- See also the PET home pages
http://www.jps.net/foxnhare/commodore.html, and
- Index of all files under this area, text version.
- Index of all files under this area, HTML version.
- SuperPET/
- The SuperPET is a 8032 PET with one or two added boards that were designed
at the University of Waterloo. The computer has a built-in RS-232C
interface and many built-in programming languages. In Europe, this machine
was called the MicroMainFrame 9000, or MMF 9000.
- Draculark_d80.zip
- Game in APL, source included, by Solarbreeze. Requires joystick.
- Pascal-demo-source.d80.gz
- Disk containing Pascal source from unk author(s)
- SuperPET_WCS-97009.d80.gz
- SuperPET language disk. Includes COBOL. Demo 97009.
- SuperPET_WCS_wCOBOL-97009.d80.gz
- SuperPET language disk. Includes COBOL. Demo 97009.
- Waterloo-Development.d64.gz
- Development Package Examples, typed in by William Levak from the paper
- Waterloo-Language-1.d64.gz
- Waterloo Language disk, first version
- Waterloo-Language-2.d64.gz
- Waterloo Language disk, first version
- Waterloo-Tutorial.d64.gz
- Waterloo Tutorial disk, first version. Together with the two
language disks for the first version, the file watlib.exp on this disk
forms a complete set of Waterloo software.
- Waterloo2-Language-1.d64.gz
- Waterloo Language disk 1, second version. Basic v1.1, editor v1.1,
Fortran v1.1, Pascal v1.1.
- Waterloo2-Language-2.d64.gz
- Waterloo Language disk 2, second version. APL v1.1, COBOL v1.0,
development v1.1, watlib.exp, fpplib.exp.
- Waterloo2-Language-No6702-1.d64.gz
- Language disks without MOS 6702 dongle check. By Dave E. Roberts.
- Waterloo2-Language-No6702-2.d64.gz
- Language disks without MOS 6702 dongle check. By Dave E. Roberts.
- APL v1.0 to APL v1.1 conversion routines
- Waterloo2-Tutorial.d64.gz
- Waterloo Tutorial disk, second version:
- APL v1.1 examples
- COBOL examples
- astro.d80.gz
- SPMON monitor by Terry Peterson. Sector @56,12 was defective.
- basicdisasm.d80.gz
- Waterloo Editor with dongle check removed
- bdc62.d80.gz
- BEDIT and DEVEDIT by Joe Bostic
- bedcalc10.d80.gz
- BEDCALC 1.0 and BEDIT 1.0 by Joe Bostic. Also SPMON by Terry Peterson.
- besrc.d80.gz
- Source for BEDIT and DEVEDIT by Joe Bostic
- bostic.d80.gz
- Text editor by Joe Bostic
- com-master_d80.zip
- Com-Master terminal package, by Dan Jeffers. Includes manual, scanned by Michael Cook.
- dir-newterm.d80.gz
- DIR, DIRECTORY, and NEWTERM with source
- piphelp.d80.gz
- Waterloo microPIP file copy
- sp9000lang.d80.gz
- Standard Waterloo SuperPET Language Disk
- sp9000tut.d80.gz
- Waterloo language tutorial files disk
- superforth51.d80.gz
- SuperFORTH 5.1 programs and docs
- telecom.d80.gz
- ISPUG Master Telecom Disk 1.0 for 6809 and 6502
- termpkg.d80.gz
- Term package TV920 (Televideo 920 emulator)
- firmware@ (link)
- os9/
- OS9_SW_Docs.pdf
- Docs from the amazing Andy Grady on using OS/9 on the SuperPET, as well as
instructions on loading and using various applications. You absolutely need
- adv.d80.gz
- Collossal Cave adventure. See OS9 SW docs for load instructions.
- basic09.d80.gz
- BASIC compiler. See OS9 SW docs for more information.
- c-compiler_d80.zip
- C Compiler in d80 disks, including combined /d1,/d3 and original separated
images. See OS9 SW docs for more information.
- dynacalc-sn7298_d80.zip
- Dynacalc spreadsheet on a pair of .D80 disk images. See OS9 SW Docs for more
- dynastar.d80.gz
- Dynastar word processor.
- forth09.d80.gz
- FORTH language.
- os9-relo-bin.d80.gz
- Contains code to reconfigure OS/9
- os9-system-tpug-1.1.d80.gz
- The original TPUG OS/9 v1.1 system disk
- os9-system_d80.zip
- Original TPUG boot/system disk with manual on D80 images
- os9-systemd023_d80.zip
- Boot/System disk with D80 images for /d1, /d2, and /d3
See OS9 SW docs for more information.
- pascal_d80.zip
- Pascal compiler in a pair of .D80 images. No further info available
- stylograph_d80.zip
- Stylograph word processor and spell checker on a pair of .D80 images. See OS9
SW Docs for more information.
- testram9000.d80.gz
- Programs for testing Super OS/9 MMU ram as well as SuperPET ram. See README
on the disk.
- tpug-9-3.d80.gz
- Unknown OS/9 boot disk from TPUG.
- schematics@ (link)
- archivers/
- dsk2file.prg
- A BASIC/ML program to convert any CBM disk to a dump file (like VC1541 disk
to .d64) for a PET or C64.
The dump file should be written to a device larger than the dumped disk
(although the program can be tailored to split an image).
See also file2dsk.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat.
- emutil.prg
- emutil.readme
- EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for 8-bit Commodore computers.
It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities.
It also supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by
Bo Zimmerman and André Fachat.
- file2dsk.prg
- A BASIC/ML program to restore any CBM disk from a fitting disk image
(like .d64 restore to a VC1541).
See also dsk2file.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat.
- lynx8017.txt
- Lynx 17 compatible archiving tool written in BASIC by Ken Ross.
A version compiled with PetSpeed is included.
- lynx8017c-bas.prg
- lynx8017c-gt.prg
- lynx8017c-lst.seq
- audio/
- Audio and music utilities for the PET series
- compose music.prg
- Keyboard song maker with load and save
- komponist.prg
- Komponist - Composer (german lang). Instructions needed!
- m1_orgel_1.prg
- German language sound generator
- o canada!.prg
- Patriotic Canadian song for the PET
- petsynth007.prg
- PET Synth 0.7 - music player
- rhinodevels_keyboard-v1_0-basic_v2-v4.prg
- Music Keyboard player for PET BASIC 2-4
- rhinodevels_keyboard-v1_1-basic_v1.prg
- Music Petboard for PET 2001 BASIC 1
- sound sine.prg
- Simple sound test
- sound1-ek.d64.gz
- Disk of song files, possibly a player, maybe requiring a rom? Please contact
with info.
- sounddemo.prg
- Sound Effects demo program
- soundeff..prg
- Sound Effects Library program
- vmm.prg
- Visible Music Monitor by Dr. Frank Levinson 1980. This is an
excellent music program with 4 voice polyphony and voice generation
by harmonic mixing. Scrolling display of music possible (playback
quality is better with screen off). Requires 8 bit DAC connected to
user port. If you need the instruction book, ask msmakela@nic.funet.fi
to forward your request to Tim Howe.
- vmm_user_manual.pdf
- Manual for Visual Music Monitor by Dr Frank Levinson
- comm/
- CommodoreBBS_d80.zip
- Steve Punters BBS System v.18, with documentation. .D80 format.
- PETTERM-0.5.0.zip
- User port terminal program for PET, supports 300-2400 baud.
- auto term 1200.zip
- auto term.zip
- c=bbs1.d64.gz
- Steve Punters BBS program for the PET, programs and data disk.
- c=bbs2.d64.gz
- Steve Punters BBS program for the PET, instructions and term program
- intercomm.d80.gz
- Both IEEE-488 and RS232 terms for the PET
- johnsikerscomm.d64.gz
- Disk of unknown utilities by John Sikora. Email me!
- p-xp-term.d64.gz
- More term programs: XPTerm103 v1.2, various PTerm versions for 103 and rs232
- pet-term.d64.gz
- Term program from Allan Yates for unknown User Port modem (Intelcom?)
- petcom.d64.gz
- Collection of terminal programs: petcom 3.0 & 3.1, pterm 2.1 & 2.2, and
- petterm-0.4.0.d64.gz
- User port terminal program for PET, supports 300-1200 baud.
- term-r12src.zip
- PAL source to term.r12
- terminal_r12.d64.gz
- Terminal program for unknown intelcom modem.
- mcterm/
- mcterm-manual.pdf
- MCTerm Manual
- mcterm.d80.gz
- mcterm040.d64.gz
- mcterm121.d64.gz
- mcterm126e.d64.gz
- cursor@ (link)
- demodisks@ (link)
- demos/
- Demos for Commodore PET series computers
- abrelosojos.prg
- 80 column demo Abre los ojos
- andromeda.prg
- back2pet.prg
- Back to the PET Demo
- bl-fuer-8032.prg
- Graphical blotch for 80 cols
- bl_fuer_3032.prg
- Graphical blotch for 40 cols
- demo of 8032.prg
- Demo of 8032 business computer, from Commodore
- donkey kong (mad preview).prg
- Preview of what a PET Donkey Game might be
- dragon demo.prg
- halloweendemo.zip
- Halloween demo by Milasoft. Includes versions for diff PETs.
- holyhalter.prg
- maze demo.prg
- Random maze & solver demo
- mtu_gfx_prgs.d64.gz
- Programs for MTU Visible Memory boards (K-1008)
- no_pets_allowed.zip
- No Pets Allowed 4032 demo
- noice-hardcore_petting.zip
- Hardcore PEtting by Noice 2010
- petdemo.d64.gz
- Rockwell demo, PET clock, Printer Demo, World Clock, PET Graphics demo, PET
demo, reflections calculator
- petopia 8032.zip
- Petopia demo with source by Milasoft
- seasonsgreetings2017.prg
- Seasons Greetings candle
- transactor-demo-8296.zip
- Transactor demo for CBM 8296 computer
- vogelstimme [fixed].prg
- Vogelstimme (birds voice) audio demo
- weihnachtslieder.prg
- Christmas songs and pictures
- Cursor/
- These animations were published in the Cursor tape magazine.
They work best on 40-column PETs. Beware, some of these demos
make use of the "smoke POKE" that speeds up video on older PETs
and may damage some newer models.
- andromeda.prg
- Cursor #18: Attack from the outer space. Copyright © 1980 Bob Carr.
- hawaii.prg
- Cursor #15: A trip to Hawaii. Copyright © 1979 Ken Morley.
- phuzzy wuzzy hawaii.prg
- Phuzzy & Wuzzy go to Hawaii
- phuzzy wuzzy moon.prg
- Phuzzy & Wuzzy go to the moon
- rain dance.prg
- Cursor #21: Indian rain dance. Copyright © 1980 Bob Carr.
- space flight.prg
- Cursor #12: The Canadians make it to the moon! Copyright © 1979 Ken Morley.
