
field reaches the "critical mass", i.e. it keeps exploding forever.
- D.prg
- A maze game. Loaded by "castle dungeon".
- Dam Buster.prg
- Drop bombs at a dam.
- Death House.prg
- A text adventure.
- Death Maze.prg
- Find your way from left to right through the changing maze.
Very easy and boring.
- Deathtrap.prg
- Collect items from the screen before the time runs out, and avoid
getting trapped.
- Defend 'em.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up.
- Deflection.prg
- Steer a ball with reflector plates.
- Deflex.prg
- Place reflectors to control a ball on the screen. This game is by
Jeff Minter / Llamasoft http://www.llamasoft.co.uk/.
- Depthcharge.prg
- Sink submarines with depth charges.
- Devastator.b.prg
- Devastator.f.prg
- A shoot-em-up written in BASIC.
- Diamond Drop.2.prg
- Collect falling diamonds before they hit the ground.
Utilizes a machine-language subroutine.
- Diamond Drop.prg
- Dodgems.prg
- Avoid hitting the enemy (a cross). You can jump to outer or inner
ring by hitting a key when you are next to a door.
- Doolhof.prg
- A maze game. Move all four balls to the target position.
- Dots.prg
- Colourize squares by surrounding them with lines. Try to get more squares
than your opponent, the VIC.
- Downhill.prg
- In this game you are a downhill skier. Sounds like that you have a vacuum
cleaner with you.
- Drag Strip.prg
- Another vertically scrolling "slalom" car game.
- Dragon Master.b.prg
- Dragon Master.f.prg
- Zap all dragons, go to the castle and marry the princess.
- Dragon Maze.prg
- Find your way through a maze and avoid the dragon.
- Dungeon.prg
- Another text adventure.
- Earth Defense.cas.gz
- Tape image of Earth Defense.
- Earth Defense.prg
- © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd. "Sie müssen die Erde vor fremden
Angreifern beschützen. Schiessen Sie diese ab, bevor sie die
Erdoberflaeche erreichen!" Shoot enemy attackers before they reach the
surface of the Earth. The game uses machine language subroutines.
- Earth Invaders.prg
- A maze game. Controls: I, P, O, L.
- Einsiedler.prg
- The game of Solitaire. The instructions for this game are in German.
- Elektrisch Hek.prg
- Some sort of a game against computer-controlled robots. The instructions
are in Dutch.
- Explorer.prg
- Collect green items and fuel in a maze until you run out of fuel.
- Fast Add.prg
- This game trains your addition skills.
- Fire Fighter II.prg
- Extinguish forest fires in this game by Luna Software and Walter
W. Alldredge.
- Fly Snatcher-3.0.cas.gz
- Tape image of Fly Snatcher 3.0.
- Fly Snatcher-3.0.prg
- A 2D game by Stuart Hall, published in 1982 by PR Software. The keyboard
controls are: W, A, D, X.
- Fly Snatcher-4.0.prg
- Collect flies, avoid a moving enemy. Produced by Abrasco.
- Frantic Fisher.b.prg
- Frantic Fisher.f.prg
- Protect yourself from fishes and water drops. This one is a very
difficult and boring game.
- Freeze Factory.prg
- This is a bit like the C64 game Pongo. Throw each monster with an ice
cube to advance to the next level.
- Frog Chase.prg
- An ugly Frogger clone.
- Frogger.prg
- A poor Frogger clone. Controls: ZX;/
- Froggy.prg
- A Froggie clone. Written in BASIC, very unplayable.
- Frogrun.prg
- Another Frogger clone.
- Fruitautomaat.prg
- A slot game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Galactica.prg
- A shooting game with Dutch texts.
- Geh-Panzer.prg
- Defend your base from the Imperial walkers, as known from Star Wars.
The texts are in German. This game is not too playable.
- Geisterschloss.1.prg
- Geisterschloss.2.prg
- A 2D shooting game. Shoot the ghosts and the vampire in the center
of the screen. The first part contains the instructions in German, and
the second part is the actual game in English.
- Ghost Attack.prg
- A buggy game. Controls: IJKM
- Ghosthunt.prg
- Avoid a ghost. You get points every time it hits an object while
trying to catch you. Controls: Z, X, f1 and f3.
- Goblin.orig.prg
- Move the goblin around the obsticles to eat the sad faces.
Custom-character graphics. This is the ancestor of Goblin.prg.
- Goblin.prg
- Move the goblin around the obsticles to eat the sad faces. Uses joystick.
Custom-character graphics.
- Golf.prg
- A golf game with graphical display.
- Goodbye Charlie.prg
- A kind of a maze game.
- Gotcha.prg
- Collect money and avoid a monster.
- Grand Prix.prg
- Another vertically scrolling "slalom" car game.
- Grasmaaier.prg
- Mow the lawn as fast as possible. The instructions are in Dutch.
- Guess.prg
- A hangman game.
- Hangman.prg
- A hangman game.
- Hangmath.prg
- A math-based Hangman game © 1981 Creative Software. Guess digits in a
multiply operation.
- Hanover Downs.prg
- A horse race betting game.
- Hardhat Climber.prg
- A platform game that distantly resembles Donkey Kong.
- Helikopter.prg
- Shoot tanks with your helicopter.
- Hell Driver-loader.prg
- A loader for Hell Driver. Only needed when at least 8 kilobytes of expansion
memory is installed.
- Hell Driver.csm.gz
- Tape image of Hell Driver.
- Hell Driver.prg
- An upwards-scrolling car-slalom game © 1982 Commodore Electronics Ltd.
The texts are in German.
- Hoger-Lager.prg
- Guess if the next card will be higher or lower than the current one.
- Hopper.csm.gz
- Original tape image of Hopper.
- Hopper.prg
- Hopper by Thomas Kim © July 1982 from D.E.S., 8315 E. Firstone Blvd,
Downey, CA 90241, (213) 923-9361.
Avoid parked cars, rushing traffic, wild dragsters, buildings, and logs
to bring the frog safely home in time.
Use your joy stick to maneuver the frog. Hit fire to start game.
Scoring: 10 for each tic left in the timer, 25 for bringing a frog home,
200 for bringing 5 frogs home. Extra frog at every 1000 points.
This Frogger clone makes use of some machine language code.
- Hospital Adventure.prg
- A textual adventure written in 1982 by Bruce Robinson.
- Huerdenlauf.prg
- Jump over hurdles by pressing J. A quite dull game.
- Hunt 1.prg
- The Hunt. Shoot randomly moving enemies in limited time. The first part
prints out the instructions and loads the actual game.
- Hunt.prg
- Icbm Basic V8.prg
- A joke program that looks much like CBM BASIC V2.
- Invade.prg
- A rather unplayable Invaders clone. Controls: [, ] and space.
- Invader Fall.prg
- Shoot falling enemies in this UMI game. With machine-language routines.
- Invasion aus dem All.cas.gz
- Tape image of Invasion aus dem All.
- Invasion aus dem All.prg
- Shoot randomly falling enemy objects with six fixed cannons. Controls:
ZAQ to fire the left column of cannons, CDE to fire the right
column, and PL/; to move the guy on the bottom of the screen.
- Jackpot.prg
- A jackpot game.
- Juggler.prg
- Juggle two or three balls by moving the hands with a joystick.
- Jump.b.prg
- Jump.f.prg
- Jump.p2.prg
- Avoid bombs and jump over the holes on the bridge and bring back the money.
I couldn't figure out how you are supposed to control this game.
- Jupiter Defender.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up.
- Jupiter Lander.prg
- A vertically scrolling shoot-em-up by Interceptor Micros.
Includes machine-language subroutines. Requires joystick.
- Kaartspel.prg
- A card game. The instructions are in Dutch.
- Kaylon.prg
- In this Frogger-style game you land on a planet with a space shuttle.
- Kiddie Checkers.prg
- A checkers game by Frank la Franco.
- Killer Comet 2.prg
- Shoot down a meteor before it hits the ground. This game is very slow.
- Killer Comet.prg
- A boring game.
- King Tut-doc.prg
- Instructions for King Tut.
- King Tut.csm.gz
- Tape image of King Tut.
- King Tut.prg
- A graphical adventure by J Ferrari of Ferrasoft. "The object of the
game is to search the tomb of Tut until you find the sacred golden
death mask. At the start of the game the mask can be seen at the
top left of the screen. Joystick or z=left,c=right,f1=up,f7=down
guide Archie through the corridors of doom. Collect gold on the way
around but avoid the guardians. Hurry back to the exit before your
lamp dims. Should you die on the way around, you and your gold will
stay buried with Tut." The game makes heavy use of machine language
- Kleurenprobleem.prg
- Arrange a 5*5 matrix to 5 lines of 5 colours. This is like a
2-dimensional Rubik's cube.
- Krazy Kong.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone with machine language subroutines.
- Labyrintti.prg
- A labyrinth adventure in Finnish.
- Letterpuzzel.prg
- Character puzzle game/demo.
- Little Kong.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone. The texts are in German.
- Looper Part 2.prg
- This is a weird 2-D fly&shoot game.
- Looper.prg
- Lucifer Spel.prg
- A thinking game against the computer. The texts are in Dutch.
- Lucy Lizard.prg
- A game of skill. "Lucy" moves along the bottom of the screen and bugs move
across the top. Press the RETURN key to "unleash the hungry lizard's
tongue" to catch the bugs. Custom-character graphics.
- Lunar Lander.prg
- Like Jupiter Lander, but simpler.
- Lunarcommand.prg
- Land a lunar module by inputting the rocket burn rate every 10
- Maanlanding.prg
- A text-based lunar landing game in Dutch.
- Mancala 2.prg
- Two different versions of a two-player thinking game. The instructions
are in Dutch.
- Mancala.prg
- Marble Hunt.prg
- Collect points and avoid the monster.
- Mastermind 2.prg
- The classic memorizing game. Use numbers on the keyboard for the colours.
The instructions are in Dutch.
- Mastermind.prg
- Mastermind guessing game.
- Math Quiz.prg
- Train your addition, subtraction and multiplication skills.
Written in BASIC.
- Memory.prg
- A memorizing game with 1-4 players. The texts are in Dutch.
- Meteor Maze.prg
- A maze game.
- Microzodiac.prg
- This program tells your fortune. Written in BASIC.
- Minefield.prg
- Creative Software/Vic-Soft 1982. A predecessor of the infamous
- Minenraumkommando.prg
- Minesweeper command. Neutralize mines on the screen. Controls: E,
S, D, X and f7. The instructions are in German.
- Mini Golf.prg
- Mini golf. Control the game by inputting direction and strength numbers.
- Minotaur.prg
- A 2D maze game.
- Missile Attack.prg
- Defend your planet from missiles by shooting them. Not very playable.
Controls: W, A, D, X and S.
- Missile Panic.prg
- Collect crosses (X) and avoid the moving enemy.
Controls: A, D, P and period (.).
- Missing Maze.prg
- Find your way out from a maze using a joystick. Very easy.
- Missionarissen.prg
- Get 3 missionaires and 3 cannibals over a river with a boat that holds
2 people. The texts are in Dutch.
- Moneysnake.prg
- Eat obstacles with a snake before they turn into dollar signs, and
avoid hitting the walls.
- Moon Base alpha.prg
- A textual adventure written in 1982 by Bruce Robinson.
- Moonlander 2.prg
- A more real-time moon lander game.
- Moonlander.prg
- A command-line based moon lander game.
- Morse Code Prog.prg
- Teaches you the morse code.
- Mosquito-doc.prg
- Instructions for Mosquito, copyright © 1984 Atlantis Software.
"Travel around the maze avoiding the swarms of mosquitos and escape
through the door at the other end to proceed to the next screen.
Easy? Well not quite because to go through the door you need a set
of keys to open it. To help you survive you are equipped with an
aerosol can with a limited number of 'squirts'. Also there are trap
doors dotted around the maze and if you tread on one you are
instantly transported to any one of the trap doors present. You
will not appear until you move again. There are 4 screens, each
different and more difficult than the last. When you succeed
completing the 4th screen you are given a bonus of 2000 extra
points. You have a total of 3 lives to survive as long as you can."
This part loads the actual game from tape.
- Mosquito.csm.gz
- Tape image of Mosquito.
- Mosquito.prg
- A maze game controlled by the joystick or the keys PL.; and A.
Copyright © 1984 Atlantis Software. Thanks to machine language
subroutines, the game is fast. Kill the mosquitos in a maze with spray.
You can only use the spray while you are moving horizontally.
- Motorcross.prg
- A 2-dimensional motocross game. Requires joystick.
- Motorway.prg
- Drive with a motorcycle on a motorway, avoid cars.
- Mouse Maze.prg
- This program creates a maze and then moves around it with a ball. Not
much of a game. Written in BASIC.
- Mozart Machine.prg
- Composes Mozart-like music. Not particularly good, as it is BASIC and
uses only 2 voices.
- Mukade.prg
- Eat "Q" letters with a worm and avoid collisions with squares.
- Muncher.prg
- A shoot-em-up. Protect your eggs against an intruder.
- Nevets.prg
- A weird shooting game.
- New York Blitz-pic.prg
- The loading screen of New York Blitz.
- New York Blitz.csm.gz
- Tape image of New York Blitz.
- New York Blitz.prg
- Bomb skyscrapers to create a runway for a landing bomber aircraft.
Published by Mastertronic. The game uses a machine language subroutine.
- Nibblers.1.prg
- Nibblers.2.prg
- Bomb enemies before they eat their way through to the center of the
screen. Use <- and f1 to release the bombers and to drop the bombs.
- Nibblers.prg
- Defend a dam from enemies by bombing them.
- Nightdriver.prg
- Another car driving game, with some machine language routines.
- Obstakel.prg
- Steer the player through a maze. Not very playable.
- Oil-panic.prg
- Collect oil drops. Use Z and / to move the container.
- Old Shurehand.prg
- Shoot bottles by pressing F. The instructions are in German.
- Omnitron.b.prg
- Omnitron.f.prg
- Avoid robots and try to survive to the end of the current level.
- Othello 2.prg
- Another version of Othello.
- Othello 3.prg
- Another version of Othello.
- Othello.prg
- The name says it. This version is written in BASIC.
- Outpost.prg
- Strategic-type game. Use your main and secondary guns and torpedoes to
destroy light, medium, and heavy enemy ships that come onto your radar.
A supply ship comes along every so often to replenish your limited
weapons. Your Computer controls shooting accuracy, so don't let its
rating go down too far. Run out of energy and you're dead in the water.
- Pelmanism.prg
- A memorizing game for one or two players.
- Piano 2.prg
- Turns your VIC into a piano. Keys: QWER... and number keys.
- Piano.prg
- An one-channel piano with decay.
- Pinball.prg
- Pinball Wizard. Well, this is more like Breakout than a flipper.
- Pistolenpaultje.prg
- Measures your reacting speed. The texts are in Dutch.
- Poker.prg
- The name says it. Poker against the VIC-20.
- Pool.prg
- A quite unrealistic pool game written in BASIC.