- Senil/
- Demos from the SENIL group. All require 80 column screen
- billichdemo.prg
- boredom!.prg
- credits.prg
- demosektion--.prg
- framesetter.prg
- funny_fake_error.prg
- lamer-demo.prg
- matty_-_reloaded.prg
- senil_logo.prg
- senil_logo1.prg
- printer/
- andy.prg
- asterix.prg
- beep.prg
- Road Runner
- kalendar.prg
- German language calendar
- pinkpanther_post.prg
- Pink Panther
- santa.prg
- Santa Claus pic
- snoopy.prg
- Snoopy Booth
- strolchi.prg
- edu/
- 3-d pictures.prg
- Construct and rotate 3d shapes
- Onderwijs.lnx.gz
- Dutch and English teaching programs, including high school
mathematics and physics. Uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995;
converted to gzipped Lynx by Marko Mäkelä in 2001.
- a-mazing.prg
- Maze Generator logic
- alpha_scatter.prg
- Alpha particle scatter plot
- chemistry.d80.gz
- Instructional chemistry programs from the University of Michagan Chemistry
Department, circa 1985. The programs are run through the "MENU" program.
Uploaded by William Levak.
- microtyping.d64.gz
- Typing lessons and tutorial system
- morse tutor pet.prg
- Tutoring in Morse Code
- ryerson_rpidigsys.d64.gz
- Assorted math and science programs for RPI Digital Systems.
- sunrise - sunset.prg
- Determine time of sunrise/sunset
- Canada/
- These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada
as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection
dated 1983. Unfortunately, not all disks are present, and not all disks
are complete.
These programs run on PETs with Basic 2.0 and 4.0 with either 40 or
80 column screens, and on the Commodore 64. On every disk there is the
program "cbm4032v2.1 50 hz" to run the programs on the 8032.
- README.txt
- Additional information by Olaf Seibert, who uploaded these files in 1995.
Edited by Marko Mäkelä, who reorganized these files in 2001.
- bb.lnx.gz
- bb.txt
- Business
- ca.lnx.gz
- ca.txt
- cb.lnx.gz
- cb.txt
- Computer Science
- ea.lnx.gz
- ea.txt
- ec.lnx.gz
- ec.txt
- ed.lnx.gz
- ed.txt
- ee.lnx.gz
- ee.txt
- English
- ga.lnx.gz
- ga.txt
- gb.lnx.gz
- gb.txt
- ge.lnx.gz
- ge.txt
- gf.lnx.gz
- gf.txt
- Games
- ma.lnx.gz
- ma.txt
- mc.lnx.gz
- mc.txt
- md.lnx.gz
- md.txt
- me.lnx.gz
- me.txt
- mg.lnx.gz
- mg.txt
- mm.lnx.gz
- mm.txt
- mt.lnx.gz
- mt.txt
- Mathematics
- ra.lnx.gz
- ra.txt
- Geography
- sa.lnx.gz
- sa.txt
- sb.lnx.gz
- sb.txt
- sd.lnx.gz
- sd.txt
- se.lnx.gz
- se.txt
- sg.lnx.gz
- sg.txt
- sh.lnx.gz
- sh.txt
- Science
- ta.lnx.gz
- ta.txt
- tb.lnx.gz
- tb.txt
- Technical
- ua.lnx.gz
- ua.txt
- Utilities
- misc/
- These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada
as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection
dated 1983. They run on the following computers: BASIC 2.0 PET,
BASIC 4.0 PET, 8032 CBM (with an 40-column emulator program) and
the Commodore 64. The programs seem to be slightly updated versions
compared to the collections at
http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/pet/edu/Canada/ uploaded by Olaf Seibert.
- a or an.prg
- Fill in the gaps in text with "a" or "an".
- addition teacher.prg
- Teach at most 2-digit integer additions.
- alphabetter.40.prg
- Measures the knowledge of the alphabet by asking random letters to be sorted.
- big math.prg
- Tests addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills.
- buoyancy.prg
- Elementary physics: mass, weight, density and buoyancy.
- cascade.prg
- A visual simulation of water fall over a terrain.
- caves.prg
- A maze game.
- cbm4032v2.1 50hz.prg
- A 40-column PET emulator required for using these programs with
the Commodore 8032.
- changemaker.prg
- This program simulates buying items in a North American store
(sales tax is added to the total).
- comp.history.40.prg
- Questions about the history of computers and computing.
- counting.prg
- Teaches numbers (count various objects drawn on the screen)
- cylinder.prg
- This program does not work, as it appears to have been truncated. It
is a modified version of the "cylinders.c2" program in the SB (science) disk.
- electricity.prg
- Electricity problems: Ohm's law, energy, power, cost of energy.
- flash.prg
- Trains reading and writing by showing a word on the screen quickly and then
asking for the word to be typed on the keyboard.
- french drill.prg
- This French-language program asks the student to translate English words
to French.
- geography quiz.prg
- This program drills the student on his knowledge of capital cities,
states of the USA, leading agricultural products of various countries,
as well as general geographical facts.
- grammar 2.40.prg
- Basic English grammar questions
- hangman 2.40.prg
- Hangman 2, with English words.
- lakes game.prg
- This hangman game will test your knowledge of the lake district of England.
- macbeth.prg
- A quiz about various aspects of the Shakespearean play Macbeth.
- magic square.prg
- A 3×3 square transformation game.
- missing letter.prg
- This program is a quiz about the letters of the alphabet and the letters'
order in the alphabet. (One letter of the alphabet is hidden at a time,
and the student has to guess which one.)
- momentum cai.prg
- Momentum problems (force, mass, acceleration, speed etc.)
- number guess.prg
- Guess a number between 0 and 9.
- population.prg
- Population dynamics with hares, wolves and hawks.
- scramble.prg
- This program is designed to help students with their spelling skills at
a level of grade 8. The computer permutes the letters of words that the
student has to guess.
- symbology.prg
- This program is a quiz on map symbols.
- math/
- abacus.prg
- Abacus Competition program
- addition.prg
- Addition Drill from Cursor #8
- avrge.prg
- Find the average of a list of numbers
- bart.prg
- Bart Economy calculator
- basicmath.d64.gz
- A Slew and Myriad (~97) of small math problem programs in BASIC
- buggy.prg
- Fix the bad math
- curfit.prg
- Fit curves on a graph
- funcmachine.prg
- Function Machine by Pete Rowe and CBM
- funktion_8032.prg
- Germnan language function plotter, 80 cols
- funktions-plot.prg
- Funktions-plot (German language)
- ladder_multiply.prg
- Ladder Mult by Commodore
- math-hayden.d64.gz
- Math programs from Hayden Book Co.
- mileage.prg
- Calculate airline distances - by Jim Butterfield
- p_dice.prg
- P-Dice - Dice throwing simulation
- pascals-triangle.prg
- Pascals triangle
- print-sine.prg
- Prints a sine curve
- quadratic-solve.prg
- Solves quadratic equations
- sines.prg
- Plots a sine curve
- programming@ (link)
- firmware@ (link)
- games/
- english/
- 10line-canyonrun.prg
- 3d star trek.prg
- The excellent 3D Star Trek by M P McDonald and M H Clements for 3000 series
40-column PETs. Does not fully work on the 4000 series, and not at all on
the 8000 series.
Keys: D=damage report, I+number=impulse drive, L=long range scan,
P+number=launch photon torpedo (steer with shift and normal steering keys),
home=steer counter clockwise coarse, down=steer counter clockwise fine,
del=steer clockwise coarse, right=steer clockwise fine, maybe other keys?
Battle stations: number keys; space to fire
- 3d startrek.prg
- A version of 3D Star Trek for the original PET 2001 firmware. The
battle stations have better graphics than the version for newer ROMs.
- 3d-os+xs.prg
- 3d tic-tac-toe with sound, 8k
- 3d-tic-tac-toe.prg
- 3D Tic Tac Toe game
- 8-queen_soln.prg
- Solve the 8-Queen problem in Chess
- PET Robots Shareware_d64.zip
- Shareware version of Attack of the PETSCII Robots. Requires 32k PET. Find
the full version at the8bitguy.com
- PETPANIC.d64.gz
- Clone of Apple PANIC by Jim Orlando
- Pet_3D_StarTrek.pdf
- Official instruction manual for 3d star trek.
- Space Invaders MR NOP.d64.gz
- Space Invader versions for every PET model.
- Telengard_PET.tap
- Avalon Hill RPG for 40 col PETs and Tape drive
- The_Valley_32k_d64.zip
- RPG From "Computing Today" for 32k PET.
- acey_deucy.prg
- Acey Deucy card game
- acigol.prg
- Turn on all the lamps game. Logic puzzle perhaps?
- acrobat.prg
- Acrobat II (Commodore Japan), PET users' club S-game. Requires 3000 series
firmware (does not work on 4000 or 8000 series). In this game you have to
pop baloons. The same game has been published later on the VIC-20 and
Commodore 64 as "Clowns".
- acrobat2.prg
- Alternate version of Acrobat II from Commodore
- adventure-2.prg
- RPG type adventure
- adventureland.prg
- Adventureland by Scott Adams
- afo.prg
- Challenging action game from Japan
- afo_with_sound.prg
- Challenging action game from Japan with sound
- air_attack.prg
- bombing game
- aircraft_lander.prg
- Aircraft landing simulator
- alien encounter.zip
- side scrolling shooter
- android nimm.prg
- Game by Don Denis with sound
- android_nim.prg
- Kill the last android against computer
- andromeda conquest.prg
- Space Conquest game from Avon Hill (16k)
- aquire.prg
- Acquire from Avon Hill (16k)
- arrow.prg
- Snake game by Jim Butterfield
- artillery.prg
- Artillary game by Creative Computing
- astro-rescue.prg
- Astro-Rescue arcade-style game by Jim Summers
- atlantic_patrol.prg
- Ship Sinking game
- attack.prg
- Base defense game
- awari.prg
- Oware strategy board game
- b1.prg
- B1 Bomber from Avon Hill
- backgammon.prg
- A 40-column backgammon game for 0-2 players.
- backgammon1.prg
- The classic board game
- backgammon2.prg
- Version by J Aughton - tidy graphics, works on all PET models.
- baseball 7.3.prg
- 2 player baseball game
- baseball.prg
- Baseball Strategy from Avon Hill (32k)
- baseball_7_4.prg
- PET Super Baseball v7.4 by Jinshi Suzuki
- battleship.prg
- Battleship board game by M Richter, 1 player
- battleship_1.prg
- Battleship board game (1p, simple)
- battleships.prg
- BattleShip! Board game by Jim Butterfield
- biorhythm.prg
- Biorhythm simulator by Hanimex
- biorhythm_1_5.prg
- Biorhythm calculator 1.5
- bioterror!.d64.gz
- Bioterror! Resource game by Jason Grow (8k)
- blackjack.prg
- Original Blackjack game from CBM
- blackjack_(cms).prg
- Casino Blackjack
- blackjack_senil.prg
- Blackjack from CBM modified by Senil
- blockade.prg
- Prison Break game by Gil Winkler
- blockcopy.zip
- Pattern game by Cosine, 8k with instructions
- bomber.prg
- Scrolling B29 Bomber game
- bomber_attack.prg
- Bomber Attack from Avon Hill (8k)
- bombs away.prg
- Bombing game by Allan Yates
- bowling.prg
- Bowling - Avalon Hill game
- boxing comp.prg
- 2 player boxing game
- break-out.prg
- Breakout game, difficult
- breakout (8000).prg
- Breakout - 80 col version by Senil
- breakout.prg
- Fantastic Breakout game
- breakout_3.1.prg
- Breakout clone, use 1-3 to move
- breakth.-34-s1.prg
- Breakthrough -- the classic paddle game with sound.
- brickblasta.zip
- Arkanoid-like breakthru game by Milasoft
- bridge.prg
- Bridge game.
- bridge_bid_train.prg
- Bridge card game
- bugg (alt).prg
- Bugg - Centipede game from Kevin Pickell
- bugg.prg
- Centipede like game by Kevin Pickell of Milasoft
- bulls_&_bears.prg
- Stock Market strategy game
- candy-man.prg
- Pacman clone by Milasoft. Instructions needed.
- candyconquer_d64.zip
- Shooting game for all PETs. Includes source.
- canyon.prg
- Canyon - space avoider by Kevin Pickell
- capture.prg
- Capture - a go-like game
- car race 2.prg
- Race car game
- carrace.prg
- Car Race II by S Iwata
- castle adv.prg
- Castle Adventure by David Malmberg 32k
- catchall.d64.gz
- Asst games: Star Quest, Asteroidz, Pirate Adventure, Adventureland, Space
Grocer, Chess, Freefall, Six Second Club, others
- caveman.prg
- Steal a dinosaurs eggs!
- caverns of riches.prg
- Caverns of Riches - John O'Hare Adventure!
- chase.prg
- Chase game from Creative Computing
- checkers.prg
- PET Checkers from CMS Software
- chess_game_(tg).prg
- Chess game
- circle_world.prg
- Circle World - text adventure
- civil_war.prg
- Civil War - text war simulation by Creative Computing
- computerspace2001.prg
- Computer Space 2001 shooter
- computerspace2001.zip
- Computer Space 2001 Norbert Landsteiner, with docs
- concord_lander.prg
- Concord Lander - plane landing simulation
- conflict 2500.prg
- Conflict 2500, a galactic conquest game from Avon Hill (16k)
- connect 4.prg
- 2 player Connect 4
- connect-4.prg
- Connect-4 board game
- connect4.prg
- Another version of the classic boardgame
- cosmiads m.prg
- patched version of 'cosmiads uni' that no longer uses the cass#1 buffer.
- cosmiads m.txt
- instructions for cosmiads m.prg
- cosmiads uni.prg
- Cosmiads - Excellent implementation of Galaxian. POKE 2571,79 before RUN
for joystick on user port. LEFT=PA0, RIGHT=PA1, FIRE=PA5.
- cosmiads_galaxians.prg
- Yet another version of cosmic cosmiads
- cosmic force.prg
- Shoot as many aliens as possible
- cosmic jailbreak inst.prg
- Instructions program for Cosmic Jailbreak
- cosmic jailbreak.prg
- Cosmic Jailbreak - space invaders clone
- cosmic raiders plus.prg
- Space Invaders like game for 80 col PETs, enhanced with Joystick supp
- cosmic raiders.prg
- Space Invaders like game for 80 col PETs, o.g. mk 3
- cosmic_fighter.prg
- Cosmic Fighter - side scrolling action shooter by MS Software
- crazy_balloon.prg
- Crazy Balloon - guide balloon to target
- crossword_puzzle.prg
- Crossword Puzzle generator
- dactetris.prg
- Tetris with Dac sound by Tim Howe 32k
- dambuster.prg
- Dambuster - bomb the dam!
- datestones_of_ryn.d64.gz
- Datestones of Ryn 1979-Automated Simulations
- dawsons_wall.prg
- Breakthrough type game
- debris.prg
- Debris - action game by Bodyguard Software
- deepspace_1_0.prg
- Deepspace 1.0 - tactical simulation
- defender2020.prg
- Defender, for 40 or 80 col 32k home pets, by Jim Orlando
- deflextion.prg
- Deflextion - Deflect the ball towards the targets
- derelict.prg
- Derelict - space text adventure
- dhunterpet.prg
- Destiny Hunter by voidstar78
- diamond_hunt_ii.prg
- Diamond Hunt II - by Joe Commodore
- disasteroids.prg
- Disasteroids by Kevin Moughtin (16k)
- dnd1 (fix).prg
- Richard Garriot DnD1 (1/6) 32k
- dnieper river line.prg
- Dnieper River Line, an Avon Hill game 32k
- dog_star_advent.prg
- Dog Star Adventure by David Malmberg
- dominos.prg
- Dominos - one or two player 'tron' like game
- donkeyjr8032.d64.gz
- Donkey Kong Jr for 8032
- donuts.prg
- Donuts - tower of hanoi clone
- dot_racer.prg
- Dot Race - town down race track game
- dow_jones.prg
- Dow Jones investment game
- dragon_island.prg
- Dragon Island - number guessing game by Mike Spencer
- dragons eye.zip
- an RPG game
- draw_poker_cbm.prg
- Draw Poker, official CBM game
- driving_ace.prg
- Driving Ace - night driver game by Hanimex
- duel.prg
- Car Duel - action game
- dungeon of death [flipped char].prg
- Dungeon of Death (flipped char)
- dungeon.prg
- Dungeon game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #15, copyright 1979 Brian Sawyer.
Controls: 6, 4, 2, 8 for movements.
- dungeonofdeath
- Dungeon crawl game for original 8k PET 2001 (normal char)
- efpc.prg
- Escape From PETSCII Castle by Jim Orlando. Supports SNES adapter.
- eliza.prg
- Elize - psychological analysis game
- eliza_jb.prg
- Eliza rewrite by Jim Butterfield
- ello.lnx.gz
- A board game.
- energicics.prg
- Energicics - trading simulation
- epidemic.prg
- Epidemic - island epidemic simulator
- escape from the death planet.prg
- Escape from the Death Planet - turn based action
- explorer.prg
- Explorer - text adventure
- faces.prg
- Faces - generates different face graphics
- fantastic voyage.prg
- Fantastic voyage by Greg Hopkins. Drive your ship around shooting cancer
- fast_life.prg
- Fast Life - Game of Life by John Conway
- fighter_pilot.prg
- Fighter Pilot - first person target shooting
- fire.prg
- Fire department game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #16, copyright 1980
Brian Sawyer. Controls: 6, 4, 2, 8 for movements and 5 for dropping water.
- flashatk.prg
- Flash Attack - Timothy Stryker
- flight__sim_byte.prg
- Flight Simulation based strictly on data
- flight_simulator.prg
- Data-based flight simulation by Jerry Panofsky
- football!.prg
- American Football coaching game: raiders vs computer
- football_(pi).prg
- Football - american football coaching-based game
- forest.prg
- Forest - forest ranger simulation
- frog_race.prg
- Frog Race - betting game
- frogger.prg
- Frogger
- frustration_qubi.prg
- Frustration Qubic - by M. Spencer
- fur [f].prg
- Fur trader simulation
- fury.prg
- galactqu.d64.gz
- Galactic Quest game
- galaga.prg
- Arcade space game
- galaxy!.prg
- Galactic Empire game for 1-20 players
- galaxy!_no-sound.prg
- Galaxy! (no sound version) from Avon Hill (16k)
- galaxy_games.prg
- Galaxy Games - shooter with many modes
- german_game.prg
- German Game - 1 player strategy board game
- golf.prg
- Golf
- gremlin.prg
- Gremlin - strategic shooter
- gribbet.prg
- Gribbet
- gridrunner-src.asm
- Gridrunner source code from Milasoft
- gridrunner.prg
- Gridrunner by Jeff Minter, ported to PET by Milasoft
- grungy towers.prg
- Grungy Towers - logic/murder mystery game
- guess_it.prg
- Guess It - reverse guessing game where computer guesses
- gunner.prg
- Gunner - two player aiming grid game
- guns of fort defiance.prg
- The Guns of Ft Defiance from Avon Hill 16k
- hamurabi.prg
- Hamurabi - empire-like governing game
- hamurabi_alt.prg
- Hamurabi - empire-like governing game (alt)
- hangman1.prg
- Hangman - unknown author
- hangman2.prg
- Hangman by Raymond Toy
- hangman3.prg
- Hangman by B Godfrey
- hangman4.prg
- Hangman by Harry Saal
- haunted mansion.prg
- Haunted Mansion - John O'Hare Adventure!
- heart_racer.prg
- Heart Racer action game
- hearts_desire.prg
- Hearts Desire
- hellfire_warrior.d64.gz
- Hellfire Warrior 1980-Automated Simulations
- hexpawn_2_0.prg
- Hexpawn board game
- hey taxi.prg
- Radar Rat Rate taxi game by Milasoft
- hitch-hikers guide.prg
- Hitchikers Guide - text adventure by Bob Chappell
- horserace.prg
- Horse Race betting game
- hurkle_1.prg
- Hurkle guessing game, find the hurkle on the grid
- hurkle_alt.prg
- Hunt the Hurkle game improved by Hanimex
- ians_race_(n).prg
- Ian's Speed Race - overhead car race
- innuh-pet-en.prg
- The Innuh's Pyramid - text adventure
- insulter.prg
- Insulter - a very rude Elize by Jim Butterfield
- invader.prg
- Space Invaders clone for the 3032 and the 4032. Written in machine language.
Controls: 4, 6 and A.
- invasion_orion.d64.gz
- Invasion Origin - strategy game
- invisible maze.prg
- Invisible Maze - by Jim Butterfield - solve the fading maze
- island of secrets.prg
- Island of Secrets - text adventure/rpg
- island_rescue.prg
- Island Rescue: resource management, 32k 40 col
- jackblack_b.prg
- Blackjack game from Jim Butterfield
- jason and the argonauts - rules.prg
- Jason and the Argonauts - instructions/rules
- jason and the argonauts.prg
- Jason and the Argonauts - by Bob Chappell
- jotto2.prg
- Jotto - word guessing game by Jim Butterfield
- journey to the center of the earth.prg
- Journey to the Center of the Earth text adventure
- jumbo_lander.prg
- Jumbo Lander
- k&d40.prg
- Knights and Demons
- k&d80.prg
- Knights and Drmobs by Kabuto Factory (8032)
- keno.prg
- Keno betting game
- king_tut.prg
- King Tut's Tomb - John O'Hare text adventure
- kingdom.prg
- Kingdom - Empire style governing game
- labyrinth.prg
- Labyrinth - 3D max solving game by CBM Canada
- ladybug_d64.zip
- MR NOP game, includes versions for 3 PETs
- land slide.prg
- Catch the falling rocks by Kevin Pickell
- lander_(cc).prg
- Lunar lander game with gfx and guages
- lander_x.prg
- Mars Lander, full text based lunar lander game
- laser tanks.prg
- Laser Tanks - two player tank game
- laser tks ins.prg
- Instructions program for Laser Tanks
- leap frog.prg
- Frogger clone
- lem.prg
- Another Lunar Lander by Jeff Jessee from Creative Computing
- lemonade!.prg
- Lemonade Stand for 40 col PET, with new Intro
- lemonade.prg
- Lemonade Stand by Mark Rejhon in 1986
- life.prg
- Game of Life from Bartonsmith
- life_ii.prg
- Life II by Larry
- life_tj.prg
- Life game from Tony Jeffree
- lizzard.prg
- Lizzard - Eat the flies!