- Potholes I.prg
- Potholes II.prg
- Potholes III.prg
- Potholes IV.prg
- Potholes V.prg
- Variations of the same theme. Some are in machine language.
- Potholes.prg
- Another vertically scrolling car-driving game. Collect happy faces, avoid
all other things. Requires joystick. This game is written in machine
- Problems.prg
- The world's most useless psychiatry program.
- Puckman.prg
- A Pac Man clone that looks like Atari Pac Man.
- Quest.prg
- Pick up gold pieces and shoot monsters using a joystick.
- Quirk.prg
- Collect the treasures on top of the screen. Use joystick to jump and run.
- Quizard.prg
- A "Simon"-alike game by yours truly [Craig Bruce]. Repeat the pattern
of lights in the sequence that the computer displays them. Six lights,
variable speed.
- Raadspel.prg
- Some sort of a guessing game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Rabbit Chaser.b.prg
- Rabbit Chaser.f.prg
- Move around on the screen with your rabbit and avoid the cars that chase you.
The game is controlled by the keyboard and is written mostly in BASIC.
- Rabbitblitz.prg
- Another game where you must bomb the city down before your bomber
lands. Press space to drop the bombs.
- Race.prg
- Go trough a maze and avoid collisions.
- Racer.prg
- Another down-to-top car drive slalom game.
- Raiders.prg
- A very easy shooting game.
- Raket Kommando.prg
- This is a Dutch version of Rocket Command.
- Rattenvanger.prg
- Chase rats. Use f3 and f5 to move and f7 to hit.
- Red Alert.prg
- This game looks like a poor Scramble clone. It is probably
controlled with the joystick, but not all directions seem to work.
- Rescue.b.prg
- Rescue.f.prg
- Rescue people (C characters) with your angel (D character).
Written in BASIC.
- Reversi.prg
- The game of Reversi. Play against the Vic. One skill level. Very slow.
Does not seem to work properly.
- Rhino.prg
- Go to home base, avoiding rhinos. Use function keys to move.
- Rijtest.prg
- A slalom game.
- Road Driver.prg
- A car-drive game written in BASIC.
- Roader.prg
- Another vertically scrolling slalom car game.
- Rocket Command 2.prg
- Shoot < and > characters with rockets. Press any key to launch a rocket.
- Rocket Command.prg
- Shoot horizontally flying things with vertically moving rockets.
- Rotation.prg
- Arrange a 4*4 matrix of characters by rotating 2*2 blocks on it. The
instructions are in German.
- Rubik's Cube.prg
- Displays a Rubik's on the screen and lets you to rotate the colours
on it.
- Rugby.prg
- Rugby. Start with Fire, move your player with the joystick.
- Ruimtemonsters.prg
- Monsters uit de Ruimte, © 1981 Handic Benelux bv. This seems to be the
same as Blue Meanies from Outer Space, but with Dutch text.
- SK Shooting Gallery-singlepart.zip
- Source files for the single-file version of Siva R. Krishna's
"Shooting Gallery", made by Marko Mäkelä.
- SK Shooting Gallery.prg
- "Shooting Gallery" by Siva R. Krishna, published in
"Compute's Second book of Vic-20 Games" in 1984.
Single-file version made by Marko Mäkelä.
- SK Shooting Gallery.zip
- "Shooting Gallery" by Siva R. Krishna, published in
"Compute's Second book of Vic-20 Games" in 1984.
Uploaded by the author, http://www.sivakrishnaprogram.com/.
- Saucer Shooter.prg
- Shoot flying saucers and look out for their mines.
- Scare City.prg
- A motel game by Commodore. Find the optimum room rate, which seems to
be constant for one game (10 turns). Written in BASIC.
- Schuifspel.prg
- Arrange a 4*4 matrix of 15 numbers.
- Scrambler.prg
- A Defender clone (horizontal shoot-em-up). Use I, J, K and M to
control your ship.
- Shooting Gal.f.prg
- Shooting Gallery.prg
- Shoot moving objects with your fixed cannon by hitting the space bar.
Written in BASIC.
- Shuttle 1.prg
- Shuttle 2.prg
- A space shuttle game. Controls: U, H, J and N.
- Simon.prg
- The Simon tone memorizing game. In this variant, all numbers are new on
each round. The texts are in Dutch.
- Skippingball.prg
- Place reflectors with N and M to control a ball on the screen. This
is like Deflex by Llamasoft.
- Sky Diver.prg
- Jump from an aeroplane and try to land on landing surfaces.
- Smash.prg
- A Breakout clone. Destroy bricks with a ball. Use J and K to
move your racket.
- Snake-byte.joystick.prg
- A joystick version of Snake-byte.
- Snake-byte.prg
- Eat flies and avoid poisonous mushrooms.
- Snake.prg
- Like "barrier battle", but with 0 to 2 human players. Both players
move around, building a wall. The game ends when one of the players
hits a wall.
- Snipers.prg
- Shoot as many enemies as possible before they get you.
Controls: ZX/; and space.
- Sno-cat.b.prg
- Sno-cat.f.prg
- Another vertically scrolling slalom game. Scrolls downwards, thanks to
its machine-language subroutine.
- Sokkelo.prg
- A labyrinth game. The texts are in Finnish.
- Space Dock.prg
- Dock your ship to the docking station using a joystick.
- Space Docking.prg
- Dock your space shuttle to the docking space by rotating it.
- Space Panic.prg
- A Lode Runner clone. Requires joystick.
- Space Patrol.b.prg
- Space Patrol.f.prg
- Shoot yellow things, load your cannon from the platforms on the ground.
Use joystick to control the shuttle.
- Space Scramble.prg
- A Scramble clone by Database Software. Boosted with machine language.
Requires joystick. Move the joystick diagonally to throw bombs.
- Space Shooter.prg
- A shoot-em-up. Controls: I, J, K, M and Space.
- Space Storm 2.prg
- Shoot meteors before they reach your space ship.
- Space Storm.prg
- Space Travel.prg
- Rescue people from a planet's surface with your space shuttle, and avoid
hitting the meteor storm. The game contains machine-language subroutines.
- Space Zap-Intro.prg
- Instructions for Space Zap.
- Space Zap-box.jpg
- Tape inlay of Space Zap. It is dated 1981, although the game itself says
- Space Zap.csm.gz
- Original tape image of Space Zap.
- Space Zap.prg
- Blast the invading ships. Controls: N=rotate left, M=rotate right,
SHIFT=fire, CTRL=super zapper. Programmed by Jeff C. Minter. Released
in 1982 by Vicsoft Software, P.O. Box 251, Gosnells, Western Australia 6110.
At http://www.yakyak.org/viewtopic.php?t=13391, Jeff Minter a.k.a. Yak
of Llamasoft confirms that he wrote this game: "It *IS* my game, something
I did as part of the set of games sold by DK'Tronics. Knowing just how, ah,
*scrupulous* the DK'Tronics bloke was I am not surprised to find it
apparently sold on to someone else in the US to sell."
- Spacerunner.prg
- Avoid ufos and their droppings with your shuttle. Controls: T U Y H.
- Speed Boat.prg
- A vertically scrolling slalom game written in BASIC.
- Speedski.prg
- A downhill skiing game.
- Star Chaser.prg
- Eat as many stars on the screen as possible in 60 seconds.
- Star Wars II.prg
- A rather poor shooting game. Use joystick to move the enemy ship to
the middle of the screen and press the fire button.
- Star Wars.prg
- Shoot possibly many X-wing fighters in 60 seconds.
- Starwars.prg
- A very poor shoot-em-up by UMI.
- Stock.prg
- A stock buying/selling game.
- Super Cobra.cas.gz
- Tape image of Super Cobra.
- Super Cobra.prg
- Chase randomly appearing objects on the screen with a snake. The
instructions are in German. This seems to be an improved version of
- Super Kong.b.prg
- Super Kong.f.prg
- A very poor Donkey Kong clone.
- Super Slither.prg
- Eat numbers with a worm. Programmed by Jim Butterfield and © 1981
Commodore Business Machines.
- Superknight.prg
- Try to drive 2 kilometres as fast as possible with Knight Rider's car.
- Swarm.prg
- A shoot-em-up. Controls: I, J, K, M and Space.
- Tank Gunner.prg
- Shoot stars with your vessel.
- Tank vs Ufo 2.prg
- Another tank versus ufo game.
- Tank vs Ufo.joystick.prg
- A joystick version of Tank vs Ufo.
- Tank vs Ufo.prg
- Shoot ufos with a tank.
- Texasjack.prg
- A kind of a Hangman game in Dutch.
- The Tomb.prg
- Guide the player (on top left) to the treasure (on bottom right) and
avoid the monsters.
- Thinking.prg
- Thinking Harder, a kind of memorizing game.
- Thunderbird.prg
- A Breakout clone.
- Tic-Tac-Toe.prg
- The classic 3*3 tic-tac-toe game.
- Time Bomb.prg
- Go through a maze, try to find a time bomb (a red star) in it.
- Topo2.prg
- Topo3.prg
- Topografie.prg
- A map-based game.
- Traffic Jam.prg
- Steering your vessel (a hash mark "#"), try to reach a ball at the low
right corner without hitting other objects that appear on the screen.
The controls are I, J, K and M.
- Tram Line.prg
- A maze game.
- Trap-man.prg
- A maze game. Collect items and avoid a monster. Requires joystick.
- Trap.prg
- A two-player-game. Like "barrier battle" and "snake", but the walls are
actually snakes.
- Turtle Races.prg
- Bet for one of four turtles. The race is animated.
- Typing.prg
- Measures your typematic rate.
- Typo Invaders.prg
- This game requires good typing skills.
- U-boat.b.prg
- U-boat.f.prg
- A submarine game written in BASIC.
- Ufo.prg
- Shoot ufos with your movable cannon.
- Ufo2.cas.gz
- Tape image of Ufo2.
- Ufo2.prg
- Shoot ufo rays before they hit your cannons. Use the keys @:;/ to aim
and the keys 1, 2 or 3 to fire. The game works with at most 3k expansion.
The game is annoyingly slow.
- Ultra Breakout.prg
- Another Breakout clone. Move your racket with J and L.
Based on "smash" or vice versa.
- Venäläinen ruletti.prg
- Russian roulette in Finnish.
- Vic Asteroids.prg
- An Asteroids clone by Bug-Byte. Includes machine-language routines.
- Vic Biorhythms.prg
- A biorhythm program by Andy Finkel and © 1981 Commodore Business Machines.
- Vic Biorhythms2.prg
- Another version of Vic Biorhythms. The BASIC line numbers differ.
- Vic Blitz.prg
- Bomb a city with your aeroplane to make a runway for it.
- Vic Downs.b.prg
- Vic Downs.f.prg
- A horse race gambling game.
- Vic Dragon.prg
- Catch as many bugs as possible in a minute.
- Vic Flip.prg
- An Othello game.
- Vic Jungle.prg
- A platform game. The texts are in Dutch.
- Vic Kong.prg
- A poor Donkey Kong clone. Seems to be a better version of "super kong".
- Vic Shuffle.prg
- Rearrange 15 numbers in a 4x4 grid so that they are in correct order.
Written in BASIC.
- Vic Slang.prg
- The classical snake game. Eat points on the screen and avoid
hitting the walls or yourself.
- Vic Trap.prg
- Creative Software 1981. Build a wall and avoid hitting the wall built
by yourself or by the Vic.
- Vic Viper.prg
- Eat stars with your snake.
- Vic as Piano.prg
- Turns your VIC into a piano. Keys: 1-8, any other key to quit.
- Vic-tac-toe.prg
- Tic-tac-toe (Gomoku on a 3x3 matrix).
- Wall Street.prg
- A stock dealing game by Mark Finkelstein 1981
- Word Game.prg
- A useless word game written in BASIC.
- Word Match.prg
- A memorizing game. Find pairs of short English words. Can be played
against the computer.
- Yahtzee.prg
- Yahtzee in Dutch.
- Zac-man.prg
- Collect items and avoid enemies in a maze. Plays simple music on
the background.
- Zap.prg
- Collect some objects on the screen, avoid some objects.
- games/
- Welcome to the VIC-20 game collection! The games are sorted by the memory
expansions that they require.
- 16k/
- The machine language games in this directory require at least 16 kilobytes
of extra memory, unless otherwise specified.
- Bongo.prg
- A jump&climb&run adventure game by Kingsoft. Requires joystick.
- Death Zone.prg
- A multi-level game written by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de)
in March 1991. Requires joystick. Collect all hearts and avoid colliding
with red objects.
- Fire Galaxy.prg
- A Scramble clone by Kingsoft. Requires joystick.
- Fourth Encounter.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Thorn EMI. Requires joystick.
Should also work with an 8-kilobyte expansion.
- Galactic Abductors.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Anirog. Requires joystick.
- Gunslinger.prg
- A Western game by Omega Software. The game itself says "High Noon (C) by
Anirog", and the file says "(c) 1984 by anirog" and "Andreas & Gerhard
N.bel" where . is some non-ASCII character (code 213).
- Gunslinger.tap.gz
- Original low-level tape image of Gunslinger. The game uses the same
fastloader as Tom; only the file name of the loader is "GUNSLINGER"
instead of "T".
- Krazy Kong.prg
- Donkey Kong clone by Anirog. Requires joystick.
- Metallicus.lnx.gz
- A game that resembles Boulder Dash. Programmed by Andreas Dietmair
(andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1989-1990. Requires RAM also at BLK5,
and a joystick.
- Outworld.prg
- Defend a city from space aliens in this Tensor Technology game.
Requires joystick. Should also work with an 8-kilobyte expansion.
- Perilous Cavern.lnx.gz
- Perilous Cavern.txt
- A multi-screen platform game and a level editor. Programmed by
Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1990. The intro requires
24 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Perils of Willy.prg
- Manic Miner clone by Software Projects. Requires joystick. Crunched
with PuCrunch; this won't work with an 8k expansion.
- Platform Game.prg
- "Stehle den Bauarbeitern ihr Werkzeug & entwische durch das
'schwarze Loch'... Nimm Dich in Acht vor dem Dich verfolgenden
Bauarbeiter." Resembles Donkey Kong. Programmed by Andreas Dietmair
(andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1988. The game requires a 32k RAM expansion.
- Pooyan20.prg
- Pooyan port by Adrian F
- Seawolfe.prg
- This Mogul game is like Centipede, but with submarines. Requires joystick.
- Skramble.prg
- In this Anirog game you shoot and bomb enemy targets with your plane.
Requires joystick.
- Star Defence.prg
- A Defender clone by Kingsoft. Defend the humans against the attack of
landers, mutants, ufos or space-hums. To start the game, press f1 or
the fire button.
- Submarine Commander.csm.gz
- Tape image of Submarine Commander.
- Submarine Commander.prg
- A submarine simulator by Thorn EMI. Requires joystick. The Morse code
in the start-up screen tries to say: "Programmed by Gary York EJIIM".
- Tom-loader.txt
- Disassembly of the Kingsoft fastloader.