- loderunner.prg
- Lode Runner port for 32K 40 or 80 COL, by Jim Orlando
- lord_of_dragons.prg
- Lord of Dragons - party RPG dungeon crawl byb Bob Chappell
- lords_of_karma (sys1024).prg
- Lords of Karma (sys1024) - takes a long time to initialize.
- lottery.prg
- Lottery number generator by Jim Butterfield
- luna_lander.prg
- Lunar Lander by Hanimex
- lunar_lander.prg
- Lunar Lander from unknown author
- lunar_lander_ii.prg
- Lunar Lander II from Tom Garland
- m-maze.prg
- M-Maze - maze solving game with scrolling screen
- mad_bomber.prg
- The Mad Bomber - bombing action game
- manbiki.d64.gz
- Manbiki Shonen (Shoplifting Boy), for 8k PET, with alt versions by Robin
- mars.prg
- Mars - text adventure
- mastermind.prg
- Mastermind - guessing game, unk author
- mastermind_fg.prg
- Number guessing game
- mastermind_mpm.prg
- Mastermind guessing game by M.P.McDonald
- matches.prg
- Matches - numbers game against computer
- mean_street_rules.prg
- Mean Streets Rules - docs for Mean Streets
- mean_streets.prg
- Mean Streets - murder mystery clue game
- meteor.prg
- Meteor - time yourself game
- meteorites.prg
- Missle Command-type target shooter
- meteorites2.prg
- Meteorites - shooter game - protect the bases
- microchess.prg
- Microchess 2.0 for the 3032, copyright 1978 Micro-Ware Ltd,
written by Peter Jennings. Press RETURN to start the game.
- microsail.prg
- Microsail by James Johnson
- microstring.prg
- Microstring by Bodyguard Software
- midgetgolf.prg
- Midget Golf - Golfing game with graphic overview
- midway campaign.prg
- Midway Campaign by Avon Hill (16k)
- millikan(c).prg
- Milikan - Simulation of Oil Drop Experiment by Raymond Li
- miner.prg
- Miner game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #19, copyright 1980 Ron Longfellow.
Controls: 2, 4, 6, 8 for movements.
- minimae-petima.prg
- Minimae (Petima) - RPG game from Robin Harbron
- missile command.prg
- Good port of the arcade classic Missile Command
- mission imposs.prg
- mission2001.prg
- Mission 2001 asteroids game
- monopoly.prg
- Classic board game
- mount_st_helens.prg
- Mount St Helens - disaster game
- mousemaze.prg
- Mouse Maze - maze generator/solver game
- mugwump.prg
- Mugwump - coordinate guessing game
- multi-invaders!.prg
- Space Invaders with numerous graphical and gameplay options
- night driver f40.prg
- Driving game
- nightmare park.prg
- Multi faceted 'action' adventure game for 40-column PETs.
- nim.prg
- Nim - by Jim Butterfield and Bill Finzer
- north atlantic cr.prg
- North Atlantic Convoy Raider by Avon Hill (8k)
- nukewar (reconversion).prg
- Nukewar (reconversion) from Avon Hill games
- nukewar.prg
- Nukewar from Avon Hill
- number-toe.prg
- Number-Toe by Jose Gutierrez
- off-the-wall.prg
- Steer a bouncing ball by placing '\' and '/' shaped paddles by
pressing the 'm' and 'n' keys. Copyright 1978 CBM. This game is for
40-column PETs. Similar to "Target Pong".
- oilswell.d64.gz
- Oils Well 2013 by Mr.Nop
- osero_othello.prg
- Board game
- oslobors.prg
- Stock trading game 1-4 players
- othello.prg
- Othello board game by Hanimex
- othello_jm.prg
- Othello by James Mendenhall 1980
- othello_osero_34.prg
- Othello 3.4 by Osereo
- outpost.prg
- Outpost - space star trekky type game
- pacman!.prg
- Pacman-like game
- paladin (v2).prg
- Paladin - Defender clone by Kevin Pickell
- paladin.prg
- Defender-type clone
- pbros.prg
- PET Mario Bros by Jim Orlando
- penetrator.zip
- people.prg
- People - guess people database type game
- personality.lnx.gz
- Dr. Sinister's personality test for 40-column PETs.
- pet panic.prg
- patched version of Jim Orlando's 'pet panic' that will run on both rev 3 ROMs
and rev 4 ROMs.
- pet_chess_8032.prg
- PET Chess - 80 col graphical chess game
- pet_demolition.prg
- Demolition - bomb the wall without missing a brick
- pet_nuc_pwr_plnt.prg
- PET Nuclear Power Plant - sim by Stephen Berggren
- petals.prg
- Petals Around the Rose - guessing game
- petball 4.0.prg
- Pinball game
- petchess univ.prg
- Petchess 4000 - Huge 32k chess program.
- petdle.d64.gz
- A WORDLE impl for 32k PET (40 or 80, any kybd). By Steve Gray & Bo Zimmerman
- petlifter.prg
- Petlifter: Choplifter game for 40 or 80 col, 32k, by Jim Orlando
- petopoly.prg
- Petopoly - Multi-player monopoly by Ted Landsler
- petpanic!.prg
- PET Panic! By Jim Orlando
- petportal!.prg
- Portal game for 32k PETs (40 or 80 col) by Jim Orlando
- petract.prg
- A Star Trek variation
- petstrip_d64.zip
- Strip Poker with pixel graphics. 40/80 col and 8296.
- phantom fighter.prg
- pick_up.prg
- Pick-Up - the chemicals from the floor
- picture_kingdom.prg
- Picture Kingdom - empire style game
- pinball.prg
- Pinball - Bruce Jaeger
- ping_pong.prg
- Ping Pong - two player pong by ADP Systems
- pirate_adventure.prg
- Pirate Adventure - Text adventure by Scott Adams
- pizza.prg
- Pizza - Delivery by S Erlewine
- pkong.prg
- PET Donkey Kong by Jim Orlando
- planet miners.prg
- Planet Minors (1-4 player) - Avalon Hill game
- planet_probe.prg
- Planet Probe - do a good planet fly-by Nestar
- plc23_lightcycles.prg
- Tron light-cycles game (single player)
- poems.prg
- Random Poem generator by Jim Butterfield
- poker_is.prg
- Poker - by Instant Software
- polf.zip
- v0.1 by David Given. 3d golf-like game. Includes instructions.
- pong.prg
- Pong - small paddle pong game.
- postal.prg
- Postal - Postal Routes - Bill Finzer
- ppone_1_1.prg
- Ppong 1 by Lawrence Hall
- prospector.prg
- Prospector - by Cascade Software
- pssp.prg
- PETSCII Side-Scrolling Platformer by Jimbo
- psycho.prg
- Psycho - Eliza-type game
- pzlmgs.prg
- Zombie Lemmings for 32K PETs (40 or 80 col) by Jim Orlando
- quadrat.prg
- Quadrant - flower hunting game?
- qubic.prg
- Qubic - 3d tic-tac-toe
- quest.prg
- Quest - text adventure
- racetrack.prg
- Race Track - car racing for 1 or 2 players
- reverse.prg
- Reverse - number arrangement game
- road race.prg
- Road Race by Avon Hill games (8k)
- robot_invaders.prg
- Robot Invaders - very very single quick keystroke matcher
- robot_nim.prg
- Robot Nim - Cute numbers game
- rollercoaster.prg
- Roller Coaster - action game
- rotate.prg
- Rotate - by CBM
- rotorrampage_d64.zip
- Rotor Rampage shooter, all 32k versions, by Dave Duke and Ken McIlveen
- roulette_eh.prg
- Roulette betting strategy sim by Ed Herstein
- s-racer.prg
- S-Race - stay on the road
- saifu hiroi - money table (acid rain).prg
- Acid rain, money table action game (saifu hiroi)
- scramble.prg
- Scramble space shooter by Milasoft
- scramble_80.prg
- Scramble - arcade action by H Eichmann, 80 col
- sea wolf.prg
- Sea Wolf 1978 Creative Software
- sea_battle.prg
- Sea Battle - two player game by Carl Thelen
- seabattle.prg
- Single player sea battle strategy game from Creative Computing
- seabattle_(32k).prg
- Text based navel battle from Creative Computing
- seabattle_inst.prg
- Seabattle instructions
- seawolf.prg
- Seawolf - sink enemy ships in time
- seige (8000)[senil].prg
- Siege by Mike Singleton (variation), 80 col action game
- seige.prg
- Seige by Mike Singleton (40 col - worked on 2001-32N?)
- seige8000.prg
- Siege by Mike Singleton, 80 col action game
- shoot.prg
- Shoot - hit the other bars head
- shooting gallery.prg
- Submarine shooter type game
- simon puzzle.prg
- A puzzle game by Yates
- sinners.prg
- Sinners by Mac Oglesby
- ski.prg
- Ski action game by Mike Singleton (40 col)
- ski8000.prg
- Skiing game by Mike Singleton for 80 col
- ski_f.prg
- Ski by Stephen Prokopchuk
- slime.prg
- Slime - Centipede style game by Jim Summers
- slot_machine.prg
- Slot Machine simulator
- snake.prg
- Simple snake game for BASIC 4 by Bo Zimmerman
- snakes.prg
- Snakes - 2 player tron-like game
- snark.prg
- Snark - protractor game by Vince Mills
- solitaire (isi).prg
- Klondike Solitaire by ISI
- sorcerer_castle.prg
- Sorcerer Castle - graphical dungeon crawler
- sorcerer_rules.prg
- Sorcerer Castle rules and instructions program
- sorcerers_castle.prg
- Sorcerer's Castle - John O'Hare text adventure
- space debr-34-s1.prg
- Space Debris shooter w/sound by Kevin Moughtin
- space debris 2001pet.prg
- Space Debris
- space invad-4-s1.prg
- Space Invaders
- space invader.prg
- The Space Invaders for the 2001 and the 3032. Controls: '.', '=' and ' '.
- space invaders.prg
- Commercial Space Invaders clone for the 3032. Controls: '4', '6' and 'A'.
- space war.prg
- Star war joystick game, copyright 1981 Chris Mills.
- space.prg
- Space! - modified version of game from Cursor#8
- space_ace-b.prg
- Space Ave - 40 col by Mike Singleton (Bus kybd)
- space_ace.prg
- Space Ace by Mike Singleton - 40 cols
- space_fight.prg
- Space Fight - 2 player by Leonard Sweatman
- space_fight_instr.prg
- Space Fight instructions program
- space_shooter.prg
- Space Shooter by Dave Howe
- spaceace8000.prg
- Space Ace - first person space shooter for 80 col
- spacechase.8032.270716.prg
- Space Chase beta 270716 for 8032 by Christian Krenner
- spaceinv2.prg
- Space Invaders II for 32K 40 or 80 col, by Jim Orlando
- spacewar_instructions.prg
- Spacewar instructions program
- spacewar_main.prg
- Spacewar - Texty space battle
- spy_q_test.prg
- Spy-Q Test - guess-sort the numbers as they come in.