- Tom.cas.gz
- The Kingsoft fastloader used in Tom.
- Tom.prg
- A climb-and-run game by Uwe Gertz, published by Kingsoft. This file
is stored on the tape in fastloader format; the file has not been modified.
According to Wolfgang Schließ who contacted Kingsoft regarding the
copyright, Kingsoft does not have any more interest in Vic-20 software.
The game requires joystick.
- Tom.tap.gz
- Reconstructed tape image of Tom, including the data from Tom.cas.gz and
Tom.prg. The cassette was physically broken when Sören Gust attempted to
archive the C64 version of the same game from the back side of the cassette.
- Tronatic.lnx.gz
- A Tron-like game by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in
August 1990. Requires joystick.
- Underworld.lnx.gz
- A maze game by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in
September 1990. Requires joystick.
- Vic Chess.prg
- A chess game by Bug Byte. Should also work with an 8-kilobyte expansion.
- Xeno II-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Xeno II (appears to be slightly modified
from the tape game).
- Xeno II.csm.gz
- Tape image of Xeno II
- Xeno II.prg
- Xeno II by Jeff © 1982 Anirog Computers. In the first screen, you have to
land a space probe like in Jupiter Lander, avoiding horizontal meteor rain.
In the second level, the objective is to eliminate three screenfuls of
hostile spacecraft by shooting them. The third screen is a slow-paced
Space Invaders clone. The game requires joystick.
- archon.16k.d64.gz
- 2 player version of the classic EA game
- castle_quest_vic20_16k.d64.gz
- Text adventure for 16k and unexp by Legend Productions
- exit_plan_z_16k_d64.zip
- 2016 Adventure game from Ryan Liston
- madlibvic.d64.gz
- MadLib (D64)
- omega-fury.zip
- Sequel to Omega Race, by Robert Hurst
- smonzagp.prg
- Super Monza Grand Prix by AJ Layden
- Scott Adams/
- This directory contains text adventure games by Scott Adams
http://www.msadams.com. They require 16 kilobytes of memory
at blocks 2 and 3, so you will need either a configurable 16k expansion,
or a 24k expansion to play these.
- Information about the Scott Adams adventures.
- 1.Adventure Land.prg
- 2.Pirate's Cove.prg
- 3.Mission Impossible.prg
- 4.Voodoo Castle.prg
- 5.The Count.prg
- 20k+/
- elite_d64.zip
- Elite - the space trading game, includes pdf doc
- friendle.d64.gz
- Wordle game for the VIC-20 with 32k+
- hero.d64.gz
- Adaptation of H.E.R.O. game by Activision.
- legend of the lost catacombs_d64.zip
- Uploaded by Ryan Liston, req 24k expansion
- sidelsavic.24k.prg
- sidelsavic.prg
- telengard-vic.d64.gz
- Avalon Hill RPG for 24k expanded vics
- vicdoom.d64.gz
- DOOM for VIC-20 by Kweepa, req 35k expansion
- 3k/
- Arcadia.csm.gz
- Tape image of Arcadia.
- Arcadia.prg
- "Imagine Software present Arcadia by D.H.L. © code, audio, visual
copyright © 1982 by Imagine." A shooting game.
- Luftkampf.cas.gz
- Tape image of Luftkampf.
- Luftkampf.prg
- Air battle. A shoot-em-up in a two-dimensional grid. The enemies do not
shoot, and the player can only fire one missile at a time.
- invaders.3k.prg
- orac-vic8k.prg
- Orac Draughts Checkers
- 8k/
- Unless otherwise stated, all machine language games in this directory
require at least 8 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- 3-deep Space.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Postern. Control your ship with a joystick. This
game requires 3D glasses (red/blue). Then you will see the game
in stereoscopic view. The spaceship seems to float in front of the
screen. Without the glasses you just see two different (red and green)
images. This information was provided by Joachim Tesch.
- Andes Attack.prg
- A Defender clone (shoot-em-up) by Jeff Minter / LLamasoft
- Arrow of Death.prg
- A text adventure by Brian Howarth / Leisure Software.
- Bonzo.prg
- Climb ladders, collect treasures and avoid monsters. Produced by Kavan.
- Bonzo1.prg
- Collect treasure and avoid two enemy men. The instructions are in
Dutch, but the game is very simple.
- Bonzo2.prg
- Second version of Bonzo.
- Boss Chess 1.1.prg
- A chess game. The moves must be input from the keyboard. There is only
one skill level.
- CBInvaders.zip
- A game by Craig Bruce. See complicated loading instructions.
- Chariot Race.prg
- A two-player car-driving game by Microantics.
- Computer War.prg
- Prevent the World War 3, like in the War Games movie. Requires joystick.
Produced by Thorn EMI.
- Cosmic Firebirds.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Solar Software. Requires joystick.
- Country Garden.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Audiogenic. Keep your garden tidy. Requires joystick.
- Crazy Thief.prg
- A jump&run game. The instructions are in German, but the game is simple.
- Critters.prg
- Defend your berries from birds in this Rabbit game. Requires joystick.
- Cyclons.b.prg
- Cyclons.f.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up game. Requires joystick.
Hires graphics.
- Deathrace.prg
- A 3-dimensional car-driving game by Atlantis. Requires joystick.
- Defenda.prg
- A Defender clone by Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
- Donkey Kong.prg
- A German clone of the classic game. A part of the game is written
in BASIC, and the graphics is cell-orientated.
- Flowers of Evil.prg
- A multi-level action game written by Andreas Dietmair
(andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1990. Requires a joystick. Collect all
flowers and avoid enemies. The fire button appears to be used only
for starting the game.
- Grandmaster.prg
- Grand Master chess by Kingsoft.
- Hellgate.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Jeff Minter / LLamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk. Requires joystick.
- Jetpac.prg
- In this game by Ultimate you must escape from an enemy planet.
Build a shuttle and collect fuel for it. Then take off.
- Kaktus.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Audiogenic. Requires joystick.
- Kosmic Kamikaze.prg
- A non-scrolling shooting game by UMI.
- Lazerzone.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Jeff Minter / LLamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk. Requires joystick. A bit like Hellgate.
- Matrix.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Jeff Minter / LLamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk. Requires joystick.
- Meteor Run.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up by UMI. Also available as a ROM cartridge.
Requires joystick.
- Mobile Attack.prg
- A shoot-em-up maze game. Does not seem to initialize all variables
- Mondgesicht.lnx.gz
- Mondgesicht (Moonface) by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de)
in 1989-1990. Requires RAM also at BLK5, and a joystick.
- Moon Patrol.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shooting and jumping game. The scrolling is
somewhat coarse and flaky. Requires joystick.
- Moons of Jupiter.prg
- An Asteroids clone by Romik. Very smooth gpaphics.
- Mower Mania.csm.gz
- Tape image of Mower Mania.
- Mower Mania.prg
- In this Acme production you must mow the lawn, like in Hovver Bovver.
- Myriad.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Rabbit. Requires joystick.
- Othello II.prg
- The familiar "Othello" board game, by yours truly [Craig Bruce].
Can use joystick or keyboard. Zero to two players. It's not extremely
smart, but it can defeat me. "PAK" means "Press Any Key".
Press "Q" on the title screen to quit.
- Pool.prg
- A quite realistic pool game by Commodore.
- Potholes VIII.prg
- A vertically scrolling 2D car-driving game.
- Psycho Shopper-pic.prg
- The loading screen of Psycho Shopper. Originally, the image was
built up gradually as the actual game was loaded.
- Psycho Shopper.csm.gz
- Tape image of Psycho Shopper.
- Psycho Shopper.prg
- "Mastertronic presents Shopper © 1984. Press space or fire to start.
Use joystick or keys A/S/P/L. Change level via F5. Halt and restart game
with F1 and F3. Beware of the roaming grannies. Good luck!"
A Frogger-like game. Requires joystick.
- Q-warrior.prg
- A 2D shoot-em-up by Bug Byte. Requires joystick.
- Rigel_NTSC_8k.prg
- Rigel_PAL_8k.prg
- River Rescue.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up by Thorn EMI. Requires joystick.
- Sidewinder.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up by Tronix. Looks like Fort Apocalypse.
- Skyhawk.prg
- This game resembles Fort Apocalypse very closely. A very nice shooting game.
- Sub Chase.prg
- Bomb submarines and avoid their torpedos. Produced by UMI Inc. Also
available as a ROM cartridge.
- Superventure.prg
- A text adventure by Craig Bruce
- Sword of Hrakel-pic.prg
- The loading screen of Sword of Hrakel.
- Sword of Hrakel.csm.gz
- Tape image of Sword of Hrakel.
- Sword of Hrakel.prg
- A textual adventure by Dave Angier and Andrew Baillie, published in
May 1983 by Romik Software.
- Tank Commander.prg
- In this Thorn EMI game you control a tank and shoot other tanks.
Requires joystick.
- The Golden Baton.prg
- A text adventure by Brian Howarth / Leisure Software.
- The Pit.prg
- Collect jewels. A bit like Dig-Dug or Boulder Dash.
Produced by Interceptor Micros. Requires joystick.
- The Time Machine.prg
- A text adventure by Brian Howarth / Leisure Software.
- Time Destroyers.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up by Romik. Requires joystick.
- Tower of Evil.prg
- A shoot-em-up in a maze by Thorn EMI. Requires joystick.
- Traxx-2.prg
- A different copy of Traxx, possibly made of a memory dump after resetting
the computer.
- Traxx.prg
- Colourize squares and avoid enemies in this Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk game.
- Tron.prg
- Build a wall and avoid hitting the enemy wall. This is like the game in
the movie Tron.
- Vicherman.prg
- Pacman for VIC by Herman Hirsch.
- madlibvic-source-004_d64.zip
- Mad Lib game, source included.
- orac-vic8k.prg
- Orac Draughts Checkers
- quikman+8k.zip
- Pac-Man clone by Robert Hurst
- sea-command.nc.prg
- Game demo by Craig Bruce
- sub-attack.nc.prg
- Game demo by Craig Bruce
- multipart.8k/
- Here are some multi-part VIC-20 games. All of them consist of a loader
and the actual program, which begins with "zz". All programs require at
least 8 kilobytes of memory expansion. The loaders require disk device
#8, unless otherwise specified.
- Alien Demon.prg
- A maze game by K-tel.
- Hektik-1.prg
- Instructions for the game.
- Hektik-2.prg
- The game, written in machine language.
- Hektik.csm.gz
- Tape image of Hektik.
- Hektik.prg
- A Lode Runner like tape game distributed by Mastertronic. The
comment in this part says "VIC Panic by Kelvin Hepburn, © Hepburn
Soft." This part installs a machine language routine that is
called by the instructions part of the game.
- Lunar Rescue.prg
- In this game you must rescue people from lunar surface with a lunar module.
- Trader.prg
- Trader2.prg
- Trader3.prg
- A space trader in three parts. Written in BASIC = very slow.
- Zorgons Kingdom.prg
- A multi-screen level adventure by Romik software
- zz1.prg
- zz2.prg
- zz3.prg
- zz4.prg
- zz5.prg
- zz6.prg
- Parts of Zorgons Kingdom
- zzald1.prg
- A machine-language extension for Alien Demon.
- zzlr1.prg
- zzlr2.prg
- zzlr3.prg
- Code loaded by Lunar Rescue.
- multipart.unexpanded/
- Here are some multi-part VIC-20 games. All of them consist of a loader
and the actual program, which begins with "zz". All programs work without
any memory expansion. The loaders require disk device #8, unless otherwise
specified. Gradually, these files will be converted to stand-alone
programs in ../unexpanded.
- Alien Hunter.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Abrasco Ltd. This part contains the instructions.
- Android Attack.prg
- A shooting game by Abrasco Ltd.
- Arcadia.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Imagine software.
- Asteroids.prg
- The classical shooting game cloned by Arcadia. Very coarse resolution.
- Atom Smasher.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Romik software. This part contains the instructions.
- Bomber Run.prg
- A Scramble-like game by K-tel International (UK) Ltd.
- Bugsy.prg
- Instructions for Bugsy, a logical game by Mr.Chip software.
- Cavern Fighter.prg
- A Scramble clone by Anirog.
- Cosmic Battle.prg
- Instructions for a very poor shoot-em-up written in BASIC.
- Dotman.prg
- A Pac-Man clone by Anirog. This part prints out the instructions and
defines the characters.
- Escape.prg
- A maze game. Solve the maze and avoid the enemy, which can go through walls.
- Frog R1.prg
- Frogger.prg
- A poor Frogger clone by Anirog. The actual game is in "frog r1".
- Galaxia.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Romik software.
- Galaxions.prg
- A shoot-em-up by J.P.Shay.
- Hunch Back.prg
- A jump&run game.
- Kwazy Kwaks.prg
- Instructions for a shooting gallery game by Mr.Chip software.
- Meter Mania.prg
- A Pac-Man like game.
- Mini Kong.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone by Anirog.
- Minitron.prg
- Shoot droids and protect humans.
- Mission Mercury.prg
- Save humans from a planet surface with a shuttle. Produced by Virgin games.
- Plague.prg
- A shooting game by K-tel.
- Power Blaster.prg
- A maze game by Romik software.
- Quadrant.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shooting game by Romik.
- zzalienh.prg
- The actual code of Alien Hunter. This is a BASIC program (with machine
language subroutines) that you can load and run normally.
- zzandroi.prg
- The actual code of Android Attack. Code start: $1000. Depends on some
initializations done by the loader part.
- zzarcadi.prg
- The actual code of Arcadia. Code start: $1003.
- zzastero.prg
- The actual code of Asteroids. Code start: $14ea.
- zzatomsm.prg
- The actual code of Atom Smasher. This is a BASIC program (with machine
language subroutines) that you can load and run normally.
- zzbomber.prg
- The actual code of Bomber Run. Controls: I, N, F and space.
Code start: $100f.
- zzbugsy.prg
- The actual code of Bugsy. Written entirely in BASIC, but still very
- zzcavfig.prg
- The actual code of Cavern Fighter. Code start: $1874.
- zzcosmic.prg
- The actual code of Cosmic Battle, a very poor shooting game written in BASIC.
- zzdotman.prg
- The actual code of Dotman. Code start: $1000.
- zzescape.prg
- The actual code of Escape. Code start: $1033.
- zzgalaxi.prg
- The actual code of Galaxia. Code start: $1a26.
- zzgalsol.prg
- The actual code of Galaxions. Code start: $1005.
- zzhunchb.prg
- The actual code of Hunchback. Code start: $11a0.
- zzkwazy.prg
- The actual code of Kwazy Kwaks. Starts normally with RUN.
- zzmeter.prg
- The actual code of Meter Mania.
- zzminiko.prg
- The actual code of Mini Kong. Code start: $1000.
- zzminitr.prg
- The actual code of Minitron. Code start: $1000. Depends on a routine
installed by the loader.
- zzmis.prg
- The actual code of Mission Mercury. Code start: $15a4.
- zzplague.prg
- The actual code of Plague. Code start: $1db0.
- zzpowerb.prg
- The actual code of Power Blaster. This is a BASIC program (with machine
language subroutines) that you can load and run normally.
- zzquad1.prg
- Copies the colours for Quadrant. Code start: $1000.
- zzquad2.prg
- The actual code of Quadrant. Code start: $1c10.
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise stated, all machine-language games in this directory
are designed for single player. All programs work without any memory
- 3D Silicon Fish.csm.gz
- Tape image of 3D Silicon Fish.
- 3D Silicon Fish.prg
- Thor Software presents: 3D Silicon Fish, programmed in 1984 by Chris Stamp.
Steer a car in a maze with a joystick, avoid exploding bombs and collect
green moving rectangles by pressing fire+up.
- 4 op een rij.prg
- Four in the row, or Vier gewinnt, or Vier op een rij. A variant of
tic-tac-toe with gravity. The texts are in Dutch.
- Abductor-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Abductor.
- Abductor.csm.gz
- Tape image of Abductor.
- Abductor.prg
- A non-scrolling shoot-em-up by Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
http://www.llamasoft.co.uk/ that resembles Defender.
- Alien Armada.b.prg
- Alien Armada.f.prg
- An Invaders-like game.
- Alien Attack.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alien Attack.
- Alien Attack.prg
- Simple shoot-em-up in space. © 1982 Interceptor software.
- Alien Blitz.NTSC.prg
- An Invaders clone by Tensor Technology. NTSC screen position.
- Alien Blitz.PAL.prg
- An Invaders clone by Tensor Technology. PAL screen position.
- Alien Blitz2.PAL.prg
- Another version of Tensor Technology's Invaders clone. In black/white.
- Alien Soccer.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alien Soccer.
- Alien Soccer.prg
- "Play the weirdest game of soccer you shall ever play in your life."
Programmed in 1982 by Jeff Shyshka, published by Rabbit Software.
The keyboard controls for the goalkeepers on the left side are "," and ".".
- Alien Vortex-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Alien Vortex.
- Alien Vortex.prg
- A shooting game by Temptation Software Ltd, a UK based company that
existed from 1983 to 1987. The author, Andrew Haisley, has given
permission to distribute the game.
- Alpha Blaster.csm.gz
- Tape image of Alpha Blaster.
- Alpha Blaster.prg
- © Livewire 1983. A vertical shooting game with 3 screens, the first of which
resembles Space Invaders. After going through the 3 screens, the graphics
changes and the game becomes a little faster. Requires joystick.
- Alphoids.prg
- Another shoot-em-up game. Plays the Star Wars theme song.
- Amok.prg
- Simplified version of Super Amok by Roger Merrit 1981.
- Annihilator.prg
- A horizontal, randomly scrolling shoot-em-up game by Rabbit Software.
Very coarse graphics.
- Another Vic in the Wall.csm.gz
- Tape image of Another Vic in the Wall.
- Another Vic in the Wall.prg
- A Breakout-like game, © 1982 Bug-Byte. Keep the ball on the screen with
your racket, and hit bricks with the ball.
- Antimatter Splatter.prg
- Shoot falling barrels to protect your people.
- Arcadia-pic.prg
- Arcadia.prg
- A shooting game by Imagine.
- Astro Panic.prg
- A simple high-speed shoot-'em-up game. Seven ring-type enemies bounce around
overhead your base that moves horizontally on the bottom of the screen. Don't
let them hit you. The game uses a joystick. You have a rapid-fire cannon.
The initial waves of aliens move around slowly enough, but the pase picks up
rapidly. A techincal problem is that the aliens are hard to see as they zip
around in the higher-waves. The highest I have ever gotten is wave 15.
The SHIFT key pauses the action. Hires graphics.
- Bagdad-doc.prg
- Instructions for Bagdad.
- Bagdad.prg
- Eliminate enemy wizards with your flying carpet. Very good game,
similar to the C64 game Pegasus. The melody at the end of each
level resembles the one of the game Serpentine. POKE0,0 should
select black and white output, but that does not seem to work.
- Battlefield.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Kingsoft. Shoot the enemies on the left, until they
- Bewitched.prg
- A maze game by Imagine. Open locks with keys, and avoid ghosts.
- Blockbuster-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Blockbuster.
- Blockbuster.prg
- Destroy monsters by moving tiles. Like Poing on the C64. Programmed
by Dave Angier and Andrew Baillie, © 1983 Romik Software.
- Blondell.prg
- In this weird game you're supposed to rescue a princess with a flying
carpet from the very right side of the playing area to the very left,
avoiding birds.
- Bomber.prg
- Fly over terrain and shoot things up. Use the joystick fire button to drop
bombs and press SHIFT LOCK to activate the automatic guns. Watch out for the
rockets and shoot fuel tanks to refuel. Custom-character graphics.
- Bounce Out.prg
- A Break Out clone © 1981 Creative Software. Use joystick to move
the paddle.
- CB Slot-6.prg
- A slot game by Craig Bruce
- CB Slot-8.prg
- A slot game by Craig Bruce
- Catcha Troopa-doc.prg
- Instructions for Catcha Troopa.
- Catcha Troopa.csm.gz
- Tape image of Catcha Troopa.
- Catcha Troopa.prg
- "Use your joystick and row the boat to catch the paratroopers as
they fall. If you miss a 'trooper position the front of the boat
over the man and pull your joystick back to lower a ladderfor him to
climb up. If you're too slow then the shark will be well fed! You
win 2 points for catching each man and 1 point for saving him with
the ladder. The game starts by pressing the fire button and ends
when the shark has eaten 5 men." Copyright © 1983 Abrasco Ltd.
- Caterpilla.prg
- A shooting game by Ocean that seems like a Country Garden clone.
Requires joystick.
- Cavern Raider.prg
- An upwards-scrolling shoot-em-up by Solar Software. Requires joystick.
- Chomper Man.prg
- A Pac-Man clone by Bruce Robinson. Most action is driven by
machine-language routines.
- Chomper.prg
- A very nice-looking Pac-Man clone.
- Cosmonaut.prg
- A jump&run game by Melbourne House. Requires joystick.
- Crawler.prg
- A Caterpilla or Country Garden clone by Anirog. Requires joystick.
- Crazey Cavey-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Crazey Cavey.
- Crazey Cavey.csm.gz
- Tape image of Crazey Cavey.
- Crazey Cavey.prg
- A climb&run game by Mastertronic.
- Crazy Kong.prg
- A climb&jump&run game by Interceptor software.
- Death House.prg
- A text adventure by Craig Bruce
- Demons of Osiris.prg
- A shoot-em-up. Controls: T, U and Shift.
- Destroyer.prg
- Simple but entertaining submarine.
- Digger.prg
- A Dig Dug clone written in machine language. Inflate the rabbits
(with fire and f7) or crunch them under the rocks. Very difficult.
- Doodle Bug.prg
- A pac-man like game by Mastertronic. Eat all white things, and you'll
get one enemy more on the screen.
- Duck Shoot.prg
- The bonus game in Lotus II/Amiga.
- Exterminator.prg
- Another Caterpilla, Centipod or Country Garden clone by Bubble Bus.
- Fantasia.prg
- A clumsy shooting game by Interceptor Software 1983.
- Fantazia.prg
- A very slow shoot-em-up by Interceptor Software. Requires joystick.
- Flipper-1.0-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Flipper1.0.
- Flipper-1.0.csm.gz
- Tape image of a flipper by Micro Digital. Start the game with F1
(one player) or F3 (two players). Add launching power with F5 and
shoot the ball with F7. Move all slaps with the Commodore key. The
flipper can be pushed with the space bar.
- Flipper-1.0.prg
- Crunched version of Flipper1.0. As the game does not use any interrupts,
the graphics at $218-$257 is relocated at $300-$3ff.
- Frantic.prg
- A radar game in space by Imagine.
- Froggee.prg
- A Frogger clone.
- Froggie.prg
- The familiar "Frogger" game. Uses joystick. Hires graphics.
- Galactic Blitz.prg
- Another vertical shoot-em-up, very coarse graphics.
- Galactic Crossfire.prg
- Cross rugged terrain and face the sligons as they ambush you
from desert bushes. Produced by Rabbit software/MIS.
- Galaxzions-pic.prg
- The loading screen of Galaxzions.
- Galaxzions.csm.gz
- Tape image of Galaxzions.
- Galaxzions.prg
- Interceptor Software presents: Galaxzions by A. Barton.
Another rather unplayable shoot-em-up. Requires joystick.
- Game of Life.prg
- The Game of Life. The instructions are in German.
- Gridder.prg
- Colourize squares on the screen by coloring their edges
and avoid collisions with the enemy object.
- Gridrunner.prg
- A Matrix clone by JCM. Requires joystick.
- Guardian.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up by Tom Griner.
- Gunfight.prg
- A two-player game.
- Hopper.prg
- A Frogger clone by Rabbit. Requires joystick.
- Jackpot.prg
- A jackpot game by Mr.Chip software.
- Jupiter Defender.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up.
- Kongo Kong.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone by Bruce Robinson 1982. Most action is driven
by machine-language subroutines.
- Krell.prg
- An Invaders-like shoot-em-up by Rabbit Software.
- Ludwig's Lemon Lasers.prg
- A simple one- or two-player shooting game by Alan Stankiewicz.
- Mangrove Root.prg
- Protect your species by eating the enemies.
- Martian Raider 2.prg
- A vertically scrolling shoot-em-up by C. Ramshaw/Romik Software.
Bomb targets on the ground and avoid missiles and other flying objects.
- Martian Raider.prg
- Skim the surface of the planet blasting alien cities and ammunition dumps.
Beware rockets, ufos and meteorites!
Hit green ammo dumps to increase your flying time.
Controls: A=slow down, D=speed up, f7=fire photons, space=drop bombs.
The joystick can also be used.
- Max.prg
- Colourize all boxes on the level by jumping on them, and avoid the enemy.
This game was produced by Kingsoft.
- Metagalactic Llamas.prg
- Kill spiders with your spitting llama. By Jeff Minter / Llamasoft
- Metamorphosis.prg
- A shooting game programmed by Mike Wacker in 1982. Shoot enemy droids and
avoid they and their bullets.
- Meteor Blaster.prg
- A shooting game by Terminal.
- Meteors.prg
- Shoot meteors with your space ship before they hit you.
Programmed by Tom Griner.
- Motor Mouse.cas.gz
- Original tape image of Motor Mouse.
- Motor Mouse.prg
- A maze game © 1982 by Commercial Data Systems Limited (CDSL),
730 Eastview Ave., Regina, Sask., Canada S4N 0A2.
Controlling a mouse on the screen, collect cheese pieces from the
green containers and bring them to the top right corner of the screen.
Avoid all moving objects.
- Multitron.prg
- A multi-level shooting game by T R Flanders.
- Munchman.prg
- A Pac-Man clone by Solar Software.
- Neutron Zapper.prg
- A shooting game by Galactic Software. Requires joystick.
- Night Crawler.prg
- Another Caterpilla or Country Garden clone by Interesting Software.
Requires joystick.
- Orbis.prg
- Protect your uranium fuel dumps against the zylons by laying
a space-minefield. Produced by Rabbit Software.
- Pakacuda.prg
- A Pac-man clone.
- Paratrooper-inst.prg
- Instructions for Paratrooper. This part copies some game-over graphics
to the area $9400-$95ff and lets you select the game speed.
- Paratrooper.prg
- Fire helicopters and parachute soldiers with a fixed cannon. Use the cursor
keys and the space bar or the joystick. G starts the game with guided
bullets, N with normal bullets. RESTORE aborts the game.
- Pit.prg
- Get a bag from the right side of the screen to the left side and avoid the
rain drops. Produced by Kavan.
- Pollywog.prg
- A rather poor Frogger clone by Alan Stankiewicz 1983.
- Potholes II.prg
- A vertical car-drive game by Craig Bruce
- Punch.prg
- A Breakout clone.
- Race Fun.prg
- Another vertically scrolling car game. The opponent cars seem to be parked
all over the road.
- Richthofen.prg
- Another horizontal shoot-em-up, with little action.
- Road Racer.prg
- Collect some things on the road and avoid some others. Another vertically
scrolling car-drive game.
- Road Toad.prg
- A Frogger clone by Nibbles & Bits.
- Scram20-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Scram20.
- Scram20.csm.gz
- Tape image of Scram20.
- Scram20.prg
- A Scramble clone by Nalin Sharma. Press f1 or f3 to start the game.
- Sea Hunt.prg
- A shooting game by Creative Software 1981. Sink as many boats as possible
in one minute.
- Sea Invasion-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Sea Invasion.
- Sea Invasion.prg
- An Invaders clone by Clifford Ramshaw/Romik software.
- SecretofBastowManor.tap
- Secret of Bastow Manor text adventure by DD Reynolds
- Shadow Fox.prg
- Shoot the enemy riders before they hit you. The aiming must be 100%
perfect. Press S to restart the game.
- Shadowfax-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Shadowfax.
- Shadowfax.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shooting game by Mike Singleton. Press S to
restart the game.
- Shark Attack-pic.prg
- The loading picture of Shark Attack has apparently been modified from
the one used in Martian Raider.
- Shark Attack.prg
- Trap sharks in a net in this game by Clifford Ramshaw/Romik software.
- Siege.prg
- Defend your castle against climbing attackers by throwing balls at them.
Programmed by Mike Singleton.
- Skramble.prg
- Another scramble clone by Rabbit Software.
- Slap Dab-pic.prg
- Loading picture and instructions for Slap Dab.
- Slap Dab.prg
- A painting game by Darrell Etherington. Copyright © 1983 Anirog Software.
- Snake Bite.prg
- In this Firebird game, the objective is to eat anything else on the
screen but the mushrooms.
- Snake Pit.prg
- Eat circular objects on the screen and avoid snakes. Restart the game with
'S'. Programmed by Mike Singleton. Requires joystick.
- Space Attack-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Space Attack.
- Space Attack.prg
- A vertically scrolling Star Wars inspired shoot-em-up by Clifford Ramshaw.
Very nice explosions. Copyright © 1982 Romik software.
- Space Fighter.prg
- A 2D scrolling shooting game.
- Space Invaders.prg
- The classic.
- Space Phreaks-pic.prg
- Space Phreaks.prg
- A Galaxions clone by Jimmy Huey. Copyright © 1982 Interesting Software.
- Supavaders-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Supavaders.
- Supavaders.prg
- Protect your city from invaders. Controls: < > 3 D W R. Produced by K-tel.
- Super Breakout.prg
- A Breakout clone by Solar Software.
- Swarm-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Swarm.
- Swarm.prg
- A Matrix clone by Temptation Software Ltd, a UK based company that
existed from 1983 to 1987. The author, Andrew Haisley, has given
permission to distribute the game.
- Tank War.prg
- A tank duel against the computer by Rabbit Software. The game
crashes if left in the demo mode for a long time.
- Terminal Invaders.prg
- A very slow Invaders clone by Terminal.
- The Catch.prg
- Catch the green drops in your shield before they destroy the cities
under you. Produced by Bubble Bus.