- spyders.d64.gz
- Space Invaders like game for all PET versions, by Mr. NOP.
- star lanes.prg
- Star Lanes - Two player board game
- star spores!.prg
- Fun and difficult galaxian type shooter with good graphics
- star trek-80.prg
- 80 column PET version of Star Trek
- star trek2.d64.gz
- Star Trek 2 game by Hanimex
- star trek3.d64.gz
- Star Trek 3 with instructions by Deri James
- star wars rev.prg
- Star War game - very scenimatic , supp sounds
- star wars.prg
- You know Lucas Arts X-Wing? See here :-) This game works with the 3032.
Controls: numbers for movement, A for shooting
- star_trek_6_8.prg
- Star Trek - standard version
- star_trek_dl.prg
- Star Trek with sound mods by Duncan Langford
- starbuster.prg
- Starbuster - missile command game
- starforce.prg
- Star Wars game, alt of star wars.prg
- starforce_fixed.prg
- Star Force - another Star Wars alt, and Star Force alt
- starspores.prg
- Star Spores shooter by Jim Sumers
- startrek uss.prg
- Star Trek - std game with 1701 gaphic intro
- startrek.prg
- Star Trek game for 40 column PETs.
- startrek_1.2.prg
- Star Trek 1.2
- starwars.prg
- Star Wars target FPS game
- stock_market.prg
- Stock Market - buying game
- stygian tombs.prg
- Stygian Tombs - text maze game
- submarine.prg
- Bomb subs from your destroyer ship
- super g instruc.prg
- Instructions for Super Glooper.
- super glooper (alt hack).prg
- Pac-Man clone (alternate version)
- super glooper m.prg
- Version of Super Glooper patched by T. Howe to avoid use of CASS#1 buffer.
(Makes easier to save)
- super glooper.prg
- Excellent Pac-Man port for 40-column PETs by D.E. Anthony 1981. Controls:
'8','4','6','2' on the numeric keypad. You may also use '5' for moving down.
- super glooper3k.prg
- Pac-Man clone (alternate version)
- super_glooper 8032.prg
- Pacman clone fixed for 80 col PETs
- super_trek.prg
- Star Trek from Jim Butterfield
- superstartrek-1.1a.prg
- Super Star Trek converted to 40 cols by Mike Mayfield
- supertrap.prg
- Supertrap - 2p snake game with several modes
- supertrek_16knr.prg
- Super Star Trek 16k - prob my fav version
- tankticks.prg
- Tanktics by Avon Hill games (16k)
- target command.zip
- Missile Command clone
- target pong.prg
- Steer a bouncing ball by placing '\' and '/' shaped paddles by
pressing the 'm' and 'n' keys. Copyright 1978 CBM. This game is for
40-column PETs. Similar to "Off-the-Wall".
- targetgolf.prg
- Target Golf - graphical golf game
- telengard-pet.d64.gz
- Avalon Hill RPG for 40 col PETs, adapted for disk
- temple_of_apshai.d64.gz
- Temple of Apshai -RPG 1979 Automated Simulations
- tetris.prg
- Tetris port
- tetris13.tgz
- PET Tetris v1.3 by Tim Howe. Includes 3 variations, including DAC.
- the great pyramid.prg
- The Great Pyramid - John O'Hare Adventure!
- tic_tac_toe.prg
- Tic Tac Toe game by Hanimex
- tic_tac_toe_gfx.prg
- Tic Tac Toe vs computer. Very graphical.
- time_chess (8032).prg
- Time Chess (80 col) by Mike Singleton
- time_trek.prg
- Time Trek (Star Trek) by Brad Templeton
- toa.d64.gz
- Temple of Apshai
- toa_commands.pdf
- Commands cheat sheet for Temple of Apshai
- toa_manual.pdf
- Manual for Temple of Apshai
- torpedo-s.prg
- Torpedo by John Briggs - bombing game
- toss.prg
- Toss - coin toss guessing game with gfx
- tower_and_dragon_d64.zip
- Tower and Dragon 3.0 by Jason Cook. Includes D64, tap, wav, etc
- towers_of_hanoi.prg
- Towers of Hanoi - disk moving game ( pick by disk size)
- trail_west [fixed].prg
- Trail West by Micro-Ed
- trail_west.prg
- Trail West by Micro-Ed for unknown PET (use fixed version)
- traitors_castle.prg
- Traitors Castle - Simple number guess
- trek-pet-3e.prg
- Re-port of the Star Trek game
- trek-x
- Trek-X game for original 8k PET 2001
- trek_adventure.prg
- Trek Adventure - Star Trek text adventure
- trekwar.prg
- TrekWar - Star Trek action game for 40 or 80 col, 32k, by Jim Orlando
- trip_to_atlantis.prg
- Trip to Atlantis - text adventure by John O'Hare
- tron_journey.prg
- Tron Jounrney to the MCP - maze solving game
- tron_light_cycles.prg
- Tron light cycles game, 1 player
- twin_bagels.prg
- By Jim Butterfield - An extension of the Bagels game
- twrdef2021.prg
- Tower Defense 2021 for 40 or 80 col 32K, by Jim Orlando
- ushergam.d64.gz
- House of Usher, RPG adventure game
- valdez.prg
- Valdez - super tanker simulation
- vector_chase.prg
- Vector Chase -
- volcano.prg
- Volcano - survive the erruption adventure by Chuck Holland
- vortex.prg
- Challenging alien shooting game
- voyager.prg
- The Voyager Program - Avalon Hill game
- wallbanger.prg
- war trek pt1.prg
- War Trek, first part of two. A Star Trek game for 40-column PETs.
- war.prg
- War - by Kevin Moughtin - action game
- wartrek2.prg
- War Trek, second and last part.
- wasps.prg
- Gorf-like shooter game
- weather.prg
- Ouranos (take the enemy by storm) for 40-column PETs from Cursor #21,
copyright 1980 Kathy Hiby. This two-player game resembles the
artillery duel game.
- will_o_wisp.prg
- Wil O The Wisp - by Mark Capella - text adventure
- wizards_castle.prg
- The Wizard's Castle by Joseph Power - the great dungeon crawler
- wizards_wall.prg
- Wizards Wall - texty artillaryish game
- worst_pong_clone (8000).prg
- Worst Pong Clone - 2 player pong
- wrap_trap.prg
- Wrap Trap - tron-like game by Hanimex
- wumpus.prg
- Hunt the Wumpus game
- wumpus_akt.prg
- Hunt the Wumpus by Hanimex
- yahtzee-pr.prg
- Yahtzee dice game by P Rowe
- yahtzee_eb.prg
- Yahtzee dice game by Eric Boge
- zombie_2.prg
- Zombie - survive the graveyard
- zone_x.prg
- Zone-X guessing game by Bill Finzer
- 8k/
- 3d0s+xs.prg
- Noughts and Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe
- 8ktetris.prg
- PET Tetris 1.3 Tim Howe (bad copy?)
- alien-attack.prg
- Shoot aliens before they reach you.
- aliens!.prg
- Shoot decending aliens before they land!
- anagram.prg
- Simple program to generate all anagrams of a given word
- arrows.prg
- Manual artillary game
- baccarat.prg
- Baccarat - card game
- blitz.prg
- Street bomber for 40-column PETs: bomb a city down before the plane lands.
- boot-hill.prg
- Two player cowboy dueling game
- breakoutv3.1_(fixed Mr.NOP).prg
- Breakout clone, fixed by Mr. NOP
- breakthru.prg
- Breakout type game
- bridge 2 dealer.prg
- A bridge simulation. Some data is written on tape.
- card-sharp.prg
- Card sharp (memory test)
- checkers2.prg
- Update to the original PET Checkers from Cursor
- chess.prg
- [Model 2001-8N only] Microchess 2.0 - copy using sys(826)
- clever-os-xs.prg
- Intellegent Noughts and Crosses
- cluedo.prg
- Cluedo
- countto100.prg
- Count to 100 game
- dodgems.prg
- Dodgems
- galactic-attack.prg
- Galactic Attack
- guessing-game.prg
- Guessing game
- gunner.prg
- Gunner (by elevation)
- hammurabi.prg
- Hammurabi - Empire-like governing game. 2001-8k only
- hangman.prg
- Hangman
- hunter.prg
- Catch blob
- hurkle.prg
- Hurkle
- hypno.prg
- Hypnotiser
- imphex.prg
- Imphex / Hexpawn
- kat and mouse (with tunnel vision).prg
- Kat and Mouse and Tunnel Vision
- life.prg
- Life - sys(6400) to go
- lunar-lander.prg
- Lunar lander
- mastermind.prg
- Mastermind
- mazer.prg
- Find way round maze
- microchess_3_0.prg
- Microchess 3.0 by Dutch Software
- microjump.prg
- Microjump - really cute hopping game
- millipede.prg
- Millipede - centipede game
- nim.prg
- Nim
- noughtscrosses.prg
- Noughts and crosses
- othello.prg
- Othello
- pinball-alt.prg
- Pinball like game
- pinball.prg
- A pinball game for the 2001 and 3001 series PETs.
- pingpong.prg
- Ping Pong/Table Tennis for 2 players
- poetry.prg
- Composes poems
- pontoon.prg
- Pontoon
- power_boat.prg
- Power boat
- reaction_test.prg
- Reaction test
- reverser.prg
- Reverser
- sargon_2-chess.prg
- Sargon2 Chess
- saucer_war.prg
- Saucer War
- scrambled_word.prg
- Scrambled Word - unscramble word guess
- shooter.prg
- Shoot the blob
- shooting_gallery.prg
- Shooting Gallery
- slalom.prg
- Slalom
- space.prg
- Space!
- space_invaders.prg
- Space Invaders
- spact.prg
- Space attack
- squash.prg
- Squash (solo)
- starfighter.prg
- Starfighter - Star Wars trench game by Walter Stewart
- starfire (llamasoft).prg
- Starfire - action fp space shooter by Llamasoft
- starfleet orion - battle.prg
- Starfleet Orion battle game -- needs Builder
- starfleet orion - builder.prg
- Starfleet Orion Builder for game
- stomper.prg
- Stomp on an insect
- supertank.prg
- Supertank
- sweeper.prg
- Sweeper
- target_practice.prg
- Target practice
- toker.prg
- Toker - smoking game
- treasure_maze.prg
- Treasure Maze
- wordsearch.prg
- Wordsearch - find words in the puzzle
- worms.prg
- Worm race
- zap-2001.prg
- Zap by Matt Ganis
- zombie.prg
- Zombie
- hal6500/
- HAL PCG 6500.zip
- Demo and char roms
- galaxians (pcg6500).zip
- Galaxians
- mole attack (pcg6500).zip
- Mole Attack
- rallyx (pcg6500).zip
- Rally-X
- infocom/
- HitchhikersManual.pdf
- HHGTG manual
- ccadventure.d80.gz
- Collossal Cave adventure
- deadline.d64.gz
- Deadline
- deadline.pdf
- Deadline manual
- hhgtg.d64.gz
- Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
- infidel.d64.gz
- Infidel
- infidel.pdf
- Infidel manual
- phobos.d64.gz
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- phobos.pdf
- phobos manual
- starcross.d64.gz
- Starcross
- starcross.pdf
- starcross manual
- zork_i.d64.gz
- Zork 1
- zork_i.pdf
- Zork 1 manual
- zork_ii.d64.gz
- Zork II
- zork_ii.pdf
- Zork II manual
- zork_iii.d64.gz
- Zork III
- zork_iii.pdf
- Zork 3 manual
- joy/
- Games adapted for user port Joystick controller found in the
documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis
- afo.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- arrow.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- bomber.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- break-out.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- breakout.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- brickwall.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- cosmiads uni.prg
- Cosmiads - Excellent implementation of Galaxian. POKE 2571,79 before RUN for
joystick on user port. LEFT=PA0, RIGHT=PA1, FIRE=PA5.