- The Defenders.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up with a very coarse scroll. Control your ship
with the function keys; the space bar will drop a bomb.
- The Slicker Puzzle.prg
- A kind of a puzzle by DK'Tronics. PAL only.
- Thunder Flash-pic.prg
- Loading picture of Thunder Flash.
- Thunder Flash.prg
- A shooting game. Copyright © 1983 Temptation Software Ltd, a UK based
company that existed from 1983 to 1987. The author, Andrew Haisley,
has given permission to distribute the game.
- Trench Fire.prg
- A 3D shooting game on text screen.
- Vic Panic.csm.gz
- Tape image of Vic Panic.
- Vic Panic.prg
- A Lode Runner like game. Copyright © 1982 Bug-Byte.
- Vic Scramble.prg
- Another Scramble clone by S. Munnery. Copyright © 1982 Bug-Byte.
- Vic-Man.prg
- The familiar "Pac-Man" game. Uses joystick, high-speed action, custom-
character graphics.
- Vicmen.prg
- A very poor Pac-Man clone. Copyright © 1982 Bug-Byte.
- Wacky Waiters.csm.gz
- Tape image of Wacky Waiters.
- Wacky Waiters.prg
- Serve food to unpatient customers. Written by Eugene Evans,
© 1982 Imagine Software. Controls: left and right shift keys.
- connect4.unex.prg
- dung.dance.unex.prg
- flappybird.unexp.prg
- Flappy Bird
- freax-v20.prg
- Freax - Space Invaders clone by A.Millett
- madlibvic-source-004_d64.zip
- MadLib game and source
- orac-vic5k.prg
- Orac Draughts Checkers
- pancakes.unex.prg
- quikman2k8.prg
- Pac-Man clone by Robert Hurst
- z-riot-vic20.d64.gz
- Z-Riot shooter by Ryan Liston
- unsorted/
- GAMES1.D64.gz
- Several dozen VIC-20 games
- berzerk-mmx.zip
- Source and binaries for an 8k or 16k VIC game.
- graphics/
- editors/
- Best Paint.lnx.gz
- Best Paint.txt
- A drawing program by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in
September 1990, and a number of demo pictures. Requires 16 kilobytes
of expansion memory.
- Charsetdreher.prg
- Charsetdreher.txt
- A utility for rotating character sets by multiples of 90 degrees.
Written by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in January 1991.
Relocate the BASIC to at least $2201 (poke44,34) before loading.
- FCD Anleitung.prg
- Instructions to Future Characterset Designer. Before loading,
type poke44,28:poke7168,0:new.
- FCD.prg
- Future Characterset Designer by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de)
in 1989. Before loading, type poke44,28:poke7168,0:new. Requires RAM
at BLK1 and BLK5.
- Joypaint+.prg
- A joystick-controlled painting program by Andreas Dietmair
(andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1989. Requires RAM at BLK1 and BLK5.
The program is autostarting, so remember to write load"Joypaint+",8,1.
- JoypaintBasic.prg
- A joystick-controlled painting program BASIC by Andreas Dietmair
(andi.diaet@t-online.de) in 1989. Slow, since it is entirely in BASIC.
Type poke44,32:poke8192,0:new before loading. Requires 8k expansion.
- MCCharsetEdit.prg
- Multicolor charset editor v2.0 by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de)
in 1989. Requires 8k expansion.
- picasso.lnx
- Picasso v1.2, a bitmap graphics editor by Aleksi Eeben (aleksi@cncd.fi),
http://www.cncd.fi/aeeben/. Requires 3k or 8k expansion.
- pictures/
- These pictures were constructed around 1989 by Andreas Dietmair
(Andi.Diaet@t-online.de). They require an 8-kilobyte memory expansion.
- Bad Cat.prg
- A cat
- Masters Erse.prg
- A skeleton, inspired by the TV series "Masters of the Universe"
- Masters Univ.prg
- A skeleton and a castle, inspired by the TV series "Masters of the Universe"
- Max Headroom.prg
- A picture of an Amiga monitor containing Max Headroom
- Naked Girl.prg
- A naked girl
- Naked Girl2.prg
- Another naked girl
- Robot.prg
- A robot
- Space Pilot.prg
- A space pilot
- Tutanchamun.prg
- A picture of the pharaoh Tutankhamon's mask. Resembles the Deluxe Paint
demo picture.
- viewers/
- Artist.lnx.gz
- Artist.txt
- A picture loader for Commodore Artist files by Andreas Dietmair.
Requires an 8-kilobyte expansion.
- magazines/
- Rockford FD/
- Rockford FD is a German disk magazine, apparently published in the 1990s.
- 33.1a.d64.gz
- 33.1b.d64.gz
- 33.2a.d64.gz
- 33.2b.d64.gz
- 33.3a.d64.gz
- 33.3b.d64.gz
- 33.4a.d64.gz
- 33.4b.d64.gz
- 33.5a.d64.gz
- 33.5b.d64.gz
- manuals/
- VIC-20 related documentation
- 3k_Ram_Pack_vic-1210.pdf
- Manual for VIC-1210 3k reu
- Errata-PN320966-PET_CBM_Personal_Computer_Guide_2nd_Edition.pdf
- Commodore Update Errata for CBM Personal Computer Guide 2nd ed
- VIC-1001_User_Manual(JP).pdf
- User manual for VIC-1001 (Japanese)
- VIC-1212.pdf
- Programmer's Aid cartridge manual. Provided by Francois Leveille.
- VIC-20_Colour_Computer_Vital_Information_(Au).pdf
- Vital information for VIC-20 (Australia)
- VIC-20_Personal_Computing_Guide.pdf
- Computing guide for VIC-20
- VIC-20_Programmers_Reference_Guide_1st_Edition_6th_Printing.pdf
- VIC-20 Programmers Reference Guide
- VIC-Tech.zip
- VIC-20 Technical information for users. By Ward Shrake.
- Documents, in GIF format, for the VIC-MON monitor cartridge
- VIC_1212_Programmers_Aid.pdf
- Programmers Aid manual
- VIC_Machine_Code_Monitor.pdf
- VICMON Machine Code Monitor manual
- Waterloo_Structured_Basic.zip
- Instructions for Waterloo BASIC for the VIC
- vic20-programmers-reference-guide-1.1.txt
- Commodore VIC 20 Programmer's Reference Guide.
Converted to etext by Asbjørn Djupdal (djupdal@stud.ntnu.no) et al.
Etext version 1.1; some errors corrected.
- games/
- CCL-401 Creepy Corridors.zip
- KeyQuest.jpg
- image of the instruction manual for the game KeyQuest
- RX-8535 Pole Position.zip
- THC 22003 SubmarineCommander.zip
- THC 22003 Submarine Commander by Thorn Emi.
- Tooth_Invaders_Manual.pdf
- Tooth invaders manual
- VIC-1907 Jupiter Lander.zip
- VIC-1910 Radar Rat Race.zip
- VIC-1911 The Sky is Falling.zip
- VIC-1913 Raid on Fort Knox.zip
- VIC-1919 Sargon II Chess.zip
- Manual for cartridge VIC-1919
- VIC-1921 Supersmash.zip
- VIC-1923 Gorf.zip
- VIC-1924 Omega Race.zip
- Instructions for the US and canadian versions of Omega Race
- VIC-1925 Money Wars.zip
- Viccart-220 Lode Runner.zip
- Manual for the game from Lode Runner
- Viccart-223 Seafox.zip
- Manual for the game from Broderbund
- misc/
- VIC-20 misc documentation
- VIC_PromQueen_Manual.zip
- Manual for EEPROM programmer "Prom Queen"
- super-expander/
- Commodore VIC-20 Super Expander cartridge (3k RAM and extended BASIC)
- music.prg
- paint.prg
- prog1.prg
- prog2.prg
- prog3.prg
- rjoy.prg
- rpot.prg
- Sample programs
- super-expander.pdf
- The user manual, scanned and converted to Adobe Portable Document Format
- super-expander.txt
- The user manual, converted to ASCII text
- programming/
- Programming examples, tools and documentation
- Basic-Kurs-1von2.csm.gz
- Basic-Kurs-2von2.csm.gz
- A BASIC programming course in German, two cassette sides.
- bitmapping.prg
- A SYS-based BASIC extension for drawing bitmapped graphics. Written by
Andreas Dietmair in 1989. Press the fire button to exit the intro screen.
Requires 8 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- blockgrafikhilfe.lnx.gz
- blockgrafikhilfe.txt
- A text-mode graphics library for BASIC programs by Andreas Dietmair in
1989. The library resides in BLK5 area. Three demos and a simple game
are included.
- cmon.lnx
- C'mon v1.0, a machine language monitor by Aleksi Eeben (aleksi@cncd.fi),
http://www.cncd.fi/aeeben/. The archive includes several
precompiled versions, loadable at different addresses.
- cmon.txt
- Instructions for C'mon v1.0.
- flipper.zip
- Source code for the crunched version of Flipper 1.0 by Micro Digital.
Based on the stand-alone pucrunch decompressor by Pasi Ojala. The game
code has been slightly modified to make it crunch better.
- interlace.prg
- Shows how to use interlaced text screen on the unexpanded NTSC VIC-20.
The documentation is included in the source code distribution.
- interlace.tar.gz
- Shows how to use interlaced text screen on NTSC VIC-20s. Source code
and binaries included.
- ramdisk.asm
- A very simple ramdisk driver for PuCrunched files. Adapt this to link
multi-part programs to a single file.
- vasm_v1beta.zip
- VASM is a VIC-20 assembly language environment featuring a full-screen
editor, TASM-like error-notification and a two pass assembler. It is
key-compatible with TASM for the subset of commands it supports to
avoid brainfarts. The only requirement is that you have at least a 16k
RAM expansion. Source code included (under the GNU General Public License).
See http://hem.bredband.net/b129764/Siders/ for the Siders homepage.
- vic20frontiers.txt
- A writing by Viznut, discussing a new video mode and other video tricks.
- vichires.d64.gz
- VIC HIRES a program by King Microware, 8k only.
- VIC-Forth/
- Manual.txt
- User notes for Datatronic VIC-FORTH and C64-FORTH.
- ed-asm.cas.gz
- Tape image of compiled VIC-FORTH editor/assembler
- ed-asm.d64.gz
- VIC-FORTH editor/assembler source code, 1541 disk image
- ed-asm.prg
- Compiled VIC-FORTH editor/assembler. In the tape image, the file is
called "#".
- forth-1.1.bin
- Datatronic VIC-FORTH 1.1 firmware, mapped to $a000.
- sed.com
- MS-DOS program to edit VIC-FORTH .d64 screen files
- sed.txt
- Instructions for SED.COM
- roms/
- This collection was originally downloaded from ftp.hrz.uni-kassel.de,
but it has been extended since then. Should you have any VIC-20
cartridges that are not listed here, please let us know.
The files are in PRG format, i.e. the first two bytes contain the starting
address. You can use the VIC-20's LOAD command to load these files,
provided you have a RAM expansion in the appropriate memory area.
- 16k/
- AE-6000.prg
- AE-a000.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Brøderbund Software. Very fine graphics.
- Alphabet Zoo-6000-orig.prg
- Alphabet Zoo-6000.prg
- Alphabet Zoo-a000.prg
- This game teaches English alphabet to children. You have to guess what
a picture represents and to write the word by picking letters from the
screen. This game does not seem to run properly when memory is initialized
in a particular way. The patched $6000 ROM shortens the annoyingly long
delays in the game.
- Arachnoid-6000.prg
- Arachnoid-a000.prg
- Arachnoid.
- Artillery Duel-6000.prg
- Artillery Duel-a000.prg
- A tank duel game by Xonox.
- Battlezone-6000.prg
- Battlezone-a000.prg
- A translation of the coin-op "Battlezone" by Atarisoft.
- Buck Rogers-6000.prg
- Buck Rogers-a000.prg
- A 3D space game.
- Cannonball Blitz-2000.prg
- Cannonball Blitz-a000.prg
- A Donkey Kong clone by Sierra On-line. This is a 12k cartridge.
- Centipede-2000.prg
- Centipede-a000.prg
- A very commonly cloned shoot-em-up game by Atarisoft.
- Dancing Bear-2000.prg
- Dancing Bear-a000.prg
- A weird game or demo by Audio Light / Koala Technology. The screen
is fixed at NTSC position.
- Defender-6000.prg
- Defender-a000.prg
- Defender, the famous 2D space arcade game by Atari.
- Dig Dug-2000.prg
- Dig Dug-a000.prg
- The classic by Atarisoft.
- Donkey Kong-2000.prg
- Donkey Kong-a000.prg
- The classic by Atarisoft.
- In the Chips-6000.prg
- In the Chips-a000.prg
- A money making game by Creative Software. The screen is fixed at NTSC
- Jungle Hunt-6000.prg
- Jungle Hunt-a000.prg
- A jungle game by Atarisoft.
- K-Razy Antiks-6000.prg
- K-Razy Antiks-a000.prg
- A maze game released by CBS Software. PAL version.
- K-Razy Antiks.NTSC-6000.prg
- K-Razy Antiks.NTSC-a000.prg
- A maze game released by CBS Software. NTSC version.
- K-Star Patrol-6000-NTSC-RAMFIXED.prg
- A horizontally scrolling space shooter released by CBS Software.
K-Star Patrol @6000. Fixed by nbla000
- K-Star Patrol-6000-NTSC.prg
- A horizontally scrolling space shooter released by CBS Software.
K-Star Patrol @6000. Uploaded by nbla000
- K-Star Patrol-6000-PAL-RAMFIXED.prg
- A horizontally scrolling space shooter released by CBS Software.
K-Star Patrol @6000. Fixed by nbla000
- K-Star Patrol-a000.prg
- A horizontally scrolling space shooter released by CBS Software. K-Star
Patrol @a000. Uploaded by nbla000
- Kindercomp-6000.prg
- Kindercomp-a000.prg
- A babysitting program by HES.
- Lode Runner-6000.prg
- Lode Runner-a000.prg
- Lode Runner, another famous game.
- Lunar Leeper-2000.prg
- Lunar Leeper-a000.prg
- Rescue people with a spacecraft and avoid enemies.
- Mastertype-6000.prg
- Mastertype-a000.prg
- Improve your typing skills. By Brøderbund.
- Moon Patrol-6000.prg
- Moon Patrol-a000.prg
- A horizontally scrolling jump&shoot game by Atarisoft. Requires hard reset
to start.
- Mountain King-6000.prg
- Mountain King-a000.prg
- A jump&run game. NTSC only.
- Ms. Pac-Man-6000.prg
- Ms. Pac-Man-a000.prg
- A second Pac-Man version by Atarisoft. Requires hard reset to start.
- Pharaoh's Curse-6000-orig.prg
- Pharaoh's Curse-6000.prg
- Pharaoh's Curse-a000-orig.prg
- Pharaoh's Curse-a000.prg
- A very good-looking multi-screen platform game.