- galaxy invdr joy.prg
- Galaxy Invader - Space Invaders clone. Joystick support by Jim64
- invaders.prg
- Patched version of commercial Space Invaders - uses joystick on user port:
- joystick_test.prg
- Joystick testing program by Joe Travis
- leap frog fix.prg
- Frogger-like game
- pong joysticks.prg
- Pong clone. Dual joystick support by Jim64
- print_racer.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- shark.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- space war.prg
- Star war joystick game, copyright 1981 Chris Mills.
- star spores.prg
- Fun and difficult galaxian type shooter with good graphics
- zap.prg
- Adapted by Joe Travis
- snes/
- Games adapted for the TexElec SNES controller found in the
documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis
- 10pr.racer.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- afo.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- arrow.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- bat!.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- bomber.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- breakout.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- brickwall.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- capture!.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- crazybaloon.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- efpc.prg
- Escape From PETSCII Castle by Jim Orlando. Supports SNES adapter.
- everest.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- ferry!.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- lightcycles.prg
- light cycles by Larry Anderson
- pzlmgs.prg
- Lemmings! by Jim Orlando
- shark.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- space!.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- zap.prg
- Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis
- unsorted/
- Jim_Summers_Games.d64.gz
- Jim Summers games - Astro-Rescue, Slime, Star Spores
- asstgames-auto.d64.gz
- Assorted games - Datestones o Ryn, Invasion Orion, Temple of Asphai, Morloc's
- games-1.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-1.dir.txt
- games-10.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-10.dir.txt
- games-2.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-2.dir.txt
- games-3.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-3.dir.txt
- games-4.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-4.dir.txt
- games-5.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-5.dir.txt
- games-6.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-6.dir.txt
- games-7.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-7.dir.txt
- games-8.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- games-8.dir.txt
- games-rpr1.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk
- pet_games_01.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_01.dir.txt
- pet_games_02.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_02.dir.txt
- pet_games_03.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_03.dir.txt
- pet_games_04.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_04.dir.txt
- pet_games_05.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_05.dir.txt
- pet_games_06.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_06.dir.txt
- pet_games_07.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_07.dir.txt
- pet_games_08.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_08.dir.txt
- pet_games_09.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_09.dir.txt
- pet_games_10.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_10.dir.txt
- pet_games_11.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_11.dir.txt
- pet_games_12.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_12.dir.txt
- pet_games_13.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_13.dir.txt
- pet_games_14.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_14.dir.txt
- pet_games_15.d64.gz
- Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing
- pet_games_15.dir.txt
- german/
- 17&4.prg
- A blackjack game. Works with both 40 and 80 columns (garbled display
on 40 columns when dealing more than 5 cards).
- 3-d tic-tac-toe.prg
- 4x4x4 tic-tac-toe game from the VIC-20
- 4-gewinnt.prg
- four in a row (a kind of tic-tac-toe with gravity)
- alkoholtest_80.prg
- Drink pouring game? educational?
- alligator_2.prg
- Fun action game to catch all the coconuts
- apocalypse.prg
- Apocalypse by von Henrik Wening
- autorennen___dt.prg
- Auto-Rally racing game
- ballon.prg
- blackjack_de.prg
- Blackjack 8k
- bomber.prg
- Bomb a city with a descending aeroplane. This game is for the 3032.
- bomber_80.prg
- Tank bombing game for 80 cols
- breakthrough.prg
- Breakout game
- car-crash.prg
- Car Crash by von Henrik Wening
- crash.prg
- A maze game for 40-column PETs
- diktator.prg
- Simulation (SimCity predecessor?)
- doolhof_1.prg
- Doolhof - maze solving game
- draw_poker_80.prg
- Draw Poker game
- enterprice.prg
- Enterprice - a star trek 1701 game
- feldschlacht1.prg
- Feldschlacht 1 by von Henrik Wening
- feldschlacht2.prg
- Feldschlacht 2 by von Henrik Wening
- fluglandung.prg
- flight simulation for 40-column PETs
- fruit.prg
- Fruit - Slot Machine (80 cols)
- g1_goldene_7&8.prg
- Lucky Slot Machine game
- g1_spiel_999.prg
- Some sort of dice game
- ganzen.prg
- Ganzen Schieten
- grandprix.prg
- Grand Prix by von Henrik Wening
- hangman.prg
- PET2001 hangman, should work in all PETs
- hangman5.prg
- German language hangman game
- hartenjagen.prg
- Hartenjagen card game
- hellseher.prg
- Hellseher guessing game
- hinderniss.prg
- Hindemiss by von Henrik Wening
- hinterhalt.prg
- Hinterhalt - 80 col action game
- hit the target.prg
- Control a beam to targets by dropping mirrors
- hockenheim.prg
- car race for PET 4032
- hyper wurm.d64.gz
- Hyper Wurm by Thomas Korn (16k)
- hyper_wurm.d64.gz
- Worm-type game
- hypertrek [f].prg
- Hypertrek - Star Trek game (German? French?)
- indian_poker.prg
- Indian Poker
- irrgarten.prg
- A three-dimensional maze game for 40-column PETs
- jackpot.prg
- Jackpot fruit machine
- kalah.prg
- Kalah
- kalawaum (+level editor).d64.gz
- Kalawaum by Senil
- kanone_80.prg
- Geschuetzfuehrer - Gun Commander
- krieg_der_sterne.prg
- Krieg der Sterne - space Star Wars game 80 cols
- kubus.prg
- Magische Kubus - 80 cols
- kurvendiskussion-fixed.prg
- A function analysis and plotting tool for the CBM 4032. The function
is defined in the line 10000. The fixed version corrects some obvious
typing mistakes; other errors may remain in the program.
- kurvendiskussion.prg
- labyrinth.prg
- Labyrinth - top down dungeon/maze crawler
- labyrinth_doc.prg
- Documentation for Labyrinth - load and run
- maedchen_test.prg
- girl test
- maenner-test.prg
- Men test
- master_mint.prg
- Master Mind
- mastermind (nl).prg
- Mastermind
- mau-mau1.prg
- Mau-Mau 1 by von Henrik Wening
- mau-mau2.prg
- Mau-Mau 2 by von Henrik Wening
- millionaer (8000).prg
- Millionaer (80 col) By Senil Data Systems
- mondland_2_40 [fixed].prg
- Mondlandung - Lunar Lander for 40 cols
- mondlandung_80 [fixed].prg
- Mondlandung - Lunar Lander for 80 cols
- nachtm_park.prg
- Nachtmerrie Park
- nightmare park.prg
- A maze game for 40-column PETs with various subgames. Controls in
the main maze: N, S and O.
- orion.prg
- Orion space game
- paarden.prg
- Horses, 80 col
- pac-man.prg
- Pac-Man by von Henrik Wening
- pac-man2.prg
- Pac-Man by von Henrik Wening
- pacman.prg
- A Pac-Man clone for 40-column PETs by André Fachat.
- pak_jana.prg
- Pak Jana - move a graphical person around
- pesten.prg
- Plague
- pinball.prg
- Pinball game
- qth-kenner-karte.prg
- Oth Kenner Berechnung
- racebaan.prg
- rebount.prg
- Rebount - rebound
- reversi.prg
- Reversi - 40 col othello game
- reversi_80.prg
- Reversi - 80 col othello game
- robots.prg
- Avoid enemy robots in a 40-column maze.
- rotamint.prg
- Ratamint by von Henrik Wening
- roulette.prg
- Roulette game by von Henrik Wening
- roulette_gb.prg
- Roulette sim by Gerhard Baungaertner
- roxxor (8000).prg
- Roxxor (80 col) by Senil
- rubiks_cube.prg
- Rubik's Cube by Dieter Moeller & Matthias Weber
- schaak_2_6b.prg
- Graphical Chess game
- schiettent.prg
- Shoot at the wall gaps - fun game
- schiffe_80.prg
- Sinking Ships 80 col
- schiffe_vesenken.prg
- Schiffe Versenken - sinking ships
- schlange.prg
- Eat objects with a growing snake. This game is for 40 columns.
- schuifspel_[fixed].prg
- A sliding puzzle game
- senilpack_4_in_1.prg
- Four games, Zahlenraten, Tron, Matrix Feur Arne, Scrolltext. From Senil.
- shitty_ufo (8000).prg
- Shoot down the UFO
- space-crashers.prg
- Space Crashers by von Henrik Wening
- speed_racer.prg
- Speed Racer by Beat Egli
- spukhaus.prg
- 40-column PET version of a VIC-20 adventure game
- squash-4032.prg
- Breakout clone for the 4032
- squash.prg
- Breakout clone for the 3032
- steinchenspiel.prg
- Thinking game (the one who removes the last stone from the board loses).
This game is for the 3001 and 4001 series. In 80 columns, the display
is a little garbled.
- sternenfalle.prg
- Avoid obstacles in this 40-column game.
- superdoolhof.prg
- Super Doolhof by Holybonn productions
- tic tac toe (mca).prg
- Tic Tac Toe from MCA
- torpedo.prg
- Torpedo by von Henrik Wening
- touche.prg
- Touche by von Henrik Wening
- triff_den_ball_1.prg
- Unique action game, vaguely snake-like.
- u-boot.prg
- U-Boot submarine game
- uhr_3d [fixed].prg
- Clock of some sort (German) - is this even a game?
- verfolg.prg
- Chase computer-steered objects in a 40-column playfield.
- vokabeln.prg
- Learn foreign language words. The program writes and reads the data file
- wurfball.prg
- Unique action game, vaguely snake-like. Alt of triff_den_ball
- zahlenraten_dx.prg
- Zahlenraten - number guess from Senil
- zeeslag.prg
- Zeeslag by Bert de Keizer
- zombie.prg
- 40-column action game
- html/
- HTML documents related to the Commodore PET
- Commodore PET FAQ.html
- Original PET FAQ by Larry Anderson. Updated @portcommodore.com
- cassinterface.zip
- Instructions on building a cassette interface for C= computers
- peddle.de.html
- A German article about Chuck Peddle
- peddle.en.html
- English translation of an article about Chuck Peddle
- peddle.gif
- Picture of Chuck Peddle
- sipodp3.zip
- IEC to IEEE interface between c64/vic and PET
- manuals/
- petugupd.zip
- Corrections to the PET/CBM Personal Computer Guide, second edition. All these
corrections are in the seventh printing, but not all are in the fifth
- 8296supplement/
- Supplement to the PET 8032 manual, covering the PET 8296.