- Pinball-2-6000.prg
- Pinball-2-a000.prg
- Another version of Commodore's Pinball.
- Pinball-6000.prg
- Pinball-a000.prg
- A sort of flipper game and Breakout clone by Commodore. Requires paddles.
- Pole Position-6000.prg
- Pole Position-a000.prg
- The classic by Atarisoft. This is really good, being a VIC-20 game. You
will need to do a hardware reset in order to start this game. The VIAs
probably won't get reset properly by the program.
- Robotron-6000.prg
- Robotron-a000.prg
- Robotron.
- Seafox-6000.prg
- Seafox-a000.prg
- A submarine shoot-em-up by Ed Hobbs / Brøderbund Software 1983.
- Skyblazer-6000.prg
- Skyblazer-a000.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up by Brøderbund.
- Springer-6000.prg
- Springer-a000.prg
- A platform game by Tigervision in 1983.
- Squishem-6000.prg
- Squishem-a000.prg
- Squish'Em by Tony Ngo and Jim Ward © 1983 Sirius. This was archived from
a prototype Romox cartridge. Only 88 bytes of the 8-kilobyte bank at $6000
seem to be used. The game requires joystick, and the video timings are for
NTSC-M systems only.
- Story Machine-6000-orig.prg
- Story Machine-6000.prg
- Story Machine-a000.prg
- This program presents animations of English stories you type on the
keyboard. The vocabulary is very limited.
- Submarine Commander-6000.prg
- Submarine Commander-a000.prg
- Submarine Commander. The Morse part at the beginning tries to say something
like "Programmed by Gary York OSI". This is a 12k cartridge.
- bridge20-6000.prg
- bridge20-a000.prg
- A Bridge game from Handic software.
- 4k/
- All these files are 4k cartridge images, located at $a000-$afff.
- Alien Blitz.prg
- An Invaders clone by Tensor Technology.
- Alien Sidestep.prg
- Shoot aliens before they land on the ground.
- Amazing Maze-orig.prg
- Amazing Maze.prg
- Escape a maze faster than your opponent. The original version writes
a nasty little message when run in RAM.
- Amok!.prg
- Defend yourself by shooting robots.
- Astroblitz.NTSC.prg
- Astroblitz.PAL.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shooting game by Tom Griner / Creative Software.
- Atlantis.NTSC.prg
- NTSC version of the legendary Atari VCS 2600 game. One of the few games
that feature true raster effects on the VIC-20. By Imagic.
- Atlantis.PAL.prg
- PAL version of the legendary Atari VCS 2600 game. One of the few games
that feature true raster effects on the VIC-20. By Imagic.
- Bewitched.prg
- A maze game by Imagine. Open locks with keys, and avoid ghosts.
- Black Hole.NTSC.prg
- Shoot enemies and avoid a black hole. Programmed by Tom Griner,
Creative Software.
- Black Hole.PAL.prg
- PAL version of the above. Only the screen position is different.
- Bug Crusher-orig.prg
- Bug Crusher.prg
- Crush bugs and avoid collisions with enemies. A very fast-paced game.
The original version does not run in RAM.
- Close-encounters.prg
- Cloudburst-NTSC.prg
- A shoot-em-up that resembles Paratroopers. NTSC version. Produced by Tensor Technology.
- Cloudburst.prg
- A shoot-em-up that resembles Paratroopers. PAL version. Produced by Tensor Technology.
- Commodore Artist.prg
- A painting program. Supports keyboard, joystick and light pen.
The pictures can even be saved to tape.
- Crater Raider.prg
- A horizontally scrolling space game.
- Deadly Skies.prg
- A shooting game by Tronix.
- Demon Attack.NTSC.prg
- NTSC version of Demon Attack.
- Demon Attack.PAL.prg
- A quite colourful shooting game by Imagic.
- Dot Gobbler-orig.prg
- Dot Gobbler.prg
- A Pac Man clone. To start the game, press 1-9 to select the speed and 1-2
to select the number of players. The game is controlled with the joystick.
The screen is fixed in the NTSC position.
- Gold Fever.prg
- Gold Fever, a 2D game similar to Dig Dug
- Gridrunner.prg
- A Matrix clone by HES. Requires joystick.
- Mosquito Infestation.prg
- In this HES game, you have to spray mosquitos before they sting you.
- Satellite Patrol.prg
- Satellite Patrol.
- Scram20.prg
- A scramble clone.
- Screen Master.prg
- "Master VIC=20 Micro Application" by Handic. This looks like a BASIC
expansion. Many of the commands have not been implemented. The added
Does anyone have a user's guide?
- Skibbereen.NTSC.prg
- NTSC version of Skibbereen.
- Skibbereen.PAL.prg
- UMI / Tensor Technology. Some sort of a two-player Breakout.
Requires paddles.
- Snake Byte.prg
- Eat apples with your worm and avoid the bouncing enemy plums.
Published by Sirius.
- Space Ric-O-Shay.prg
- A static-screen vertical shooting game for one or two players
that resembles Space Invaders.
- Spider City.NTSC.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up. Does not work in PAL.
- Sub Chase.prg
- Bomb the submarines. Produced by Umi Inc.
- Tank Wars.prg
- A two-player video game by Don Tinsley for Machine Language Games
(misprinted as "langauge" on the start screen).
- Terraguard-NTSC.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Tom Griner / Creative Software. NTSC version.
- Terraguard.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Tom Griner / Creative Software. PAL version.
- VICTerm_4_0_A000_PAL.bin
- VICTerm terminal program for PAL machines
- Videomania-NTSC.prg
- NTSC version of Videomania
- Videomania.prg
- Videomania by Tom Griner. A very nice 4k shooting game.
- 8k/
- Here you will find 8k and 4k+4k cartridges.
- A World at War-en.txt
- English translation of the Swedish instructions for A World at War.
- A World at War-se.txt
- Swedish instructions for the Cold War game.
- A World at War.prg
- A strategy game by Handic Software AB. The screen is initialized for PAL.
- Aggressor-2.prg
- Another version of AGGRESSOR. Only 2 bytes differ.
- Aggressor.prg
- A Defender clone by HES.
- Alien.prg
- A maze game. Catch aliens before they catch you. Start with F1.
Set traps by pushing up/down+fire. Wait until an alien walks to the
trap, and neutralize the trap by pushing fire and up or down towards
the trap.
- Amidar.prg
- Colourize the playfield and avoid enemy bugs. Programmed by F. Janke.
- Ape Escape.prg
- Ape Escape, similar to Cosmic Jailbreak
- Apple Panic-6000.prg
- Apple Panic-a000.prg
- A climb&run game by Creative Software.
- Apple Panic.prg
- Single ROM version of Apple Panic, a climb&run game by Creative Software.
NTSC screen position.
- Arcadia.prg
- A stationary-screen shoot-em-up. PAL only.
- Attack of the Mutant Camels.prg
- This Llamasoft game seems to be a renamed version of Matrix.
- Avenger.prg
- A Space Invaders clone. Use joystick or keyboard.
- Bandits.prg
- A shooting game by Sirius. NTSC only!
- Bank Robber.prg
- An earlier version of Raid on Fort Knox.
- Capture the Flag-orig.prg
- Capture the Flag.prg
- A duel game in a 3D maze. Requires 6560-101 (NTSC-M) video timing.
- Car Race.prg
- A variant of Radar Rat Race with different images. Produced by Commodore.
- Catch a Snatch.prg
- Catch a Snatch.
- Cave-in-NTSC.prg
- Dig in a cave and avoid monsters. Programmed by Gregory Carbonaro,
published by Spectravision in 1982. NTSC version.
- Cave-in.prg
- Dig in a cave and avoid monsters. Programmed by Gregory Carbonaro,
published by Spectravision in 1982. PAL version.
- Choplifter-orig.prg
- Choplifter.prg
- Rescue people with a helicopter from their houses in a military front area.
- Chuck Norris Superkicks.prg
- An adventure where you have to kick or hit the enemies.
- Clowns-paddle.prg
- A paddle version of Clowns by Commodore.
- Clowns.prg
- Clowns, a game where you have to break balloons with two clowns.
- Computer War-orig.prg
- Computer War.prg
- Prevent the World War 3, like in the War Games movie.
Produced by Thorn EMI. Also available as a loadable program.
- Congo Bongo.prg
- Congo Bongo by Sega. A nice jungle game.
- Cosmic Cruncher-2.prg
- A Pac-Man clone with a C= sign as the Pac-Man.
The TRAINED version was patched so that you cannot dead. The 2nd version
uses $bd fill byte at the end instead of the $aa byte. (Both are from
original cartridges.)
- Cosmic Cruncher-fixed.prg
- The original Cosmic Cruncher does not initialize a memory variable it uses,
and fails to work properly in some cases. This version fixes the problem.
- Cosmic Cruncher-trained.prg
- A trained version of Cosmic Cruncher where you cannot die.
- Cosmic Cruncher.prg
- Cosmic Jailbreak.prg
- Cosmic Jailbreak. You have to shoot creatures that remove stones from
a prison in order to free their fellows.
- Creepy Corridors.prg
- A shooting game by Sierra On-Line. Collect treasures in a maze and shoot
enemy monsters.
- Crossfire.NTSC.prg
- Crossfire with NTSC screen position.
- Crossfire.PAL.prg
- A shooting game published by Sierra On-Line.
- Cyclon.prg
- A 2D shooting game. Shoot alien space ships that come from four directions.
The game is too easy in the beginning.
- D'Fuse.prg
- This climbing game was programmed by Neil Chriss and published in 1983
by Microware.
- Deadly Duck.prg
- A shooting game by Sirius.
- Dragonfire.prg
- A very nice jump&run game by Imagic. The game has two screens, and the
game becomes faster after completing one round.
- Droids.prg
- "T.G. Software presents Droids - copyright 1983 by Solitare group".
Shoot droids by pushing the fire button and moving the joystick to the
desired direction. Turn the red objects to yellow and then to green by
touching them in the proper order. Whenever a droid touches an object,
it resets to red. To complete the game, all objects must be green
- ET.prg
- The Extra Terrestrial. Doesn't work if the VIAs are reset.
- Face Maker-orig.prg
- Face Maker.prg
- A memorizing game for kids (like Simon).
By Spinnaker Software Corporation.
- Fast Eddie.prg
- Fast Eddie, a jump & climb game.
- Final Orbit & Bumper Bash-orig.prg
- Final Orbit & Bumper Bash.prg
- A radar-based 2D shooting game. The screen flickers horribly on PAL
machines; it is OK on NTSC.
- Flipper-1.0.prg
- A flipper by Micro Digital. Start the game with F1 (one player) or
F3 (two players). Add launching power with F5 and shoot the ball
with F7. Move all slaps with the Commodore key. The flipper can be
pushed with the space bar.
- Fourth Encounter.prg
- A clumsy shoot-em-up by Thorn EMI.
- Frantic.prg
- A radar game in space by Imagine.
- Frogger.prg
- Frogger, the classic where you must guide the frogs to the nests.
This rather poor version was made by Parker Brothers.
- Frogman.prg
- Fun with Music.prg
- Compose melodies with this Epyx cartridge, or play a game (jump on the
horizontally scrolling notes by using the paddle).
- Galaxian.prg
- A very well-done shoot-em-up. This classic is a bit improved Space Invaders.
- Garden Wars.prg
- A maze shoot-em-up by Commodore.
- Ghost Manors.prg
- A shoot&run game by Xonox.
- Gorf.prg
- A boring shoot-em-up.
- Home Babysitter.prg
- Home Babysitter by Commodore.
- IFR (Flight Simulator).prg
- This game trains your instrumental flying skills, or maybe not.
- Jawbreaker II.NTSC.prg
- Some sort of a Pac-Man clone by Sierra On-line.
- Jawbreaker II.PAL.prg
- PAL version of the above. Only the screen position is different.
- Jelly Monsters-fixed.prg
- A rather good-looking Pac-Man clone. The fixed version fixes
a memory initialization problem.
- Jelly Monsters-v2-fixed.prg
- A slightly improved version of Jelly Monsters, the Pac-Man clone.
The fixed version fixes a memory initialization problem.
- Jelly Monsters-v2.prg
- Jelly Monsters.prg
- Jupiter Lander.prg
- Jupiter Lander, a 2D game that simulates the landing on a planet.
Very realistic.
- KeyQuest.prg
- Kids on Keys.prg
- A children's game by HES.
- Lazerzone.prg
- A shoot-em-up by LLamasoft. Requires joystick. A bit like Hellgate.
This game is also available as a loadable program for computers equipped
with an 8k expansion.
- Maze.prg
- Maze.
- Medieval Joust-orig.prg
- Medieval Joust.prg
- A very slow jousting game. Press F1 to start, and be patient.
- Menagerie.prg
- A Frogger clone by D W Johnson / Cimarron.
- Meteor Run.prg
- A shoot-em-up by Umi.
- Mine Madness.prg
- A mining game by Thorn EMI.
- Miner 2049'er.prg
- A jump&run game, a bit like Donkey Kong. This seems to be PAL only.
- Mobile Attack-a000_RAMfixed.prg
- Mobile attack.PRG
- Mole Attack.prg
- Hit moles when they raise their head, and avoid hitting bombs.
- Money Wars.prg
- Money Wars.
- Monster Maze.prg
- A three-dimensional maze game by Epyx. Use the joystick to move, and the
fire button to take a look at the map.
- Motocross Racer.prg
- Drive against the clock in three screens: desert time trial, hill climbing
and beach race. ©1983 Xonox.
- Mutant Herd.prg
- Prevent enemy mutants from getting into the screen middle.
Produced by Thorn EMI.
- Number Crunch.prg
- Spectravideo's Number Crunch © 1982 Gregory Carbonaro. Control a snake and
eat digits and operators to form the assigned numbers.
- Number Nabber & Shape Grabber.prg
- Two games by Commodore that are suitable for small children.
- Omega Race-orig.prg
- Original version of Omega Race. Does not run in RAM.
- Omega Race-trained.prg
- A trained (immortal) and patched version of the above. Runs also
in RAM.
- Omega Race.prg
- The famous 2D space game Omega Race. Patched so that it works in RAM.
- Outworld-6000.prg
- Outworld-a000.prg
- Outworld in two 4k ROMs.
- Outworld.prg
- Defend a city from space aliens in this Tensor Technology game.
Requires joystick.
- Pac-Man.prg
- The original Atari version of Pac-Man.
- Paratrooper.prg
- Shoot helicopters and invading parachutist with a fixed cannon.
- Pipes.prg
- Build a pipeline. By Creative Software.
- Poker-2.prg
- A slightly different version of VIC Poker.
- Poker.prg
- Loose your virtual money in this poker game. Produced by Commodore.
- Polaris.prg
- A quite well-made submarine game.
- Predator.prg
- Predator, a bird game.
- Princess and Frog.prg
- A Frogger clone.
- Protector.prg
- Evacuate people from a city.
- Q-Bert.prg
- Paint the screen by jumping to each level an odd amount of times.
Programmed by Parker Brothers.
- Quackers.prg
- Quackers.
- Radar Rat Race-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Radar Rat Race. Only two bytes in the
data differ.
- Radar Rat Race.prg
- A classic just like Omega Race. You steer a mechanic mouse, eat cheese
and avoid cats and rats. The rats and the cheese pieces are displayed
on radar.
- Raid on Fort Knox.prg
- Steal gold bars and bring them to your base. Avoid confrontations with
the guards. Published by Commodore.
- Rally-X-NTSC.prg
- NTSC Version of Rally-X.
- Rally-X-NTSC_fixed.prg
- Rally-X game, bug fixed by nbla000
- Rally-X-PAL_fixed.prg
- Rally-X game, PAL, bug fixed by nbla000
- Rally-X.prg
- A variation of Radar Rat Race, similar to Car Race. It appears that this
game was first modified to Car Race, then to Radar Rat Race to avoid a
- Rat Hotel-orig.prg
- Rat Hotel.prg
- Creative Software / Tensor Technology. Collect the blinking stuff and
avoid the human. The original version doesn't work in RAM.
- Renaissance-6000.prg
- Renaissance-a000.prg
- Othello in two 4k ROMs.
- Renaissance.prg
- The game of Othello by UMI.
- River Rescue-orig.prg
- River Rescue.prg
- A horizontal shoot-em-up by Thorn EMI. The original version doesn't work
in RAM.
- Road Race.prg
- Road Race, a 3-dimensional car game where you compete against the clock.
- Robin Hood.prg
- Shoot enemies in the Sherwood Forest. By Xonox.
- Robot Panic.prg
- Robot Panic, a 2D shoot-em-up game.
- Sargon II Chess.prg
- A plain chess game with several difficulty levels.
- Satellites and Meteorites-6000.prg
- Satellites and Meteorites-a000.prg
- An Asteroids clone by RLM/UMI. The screen is fixed at NTSC position.
- Satellites and Meteorites.PAL.prg
- A single file and PAL version of the above.
- Scorpion.prg
- Scorpion.
- Sea Wolf.prg
- A shooting game by Commodore. Requires paddles.
- Serpentine.NTSC.prg
- Serpentine.PAL.prg
- Serpentine is a labyrinth game where you are a snake who eats up stuff
in order to become bigger. There are other snakes who try to eat you,
and you can eat them from the back side.
- Shamus-orig.prg
- Shamus I, a graphical labyrinth adventure game. The original game does
not run in RAM, but the patched version does.
- Shamus.prg
- Sir Lancelot.prg
- A middle-age game by Xonox.
- Solar System.prg
- Planetary data. Produced by Commodore.
- Space Snake.prg
- A slalom game by Handic Benelux B.V.
- Speed Math & Bingo Math.prg
- A speed math training game by Commodore.
- Spiders of Mars-6000.prg
- Spiders of Mars-a000.prg
- A two-ROM version of Spiders of Mars (PAL).
- Spiders of Mars.NTSC.prg
- NTSC version
- Spiders of Mars.prg
- A horizontally scrolling shoot-em-up by Peter Fokos / UMI.
- Spike's Peak.prg
- A mountain climbing game by Xonox.
- Spills and Fills.prg
- This weird game was programmed by Creative Software.
- Star Battle.prg
- Star battle, another shoot-em-up game.
- Star Post.prg
- Star Trek - S.O.S-orig.prg
- Star Trek - S.O.S.prg
- Shoot enemy spacecrafts with the Enterprise. This is a very good 2D
game, published by Sega.
- Super Amok.prg
- Super Slot-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Super Slot.
- Super Slot.prg
- A slot game simulation by Commodore. (PAL)
- Super Smash-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Super Smash. (NTSC)
- Super Smash.prg
- A Breakout clone by Commodore. Requires paddles.
- Tank Atak-6000.prg
- Tank Atak-a000.prg
- Destroy tanks before they destroy you. By Audiogenic. This is the older
two-ROM version. Does not fully work.
- Tank Atak.prg
- Destroy tanks before they destroy you. By Audiogenic. After aligning the
screen, press Return and not Restore, otherwise the game won't work.
This seems to be a newer, bug-fixed version.
- The Sky is Falling-2.prg
- A slightly different version of The sky is falling.
- The Sky is Falling.prg
- Collect water drops before they hit the ground. Published by Commodore.
Requires paddles.
- Threshold.prg
- A shooting game by Sierra On-line.
- Titan.prg
- A very nice maze shooting game by Commodore.
- Tomarc the Barbarian.prg
- A climb&run game. Not very playable.
- Tooth Invaders.prg
- Clean teeth and the space between them. By Commodore.
- Topper.NTSC.prg
- A Q-Bert clone. Use diagonal joystick directions to move the player.
- Trashman-6000.prg
- Trashman-a000.prg
- Creative Software's Pac-Man clone in two 4-kilobyte ROMs.
- Trashman.prg
- Trashman, a Pac-Man clone by Creative Software. Not the same as the
C64 game where you collect trash bins and avoid dogs and cars.
- Turmoil.prg
- Turmoil.
- Tutankham.prg
- A 2D Doom clone. :-) Shoot the enemies, collect items and keys and open
doors to get to the next level.
- Type Attack.prg
- This game improves your typing skills. By Sirius.
- Typo.prg
- This Romox game improves your typing skills. The game does not initialize
memory properly, so it might not work at the first try.
- Vic Music Composer-orig.prg
- Vic Music Composer.prg
- A note writing program by Thorn EMI. The original doesn't work in RAM.
- Vic Super Lander.prg
- The same as Jupiter Lander by Commodore, but with different colours.
- Video Vermin.prg
- Another Caterpilla or Country Garden clone by Umi.
- Visible Solar System-2.prg
- A slightly different version of Visible Solar System.
- Visible Solar System.prg
- Visible Solar System, another space simulation.
- Wacky Waiters-sys48896.prg
- Cartridge version of Wacky Waiters. This game was also published on tape
for the unexpanded VIC-20.
- other/
- 325329-03.bin
- VIC1112: VC20 Cart IEEE-488 rom
- 325329-04.bin
- VIC1112: VC20 Cart IEEE-488 rom
- Color Test.prg
- Creates a picture that should help in tuning the TV. Exit with "X".
- Inventions.prg
- Contains a BASIC program that plays some classic music. By Holger Gehrmann.
- Synthesong.prg
- Contains a BASIC program that plays "The Synthe-Song". By Holger Gehrmann.
- The Mad Boogy-2.prg
- A version of "The Mad Boogy", with a different RESET vector.
- The Mad Boogy.prg
- Contains a BASIC program that plays "Mad Boogy". By Holger Gehrmann.
- dams-ieee-vic20.zip
- Roms from DAMS IEEE-488 interface for the VIC-20
- hexkit-a000.bin
- 4k ROM for PROMQUEEN or TACTEC EPROM programmer
- tools/
- 4k/
- These tools are 4kB or smaller cartridges.
Instructions for these tools are welcome.
- Basic-v4.prg
- Commodore BASIC 4 for the VIC-20. Extends the normal BASIC with disk
handling commands and a very primitive machine language monitor
(invoked with the MONITOR command).
- Basic4.txt
- Docs for BASIC 4 for the VIC-20
- Buti Toolkit.prg
- A 4kB BASIC utility cartridge. Commands: APPEND, AUTO, DELETE, DUMP,
- Cassette Turbo.prg
- A tape speeder. Commands: HELP, AUTO, TRACE, RENUMBER, DELETE, FIND,
- Combasic.prg
- Combasic © 1982 by S. Klandt. A 4kB language expansion. SYS45056
to start. Keywords: SUB, PUT, HEX, COPY, DEZ, SET, CURS, CLINE,
- HesMon-orig.prg
- HesMon.prg
- A machine language monitor by HES.
- Hires Toolkit.prg
- Another 4kB BASIC expansion. SYS45056 to start. Keywords: AU$,
- Monitor-sys24576.prg
- Machine language monitor, SYS 24576 to start. No instructions either,
but has the usual monitor commands.
- Programmer's Aid-sys28681.prg
- A utility cartridge for BASIC programmers. Defines some BASIC commands
on the function keys. AUTO, RENUMBER and other goodies. The cartridge
does not work if it is copied to RAM and the BASIC interpreter is using
the $7000-$7FFF area.
- Rabbit-sys38912.prg
- A tape fastloader. The ROM is mapped to an uncommon area, $9800-$9fff.
After SYS38912, the commands *L (load) and *S (save) work in direct mode,
in the beginning of the command line.
- Rabbit.txt
- A description of the Rabbit tape format.
- Screenmaster.prg
- Another basic extension.
- Super Expander.prg
- Vic 20 Super Expander (without the extra 3 kB RAM, of course). A BASIC
extension with graphics and sound commands. May need the 3kB expansion
to run. Supports also 8kB or more expansion memory. Autostart, starting
address $A000. Only 4 kilobytes.
- VicTool.prg
- A 2kB BASIC utility cartridge. SYS45056 to start. Keywords:
- Vicmon-2-6000.prg
- Vicmon, a machine language monitor. SYS24576 to start. A slightly
different version.
- Vicmon-2-b000.prg
- Vicmon, a machine language monitor. SYS45056 to start. A quite
different version.
- Vicmon-4000.prg
- Vicmon, a machine language monitor. SYS16384 to start.
- Vicmon-6000.prg
- Vicmon, a machine language monitor. SYS24576 to start.
- Vicmon-a000.bin
- ROM image for VICMON at $a000. No starting address in this file.
- Vicmon-b000.prg
- Vicmon, a machine language monitor. SYS45056 to start. Can be used
simultaneously with the Super Expander ROM.
- Victerm 40.prg
- A prototype of a terminal program cartridge for the VIC-20.
The cartridge label and the EPROM window sticker call it the
"latest Victerm 40". The copyright message in the code says 1982.
- WaterlooBASIC.prg
- Waterloo BASIC for the VIC-20
- vic1211m-SuperExpander.prg
- VIC-1211M from Japan. Same as Super Expander, with slightly diff commands.
Starts at $a000.
- 8k/
- All these are 8kB cartridges.
Instructions for these tools are welcome.
- Assam.prg
- An assembler. SYS700 to start.
- BASIC V5.prg
- A simple BASIC extension with some disk commands and a machine language
monitor. Type COMMANDS to get a command list.
- ExBASIC L2.prg
- A BASIC extension. Type HELP for a command list.
- Handy Toolkit.prg
- A BASIC extension or BASIC programming aid.
- HesWriter.prg
- A very primitive text editor by HES.
- Household Finance.prg
- Plan your personal finances. By Creative Software. This is essentially
the same as Personal Finance.
- LADS-be01.prg
- LADS assembler, SYS 48641 to start. No instructions.
- Mikro Assembler-6000.prg
- Mikro Assembler-a000.prg
- An assembler cartridge for the VIC-20.
- Mikro Assembler-pics.zip
- Pictures of the manual cover page, cartridge case and the circuit board.
- Mikro Assembler.readme
- Notes on Mikro Assembler
- Mikro Assembler.txt
- The manual of Mikro Assembler. Vic Pack VP078 © 1982 Supersoft Ltd.
Manufactured and distributed in UK by Audiogenic, P.O. Box 88, Reading, Berks.
- PET Loader.prg
- A PET emulator (40 column screen). Requires at least a 8 kilobyte memory
- Personal Finance.prg
- Plan your personal finances. By Creative Software.
- Quick Brown Fox-sys24576.prg
- .
- Synthesound.prg
- A sound program by HES.
- Turtle Graphics-2.prg
- A slightly different version of above.
- Turtle Graphics.prg
- A Logo interpreter written in BASIC.
- VC-Extra.prg
- Some sort of expansion that might have something to do with machine
Autostart, starting address $A000.
- Vic Forth 1.00.prg
- VIC Forth by Peter Bengtson.
- Vic Forth 1.10.prg
- A newer version of VIC Forth.
- Vic Graph.prg
- Plots diagrams of given functions. Written in BASIC to a big extent!
- Vic Stat.prg
- A statistics and graphics orientated cartridge by Datatronic, Sweden.
The demo on the cartridge has been written using the extended BASIC
syntax supplied by the cartridge.
- Wordcraft 20-6000.prg
- Wordcraft 20-a000.prg
- A word-processing cartridge. Requires at least an 8kB memory expansion.
- Wordcraft-6000.prg
- Wordcraft-a000.prg
- Wordcraft-orig-6000.prg
- Wordcraft-orig-a000.prg
- A word-processing cartridge by UMI. Press F3 to do a normal RESET, F1
to start the cartridge. The original version does not run in RAM.
- Write Now-sys41000.prg
- A word-processing cartridge.
- vic-forth-hes-rom.zip
- VIC Forth from HES -- includes documentation
- schematics@ (link)
- utilities/
- Here is the VIC-20 utility collection.
- TRIANGULAR uOS 1.19_d64.zip
- GUI OS for the VIC-20
- Unex.prg
- Unexpander by Craig bruce
- unexp3k.prg
- Disables a 3k memory expansion. Written by Aleksi Eeben.
- unexp8-32k.prg
- Disables 8k, 16k, 24k and 32k memory expansions.
Written by Aleksi Eeben.
- 16k/
- Practicalc.csm.gz
- Tape image of Practicalc.
- Practicalc.prg
- Practicalc 1.6, a spreadsheet program. The program is copyrighted 1982
by Computer Software Associated, 50 Teed Drive, Randolph, MA 02368.
Program by Sandy Ruby, manual by Kathleen F. Nolan.
This software REQUIRES a 16Kbyte expansion, 24K is recommended.
- Schreibmaschinenkurs.csm.gz
- Tape image of Schreibmaschinenkurs.
- Schreibmaschinenkurs.prg
- A touch typing course by Commodore Germany, January 1983. The exercise
texts are accessed from tape.
- Schreibmaschinenkurs.seq
- An exercise text file for Schreibmaschinenkurs. Write this to an unnamed
- emutil.prg
- emutil.readme
- EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for 8-bit Commodore computers.
It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities.
It also supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by
Bo Zimmerman and André Fachat.
- practicalc-wdocs.zip
- Practicalc -- includes tap, prg, and pdb docs.
- vic3301_simplicalc.g64.gz
- SimpliCalc from Commodore
- vic3304_vicfile.g64.gz
- VicFile from Commodore
- vic3305_vicwriter.g64.gz
- VicWriter from Commodore
data tape file with OPEN1,1,1,"":...:CLOSE1, or use the tape image.
- 20K+/
- cinderella-vic20-v0_9_d64.zip
- Intel 4004 emulator with examples
- vic-bbs-beta.zip
- VIC BBS - 35k required
- 3k/
- 13k Hrg Doodle.prg
- A primitive drawing program for the 3k Super Expander.
- Diskdoc.prg
- Displays the contents of a disk sector on screen or printer.
Written in BASIC. Works also with a bigger memory expansion.
- Disklock.prg
- Write protect a disk by writing a wrong DOS version byte to the directory
sector, or remove the protection. Written in BASIC. Works also with a
bigger memory expansion.