- 8296supplement.html
- HTML version of the supplement, with inline images
- 8296supplement.txt
- Text version of the supplement
- imgs/
- 8296changes.gif
- B.2. Connectors, modifications as compared with 8032
- expmemmap.gif
- Figure 2.1. Expansion Memory Mapping
- fullmemmap.gif
- A. Memory map
- j1+j12.gif
- Connectors J1 and J12 (IEEE-488)
- j10.gif
- Connector J10 (power, AC)
- j11.gif
- Connector J11 (power, DC)
- j13.gif
- Connector J13 (keyboard)
- j14.gif
- Connector J14 (reset)
- j2.gif
- Connector J2 (user port)
- j3+j6.gif
- Connectors J3 and J6 (cassette)
- j4.gif
- Connector J4 (memory expansion)
- j5.gif
- Connector J5 (keyboard)
- j7.gif
- Connector J6 (video)
- j8.gif
- Connector J8 (power in)
- j9.gif
- Connector J9 (memory expansion)
- jumpersmap.gif
- Possible memory mapppings for the area $8000-$FFFF
- LOS-96/
- LOS-96 Handbuch. German manual for the PET 8096.
- LOS-96-titel.gif
- Title page
- LOS-96.html
- HTML version
- LOS-96.ps.gz
- Postscript version
- Los96-de.txt
- Text version
- German 8096 LOS-KIT User's Manual. LOS-KIT is a set of development tools
especially for the LOS-96 `operating system'.
- LOS-KIT-titel.gif
- Title page
- LOS-KIT.html
- HTML version
- LOS-KIT.ps.gz
- Postscript version
- LOS-KIT.txt
- Text version
- os/
- TRIANGULAR uOS 1.09_d64.zip
- A GUI OS in BASIC for 4k PETs. Manual included
- zram-4040.d64.gz
- CP/M boot disk for PETs with Madison Z-RAM boards.
- GeckOS/
- c64.d64.gz
- pre-assembled disk image for the Commodore 64
- cbm8x96.d64.gz
- pre-assembled disk image for 8x96 PETs
- oa-2.0.0.base.tar.gz
- GeckOS/A65 2.0.0 without possibly copyrighted stuff
- oa-2.0.0.lib.tar.gz
- Lib6502 programs that come with GeckOS/A65
Should be easy to port them to another lib6502-compatible OS (Lunix?)
- oa-2.0.0.tar.gz
- GeckOS/A65 version 2.0.0 complete archive
- oa-2.0.8.tar.gz
- GeckOS/A65 version 2.1.0-pre8. Includes preliminary FAT16 and SCSI support.
- pet32k.d64.gz
- pre-assembled disk image for PETs with 32k of RAM
- LOS-96/
- LOS-96 is an BASIC-4 extension for the 8096 and 8296
- los96-1.4.d80.gz
- Uploaded by Christian Dirks
- los96-1.6.d80.gz
- Uploaded by Christian Dirks
- los96.tar.gz
- Files from the LOS-96 system disk
- los96_8096_en.pdf
- English manual for 8096 LOS-96 Basic extension
- LOS-96@ (link)
- LOS-KIT@ (link)
- prod/
- 83 ont tax v1.0.prg
- 1983 Ontario Tax calculation. You need this!
- SpellMaster.pdf
- Manual for SpellMaster, scanned by William Levak
- auto_daten.prg
- Fuel Consumption Calculator (German language)
- calcresult_all.zip
- CalcResult from Handic - includes all versions and pdf docs
- clock.prg
- petscii analog clock
- createabase.d64.gz
- Create-A-Base database system. Requires option rom.
- critcal path.prg
- date-book.prg
- Simple Date book (db)
- execudesk.d80.gz
- Execudesk disk for 8296. Requires execudesk editor rom.
- finance.d64.gz
- Finance Pak (investments, depreciation, loans)
- financial.prg
- Financial calculator by Jim Butterfield
- flexifile2.d64.gz
- Flex File 2.0 data manager
- genldgr.d64.gz
- BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 1 - needs option rom
- genldgr2.d64.gz
- BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 2 - needs option rom
- graphic editor.prg
- PETSCII screen editor
- home-accounting.d64.gz
- Home Accountant
- instruc.d64.gz
- Instruction-Printing disk for VisiCalc, WordPro, PaperMate, Power Instruction,
BASIC Programmers Toolkit, others..
- invmanager.d64.gz
- Inventory Manager, requires two data disks
- jinsam4demo.d64.gz
- Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 4.0 and 8.0
- jinsam8demo.d64.gz
- Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 1.0, 4.0 and 8.0
- keyprint.d64.gz
- Type directly to printer -- by Frank Yates
- kram.d64.gz
- Unknown application, which probably requires option rom. What is this?
- maillist.d64.gz
- Mailing List/Data Manager from CMS Software
- manager-oracle.d64.gz
- The Manager v1.69 database/file manager. Seems to work w/o rom.
- monthly mortgage.prg
- Calculate mortgage payments
- mortgage.prg
- Mortgage calculator by Jim Butterfield
- oracle.d64.gz
- Oracle DBMS. Might require a rom.
- paperclip-2.8-mx80.d64.gz
- PaperClip word processor 2.8, includes rom file for burning.
- paperclip-2.83.d64.gz
- PaperClip word processor 2.83, includes rom file for burning.
- paperclip-4040-2.8.d64.gz
- PaperClip word processor 2.8
- pathdesign.d64.gz
- Several scientific programs. See pathdesign.dir.txt for contents.
- pathdesign.dir.txt
- spellmaster.d64.gz
- Spellmaster for WordPro 4+ requires option rom
- sprachuhr.prg
- Talking analog clock (German)
- story_writer_1982.prg
- A simple 1982 word processor for the PET
- supersortomnifile.d64.gz
- SuperSort, OmniFile, Superbase database systems
- tax-86.d64.gz
- Ontario Tax preparation in 1986 by Jim Butterfield
- themanager.d64.gz
- The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom
- themanager.d80.gz
- The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom
- timewrk1.d64.gz
- TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program
- timewrk2.d64.gz
- TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program
- typer.prg
- little typing practice program
- versacalc40.d64.gz
- Versacalc File Manager for 40 column Business PETs.
- visic8096.d80.gz
- Visicalc 1.70AM for 8032 and 8096, requires option rom.
- visicalc-norom.d64.gz
- Visicalc 1.70AM 40 col, 80 col, and 96k versions, no rom required, includes
- visicalc-pocketref.pdf
- VisiCalc Pocket Reference
- visicalc.d64.gz
- VisiCalc 1.75A, the world's first spreadsheet program by Dan Bricklin. This
version should run on all 32 kB PET models that have the 901472-04 ROM at
$9000. An IBM PC version of VisiCalc for DOS 1.0 and later is available at
- visicalc.txt
- Information about VisiCalc
- visicalc170a.d64.gz
- Visicalc 1.70a dfferent variation with copy protection removed.
- visicalc176a.d64.gz
- Visicalc 1.76a
- visicalc40-80+rom.d64.gz
- 40 and 80 col versions of Visicalc 1.70A, requires option rom, and rom is
included on the disk.
- visicalcManual.zip
- Visicalc manual, possibly 1982 version, in two pdfs.
- wordcheck.d64.gz
- Wordcheck -- more information needed
- wordcraft+utils.d64.gz
- Wordcraft+ Utilities (master disk copier, convert from WordPro, other..)
- wordcraft40e.d64.gz
- Wordcraft 4.0e word processor
- wordpro-quickref.pdf
- WordPro 2-5 Quick Ref - uploaded by William Levak
- wordpro3.d64.gz
- WordPro 3+, requires option rom.
- wordpro3norom.d64.gz
- Wordpro 3 and 3+ no-rom required versions
- wordpro4manual.zip
- PDF Manual for WordPro 4 word processor
- wordpro4plus.d64.gz
- Wordpro 4 and 4+ no-rom required versions
- wordpro5plus.d64.gz
- Wordpro 5 and 5+, option rom required
- wordpro5plus_d80.zip
- Wordpro 5+ d80 image, w/option rom(s) and pdf manual
- wpros.prg
- Tiny 1 screen word processor w/ load-save
- jimsam/
- jimsam4core.d64.gz
- jinsam-dbbooks.d64.gz
- jinsam-dbcrime.d64.gz
- jinsam-dbinven.d64.gz
- jinsam-dbpetdl.d64.gz
- jinsam4access.d64.gz
- jinsam8sys1.d64.gz
- jinsam8sys2.d64.gz
- programming/
- Programming examples, tools and documentation
- CBM_ml_monitor_TIM.zip
- Commodores ML monitor (TIM) for BASIC 1 (and others?). Manual included.
- PowerCommodore_d80.zip
- POWER Basic Extension demo disk and $9000 option rom
- apmon-v112.tar.gz
- ML monitor for the basic4 PET, by Andre Fachat
- assembler-disk1.d64.gz
- Assembler disk 1
- assemblers.d64.gz
- Includes 6502 Assembler & Disassembler, Micro Assembler & Disassembler, and
- auto_number.prg
- Tool for auto-numbering in BASIC
- basic-aid-power-aid.d64.gz
- Basic-Aid, Power-Aid, BASIC source
- basml combiner.prg
- Combine BASIC and ML components
- c=development.d64.gz
- Assemblers, source editors, and loaders for BASIC 2 & 4 PETs, 16k and 32k
- comal4master1.d64.gz
- Comal 80 rev 0.11 from Commodore
- comalhelp.d64.gz
- Comal 80 help disk
- crtctest-1.1.tar.gz
- Test programs and reverse-engineered information on the 6845/6545
Cathode Ray Tube Controller (CRTC). Composed and uploaded by André
- disk disassmbler.prg
- Disassemble a file directly from disk
- dos dissassem.prg
- Disassemble drive dos to screen/printer
- dtl-basic-4.3-40col.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC compiler 4.3, 40 col, no rom required, but seems to need dual drive
- dtl-basic-4.7-80col.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC compiler 4.7, 80 col, no rom required, but seems to need dual drive
- dtl-basic.lnx.gz
- DTL Basic compiler for the 8032. Runs but looks funny in 40 columns (4032).
- dtl_pet.pdf
- Manual for DTL BASIC Compiler for PET
- dtlbasic2001.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.1 for 32k 2001. Req dual drives. Probaby needs option rom.
- dtlbasic2001nd.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.1 for 32k 2001. Req dual drives. No option rom required.
- dtlbasic4032.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.3 for 4032. Req dual drives. Option rom probably required.
- dtlbasic4032nd.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.3 for 4032. Req dual drives. No option rom required.
- dtlbasic8032.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.7 for 8032. Req dual drives. Option rom probably
- dtlbasic8032nd.d64.gz
- DTL BASIC Compiler 4.7 for 8032. Req dual drives. Option rom Not required.