- Inhoud Maker.prg
- Creates a menu of the disk directory. At least a 3k memory
expansion required.
- Magazine Index.prg
- An article database written in BASIC. Works also with bigger memory
- Vic Doodle.prg
- A simple hi-res drawing program.
- Vic Wedge.prg
- The wedge program from the 1540/1541 test/demo disk, modified so that it
asks for the device number.
- Weerstanden.prg
- Converts resistance values to colours and vice versa. The texts are
in Dutch.
- 8k/
- 1540.41 Backup.prg
- Single drive disk backup program.
- 3D-Drawing I.prg
- 3D-Drawing II.prg
- A 3D drawing program. The first part merely moves the start of
BASIC to $2001 and loads the second part.
- Aangifte 83&84.prg
- Calculates the taxation or something for 1983 and 1984. The program texts
are in Dutch. Requires at least a 24k memory expansion, and the texts are
formatted for a 40 column screen.
- Assembler.prg
- A non-symbolic assembler written in BASIC.
- Assembler2.prg
- A machine language monitor written in BASIC.
- Austro-Compiler.prg
- A BASIC compiler. Requires at least a 16kB expansion. The compiled programs
will run with an 8kB expansion or bigger.
- Basic Scanner.prg
- A BASIC "disassembler" written in BASIC.
- Bio-Vision 20.prg
- A biorythm program.
- Copymaker.prg
- Tape back-up program.
- Copymaker2.prg
- Copies normally saved files from tape to tape.
- Cremona.prg
- Programma voor het bereknen van de staafkrachten in een inwendig-
statisch bepaald vakwerk m.b.v. het cremona-diagram principe.
Written in BASIC.
- Database Cw.prg
- A database program in Dutch. Requires a tape drive. Written in BASIC.
- Database Menu.prg
- A database program in Dutch. Quite many functions. Written in BASIC.
- Dataopslag.prg
- A quite comprehensive Dutch database program. Written in BASIC.
- Drawing Master.b.prg
- Drawing Master.f.prg
- A primitive CAD program.
- Easy Basic.b.prg
- Easy Basic.f.prg
- Easy Basic.p2.prg
- A BASIC expansion.
- Easy Mon 1.0.prg
- A machine language monitor written in BASIC.
- Fat 40.prg
- Fat40 Demo.prg
- 40 column emulators for the VIC-20. The latter is with NTSC screen position.
- Gegevensverwerking.prg
- A database program in Dutch. Written in BASIC.
- Gleitschrift.prg
- This German program produces a bit jumpy scroll text. 6561 only.
- Info Writer.prg
- A page-based textual note writer by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de)
in 1990. Requires 16 kilobytes of expansion memory.
- Kp Word Pro.prg
- This "word processor" is written in BASIC.
- Lettex.lnx.gz
- A letter editor by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de) in
August/September 1991. Requires RAM also at BLK5 ($a000-$bfff).
- MLX 2.02.prg
- A utility for entering machine language programs (enter bytes in decimal
notation, with checksums over 6 byte groups).
- MLtracer.prg
- A 6502 simulator (single-stepper) written in BASIC.
- Magic Draw.b.prg
- Magic Draw.p2.prg
- This is a poor drawing program.
Controls: cursor keys, clr/home, d, e, x, z, l, s, q, F2, F4 etc.
- Memory View Exp.prg
- RAM or ROM contents viewer by Andreas Dietmair (andi.diaet@t-online.de).
- Mighty Basic.prg
- Another BASIC expansion.
- Mighty Mon 1.0-b.prg
- Mighty Mon 1.0-f.prg
- A machine language monitor written in BASIC and ML.
- Mighty Mon 3.0.prg
- A machine language monitor written in pure ML.
- Mighty Term8192.prg
- A terminal program. SYS8192 to start.
Features a 40-column bitmapped display and VT-100 emulation. The program
was never finished, but it is complete enough to use. Press CTRL-1 to bring
up the configuration menu. Not all of my defaults will be convenient for
you. For example, it defaults to PST-100 emulation since that is the type
of terminal the university computer liked when I was developing this program.
You can also specify an "80/2" screen width. In this mode, the screen
will be split into two 40-column halves. Press the F7 key to toggle
between the two halves. Ignore the "Good day, Craig" at the start (unless
your name happens to be Craig). Press the Backarrow key to quit.
- Pilot.prg
- A Pilot language interpreter written in BASIC. Very slow.
- Plus.term.prg
- A terminal program partially written in BASIC. Seems to use the standard
RS-232 routines, so speeds from 50 to 2400bps are possible. Normal
22-column screen.
- Printer Pal I.prg
- Printer Pal II.prg
- These programs print something.
- Prog Char 4.8-HB.prg
- Prog Char MLV1.0.prg
- Character editors.
- Program Ledger.b.prg
- Program Ledger.f.prg
- Makes a database of your programs.
- Quick-20 (rel).prg
- Some sort of a tape loader or tape copier.
- Screen-40.prg
- Gives you a 40-column screen display for using BASIC. It uses
bitmapped 4*8 pixel characters and gives 24 rows. It will work with
all programs that use the standard kernel input and output calls.
- Soundmaker-0.1.prg
- A simple music composing aid written in BASIC.
- Soundmaker.prg
- A sound editor written in BASIC.
- Speedscript 1.0.prg
- Speedscript 3.0.prg
- COMPUTE!'s Speedscript program for the VIC. The function keys move the
cursor around and the F7 and F8 keys are for Load and Save. It features a
number of embedded formatting commands. To access them, press CTRL-£ (the
British pound symbol) and then type the letter of the command and it will
appear in reverse. Follow most commands with a number and then a RETURN.
The following embedded commands are supported: T=Top margin, B=Bottom margin,
L=Left margin, R=Right margin, S=Spacing, and many more. A number of
editing commands are available by pressing CTRL and a letter. CTRL-P is
- Spreadsheet.prg
- A spreadsheet program. Requires a 40 column screen driver.
- Tekstverwerker 1.prg
- Tekstverwerker 2.prg
- Tekstverwerker 3.prg
- Tekstverwerker 4.prg
- These are Dutch word processors for the VIC. All are written in
BASIC and are more or less line orientated.
- Telex-morse.prg
- A RTTY / CW decoder for the VIC-20 by Radio V/D Galien.
- Vic 40 Scherm.prg
- Another 40 column emulator.
- Vic Compiler.prg
- Some sort of BASIC to Assembler source compiler.
- Vic Pilot.b.prg
- Vic Pilot.f.prg
- Some sort of drawing program.
- Vic Writer.prg
- A word processor written in machine language.
- Viditel Uitleg.prg
- Instructions for Vidivic.
- Vidivic.prg
- A Viditel terminal program for some on-line services in The Netherlands.
- Voorraad beheer.prg
- A warehouse database in Dutch. Written in BASIC.
- micromon13_SYS12288.prg
- Micromon 1.3 for 8k and better VICs. SYS 12288 to start.
- super_screen.t64
- 40 column screen for the VIC, with demo program
- unexpanded/
- Unless otherwise notified, the programs here are written in BASIC.
- 2.char.prg
- A 4*8 character set.
- ASCII Screen Put.prg
- Shows the PETSCII and screen codes of the characters you type. Written
in machine language.
- Address Book.prg
- A simple address book program.
- Auto Turbo.prg
- A tape speeder. The files created with this tape speeder can be loaded
with normal LOAD. Works with all memory configurations.
- Blinker.prg
- This program installs an interrupt routine that will blink the screen if
you type a shifted space at the top left screen corner.
- Calendar II.prg
- Seems to print some sort of a calendar to device 4.
- Calendar III.prg
- Prints out a calendar of the months you specify.
- Cass. Bestand.prg
- A very simple database where you can store data of your tape collection.
- Char Gener (3.5).prg
- A simple character editor written in BASIC.
- Clock.prg
- Installs a clock at the top left screen corner.
- Color Bars.prg
- Draws a test picture for tuning the TV.
- Color-cursor.prg
- This program installs an interrupt routine that randomly changes the
cursor color.
- Computer.char.prg
- A nice computer-like 8x8 font.
- Converter.numbers.prg
- Number system converter.
- Converter.units.prg
- Converts values between different measuring units.
- Data Maker.prg
- Memory dump data statement maker.
- Data Manager.prg
- A simple tape-based data base.
- Date to Day.prg
- Tells the weekday of a date.
- Delux File Case.prg
- A data file management program.
- Dir. Reader (t).prg
- Reads tape directories (file names and starting addresses)
- Directory Sort.prg
- Sorts the disk directory. Written in BASIC.
- Disk Defaulter.prg
- Installs a wedge that defaults the LOAD and SAVE routines to device 8.
- Disk Exerciser.prg
- Moves the read/write head around.
- Disk Header.prg
- Edit the disk title and the ID. Written in BASIC. The texts are in Dutch.
- Disk Merge.prg
- Merges two files on a disk. (You could do the same with the C command.)
- Disk Purge.prg
- Purges a disk (deletes files permanently)
- Disk Repair.prg
- Undoes the "N0:DISKNAME" command by writing a link to sector 18,4 from
sector 18,1.
- Diskmonitor.sys6690.prg
- A disk monitor from "Das große Floppy Buch". Commands: W (write sector),
R (read sector), M (examine sector), @ (disk command), X (exit).
Assumes device number 8.
- Dual Copy.prg
- Copies files from drive 8 to drive 9. The files are buffered in the VIC
memory, so this program is very limited.
- Edit Disk Name.prg
- Edit disk title. Written in BASIC.
- Edit Load Addr..prg
- Edit the load address (the first two bytes) of a file on a disk.
Written in BASIC.
- Errorrouter.prg
- Installs customized BASIC error messages. May not work with a 8kB memory
expansion or bigger.
- F-key.prg
- Define macros for function keys.
- Filelock.prg
- Locks a file or removes the lock (bit 6 of filetype)
- Fisichella.zip
- A machine-language music editor with instructions and an example tune.
v1.1 (30.5.2001)
Source code and a bonus demo included. Programmed by Aleksi Eeben.
- Functiondraw.prg
- This BASIC program plots a 2-dimensional function on the screen.
- Functionkeys.prg
- Installs function key macros.
- Functionkeys2.prg
- Installs function key macros.
- Handy Basic.b.prg
- Handy Basic.f.prg
- A BASIC expansion.
- Home Inventory (part 1).prg
- Home Inventory, Part 1: Purchases & Current Value. Creative Software 1981.
- Home Inventory (part 2).prg
- Home Inventory, Part 2: Inventory Analysis. Creative Software 1981.
- Kalendar.prg
- This BASIC program tells (in Dutch) which weekday a given date is.
- Karnaugh.prg
- Draws Karnaugh's diagrams of four-variable logic functions.
- Label Maker.prg
- Prints labels on a printer device #4.
- Lightning Sort.prg
- Generates a sorting routine in machine language.
- Loan Calculator.prg
- Loan Calculator2.prg
- Calculates the real costs of a loan.
- Maanfase.prg
- Calculates the phase of moon. The output is in Dutch.
- Memo Writer.prg
- With this program you can write short notes that can be printed.
The texts cannot be stored in a file.
- Modem.upload.prg
- Some sort of script for the above.
- Mult 1.0.prg
- A multiplicator program. Input two numbers, separated by RETURN, and
the program will print out the product.
- Name Pro.prg
- This program stores data in sequential tape files.
- Object Loader.prg
- Some sort of a utility for "Tiny VIC-20 BASIC compiler".
- One-touch.prg
- This machine-language routine lets you enter BASIC keywords with the
Commodore key combined with a letter. Might not work with 8kB or more
expansion memory.
- Paaszondag.prg
- Calculates the date of Easter.
- Phoneme Editor.t.prg
- Phoneme editor.
- Phoneme Speak.t.prg
- A playback program for the above. Seems to require some hardware expansion
at $9800.
- Posteriser.prg
- Prints a customizable banner message.
- Print Buzz.prg
- No idea what this one is supposed to do.
- Print Sound.prg
- A machine-language driver that plays any notes sent to device 2.
- Prog Char 1.1-un.prg
- A character set editor.
- Program Printer.prg
- Prints a BASIC program listing.
- Programmable Char.prg
- A character editor.
- Puny Mon 1.0-b.prg
- Puny Mon 1.0-f.prg
- Another machine language monitor.
- Quick-20($1600).prg
- Some sort of a tape loader or tape copier.
- Reactoid.prg
- Measures your reaction time.
- Resistor Decoder.prg
- Helps you in decoding resistor color codes.
- Rpn.prg
- Converts "normal" arithmetic expression to Reverse Polish Notation.
- Save Tape->disk.prg
- This program can be used to save all non-turbo non-autostarting games
from tape to disk.
- Schaakklok.prg
- Draws a chess clock on the screen.
- Scrcode.str Make.prg
- Character translation configuration program for Mighty Term.
- Screendump-info.prg
- Screendump.prg
- Generates a screen dump on the printer. Documentation and the actual
- Sector 20 Error.prg
- Generates a sector error on the disk.
- SidMon.prg
- SidMon.readme
- A simple machine language monitor written by HackZ0id/SIDERS a.k.a.
Mattias Hansson <hackzoid@alfa.telenordia.se>.
- Sorteren.prg
- Demonstrates different sorting algorithms. The texts are in Dutch.
- Super Directory.prg
- Displays the disk directory.
- Superlog 20.prg
- Displays disk statistics.
- Tape Dir 2.prg
- Tape Directory.prg
- These programs maintain directories of your tapes.
- Tape Toon.prg
- Plays music from the datassette. Use SYS7424 and TAPE to start.
- Telefoon+sort.prg
- Sorts a telephone database.
- Telefoon-disk.prg
- A disk version of Telefoon.prg, a phone book database.
- Telefoon.prg
- Phone book database.
- Telefoon.relais.prg
- Another phone database.
- Tinymon 1.0.prg
- Tiny relocatable machine language monitor.
- Track 21 Error.prg
- Generates a track error on the disk.
- Turbo Tape.prg
- COMPUTE!'s tape drive accelerator. It makes it so you can load programs from
tape at the speed of a 1541 disk drive (400 bytes/second). It gives
instructions when it is run. You do not need Turbo Tape installed to load
a turbo-saved program.
- Typing.prg
- Typing rate measurement program
- Un.prg
- Character set editor.
- VICTermV1.0-1982-Commodore.prg
- Validate a Disk.prg
- Validates a disk more thoroughly than the built-in validate command.
- Variable Dump.prg
- Prints all BASIC variables on the screen. Works in all memory
- Vic Tiny Aid.prg
- Defines some useful BASIC commands.
- Vic-20 Wedge.prg
- An improved version of the utility that can be found on the 1540/1541
test/demo disk. In this version, the device number of the disk drive
can be specified.
- Virtual Dir.prg
- Displays the disk directory.
- Yearer.prg
- Prints out the calendar for a given year. Requires a printer device #4.
- quikvic.zip
- A nice graphical charset designer for the unexpanded vic.
Mirror sites
General information
File types
Data transfer
The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are
property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.