- forth.d64.gz
- Fig Forth 1.0
- graphicaid4.d64.gz
- BASIC Extension for doing graphics
- kmmm-pascal.d64.gz
- KMMM Pascal Editor, Compiler, Interpretor
- list_all.prg
- List BASIC programs from all CBM machines. By Jim Butterfield
- lockdisk.prg
- Make a BASIC program run-only. By Jim Butterfield
- mae30.d64.gz
- MAE Assembler/Monitor package for 2.0/3.0 roms.
- mae40.d64.gz
- MAE Assembler/Monitor package for 4.0 roms.
- micromon 23296.prg
- Excellent TIM monitor enhancement - loads at $5B00. Start with SYS 23296.
- micromon 24500.prg
- As micromon 23296 but includes a poke 59458,62 (fast VDU mode / killer
POKE for some). Call with SYS 24500.
- micromon.txt
- Micromon command summary, composed by Tim Howe.
- moser-assembler.d64.gz
- Moser Assembler
- pal-assembler2.d64.gz
- Brad Templeton's PAL Assembler. Seems more complete that
- pal_assembler.d64.gz
- Brad Templeton's PAL Assembler adapted for the PET by Paul Lalonde
- pascal3norom.d64.gz
- Pascal 3.0, requires and includes rom. Need instructions!
- petass1.d64.gz
- PET Assembler
- petieee.prg
- BASIC implementation of the IEEE-488 code for the PET. Includes all
routines (talk, listen, sectalk etc.). The example will produce and
read a syntax error from the disk drive. Programmed and uploaded by
André Fachat.
- petspeed-80col-20.d80.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.0
- petspeed-80col-21.d64.gz
- Petspeed Compiler v2.1
- petspeed-80col-23.d64.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.3
- petspeed-80col-24.d80.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.4
- petspeed-80col-26.d80.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.6
- petspeed-80col-27.d80.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.7
- petspeed-80col-30.d80.gz
- Petspeed BASIC Compiler v3.0
- prespeed.prg
- Pre-Speed "Compactor" program, to compress BASIC
- renumber.prg
- Code fragment for renumbering BASIC lines.
- supergraphics.d64.gz
- Graphics commands BASIC programming extension for various PETs
- supermon_all.zip
- Versions of SuperMON ML Monitor by Jim Butterfield, for BASICs 1, 2, and 4.
Instructions included.
- tcl_pascal_users_manual.pdf
- TCL for CBM users manual, uploaded by Andreas Unverdorben
- tclpascal16.d64.gz
- TCL Pascal v1.6 for the 8032, includes option rom file
- tclpascal8032-10.d80.zip
- TCK Pascal v1.0 for the 8032, no option rom required?
- tclpascal8032-16.d64.gz
- TCL Pascal v1.6 for the 8032, requires option rom
- tom_30663.prg
- ML Monitor @ 30662
- trace.prg
- Trace - initialise = sys(7876), on = sys(7906), off = sys(7852)
- firmware@ (link)
- lessons/
- These files were uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995 and converted to
gzipped Lynx format by Marko Mäkelä in 2001.
- basic-basic.d64.gz
- Beginning BASIC for the PET
- basic-basic8032.d64.gz
- Same as basic-basic.d64, but with 40 col adapter for 80 col PETs
- basicles.lnx.gz
- Basic lessons in English. These are for old PETs, which you can
recognise by the pokes that go to the "shadow" of the screen memory,
that is not present anymore in newer PETs. It's pretty funny though
from time to time.
- basicles2.lnx.gz
- Different (older? 1977) lessons for Basic.
- machineles.lnx.gz
- Machine language lessons in German. Note that their load address is $0400
instead of $0401, presumably because they were saved from a BASIC 1.0
machine. Also note that there are two lines numbered 4. How can these be
loaded to a PET?
- stepbystep.d64.gz
- Step-By-Step computer instruction course for non-Business PETs
- stepbystep8032.d64.gz
- Step-By-Step computer instruction course for 8032
- subroutines.d64.gz
- Various BASIC subroutines, to serve as programming examples.
- snippets/
- anagrams.prg
- Generate all anagrams of a word
- check.prg
- Memory Check
- codes+decodes.prg
- Codes + decodes
- flashscreen.828.prg
- [Model 2001-8N only] Flashes screen at ~ 60Hz - alter interrupt: POKE 538,3 :
POKE 537,58
- hex-loader.prg
- Hex loader - Put data in program as DATA statements
- mem-printer-826.prg
- Memory printer - run, then sys(826)
- memory-check.prg
- Memory Check
- nocopy-826.prg
- No copy program - saves - use sys(826)
- pound.prg
- Draws £ sign on printer
- powertwo.prg
- Powers of two by Jim Butterfield
- print_using.prg
- PRINT "using" type routine by Jim Butterfield
- random-test.prg
- Random number tester
- rev-screen.prg
- 'Reverses' screen - sys(826) to go
- reverse-char.prg
- Reverses characters only - sys(826)
- rnd_test.prg
- Random number tester
- screen_inv__asm.prg
- Invert screen snippet from Senil
- screencopyd.prg
- Prints out the screen, double chars - RUN (in top left) is erased
- trans.prg
- Transfer 1K to Screen - sys(826): POKE 827, K of source
- urchr.prg
- User character printer - no's are data for char definition
- schematics@ (link)
- src@ (link)
- unsorted/
- ADP_Series_1.t64
- ADVENTUR.d64.gz
- BFRDUAL.d64.gz
- GAMES_DiskA.d64.gz
- GAMES_DiskB.d64.gz
- GAMES_DiskC.d64.gz
- HOTELADV.d64.gz
- Hands_on_BASIC_Pt1.t64
- Hands_on_BASIC_Pt2.t64
- Hands_on_BASIC_Pt3.t64
- JIMB86.d64.gz
- PETCOM.d64.gz
- STONE_Disk96A.d64.gz
- STONE_Disk96B.d64.gz
- TIMMS_Disk.d64.gz
- assorted.d80-d82.Contents.txt
- List of contents of assorted PET software in d80/d82 format.
- assorted.d80-d82.zip
- Assorted PET software in d80/d82 format.
- basic-source-1.d64.gz
- basic-source-2.d64.gz
- delnxfinal.bas
- SEQ Src for an Un-LYNXer, in an unknown version of BASIC
- paperclip-files.d64.gz
- Paperclip text files. Useful for testing? Could be interesting?
- petguide.d64.gz
- Help disk for Osborne/McGraw-Hill CBM & PET Guides.
- sikcomm.d64.gz
- I have no idea what this is. Email me.
- teletype.d80.gz
- Daves Utilities
- testdisk1.d64.gz
- Test Disk 1 - various games and utilities. See testdisk1.dir.txt for
- testdisk1.dir.txt
- CBM/
- Official software from CBM for Pet comptuers
- 321000_ml_monitor_s2.t64
- Simple ML monitor
- 321000_squiggle_big_time_s1.t64
- Squiggle, and Big Time games
- 321002_biorhythm_s2.t64
- Biorhythm from the Diet Planner tape
- 321002_diet_planner_s1.t64
- Diet Planner
- 321004_treasure_trove_of_games_1.t64
- Treasure Trove of Games #1
- 321005_basic_basic_s1.t64
- Basic Basic - learn BASIC
- 321005_basic_basic_s2.t64
- Basic Basic - learn BASIC
- 321009_blackjack.prg
- Blackjack
- 321013_basic_finance_s1.t64
- Basic Finance side 1
- 321013_basic_finance_s2-err.t64
- Basic Finance side 2 - need better copy
- 321029_machine_code_handler.t64
- 321030_hex_edit_and_load.t64
- g1006_luna_lander.prg
- Luna Lander from Hanimex
- g1008_rotate.prg
- Rotate
- g1012_draw_poker.prg
- Draw Poker 1
- g1012_galaxy_games.prg
- Galaxy Games
- mp033_books.t64
- "Books" #131179
- mp040_treasure_trove_of_games_1.t64
- Treasure Trove of Games #1, #191279
Wumpus/3d Tic-Tac Toe Lunar Landing/Rotate
- mp041_treasure_trove_of_games_2.t64
- Treasure Trove of Games #2, #020180
Draw Poker/Galaxy Games Jumbojet Lander/Target Pong
- mp045_treasure_trove_of_games_6.t64
- Treasure Trove of Games #6, #191279
Polaris Backgammon/Crypto/Life
- mp050_numerical_methods.t64
- Numerical Methods (differential equations, etc)
Also Roots. #141179
- mp068_acrobat_s1.t64
- Acrobat for old roms #280480 "Pet Pack"
- mp068_acrobat_s2.t64
- Acrobat for new roms #280480 "Pet Pack"
- mp069_3d_star_trek_s1.t64
- 3D Star Trek for old roms #280480 "Pet Pack"
- mp069_3d_star_trek_s2.t64
- 3D Star Trek for new roms #280480 "Pet Pack"
- mp075_night_drive_s1.t64
- Night Drive for old roms #400580 "Pet Pack"
- mp075_night_drive_s2.t64
- Night Drive for new roms #400580 "Pet Pack"
- mp076_car_race_s1.t64
- Car Race for old roms #400580 "Pet Pack"
- mp076_car_race_s2.t64
- Car Race for new roms #400580 "Pet Pack"
- mp105_crazy_balloon.t64
- Crazy Balloon #131180 "Pey Pack"
- Davies/
- Collection from John Davies of Wales
- DAVIES_Disk10A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk10B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk10C.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk10D.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk11A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk11B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk11C.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk2A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk2B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3C.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3D.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3E.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk3F.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk4A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk4B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk4C.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk5.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk6.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk7A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk7B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk8A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk8B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk8C.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk9A.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk9B.d64.gz
- DAVIES_Disk9C.d64.gz
- ICPUG Collection "Brown", "COMAL", and various disks
- BROWN_DiskA.d64.gz
- BROWN_DiskB.d64.gz
- BROWN_DiskC.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk0A.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk0B.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk1.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk2.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk3.d64.gz
- COMAL_Disk4.d64.gz
- DiskA0A.d64.gz
- DiskA0B.d64.gz
- DiskA1.d64.gz
- DiskA2.d64.gz
- DiskA3.d64.gz
- DiskA4.d64.gz
- DiskA5.d64.gz
- DiskB1.d64.gz
- DiskB2A.d64.gz
- DiskB2B.d64.gz
- DiskB3A.d64.gz
- DiskB3B.d64.gz
- DiskC1A.d64.gz
- DiskC1B.d64.gz
- DiskC2.d64.gz
- DiskC3.d64.gz
- DiskC7.d64.gz
- DiskC8.d64.gz
- DiskC9.d64.gz
- DiskCA.d64.gz
- DiskCB.d64.gz
- DiskCC.d64.gz
- DiskCD.d64.gz
- DiskCE.d64.gz
- DiskCFA.d64.gz
- DiskCFB.d64.gz
- DiskCGA.d64.gz
- DiskCGB.d64.gz
- DiskCHA.d64.gz
- DiskCHB.d64.gz
- DiskCI.d64.gz
- DiskCJ.d64.gz
- DiskCK.d64.gz
- DiskE1.d64.gz
- DiskSE1.d64.gz
- DiskSE2.d64.gz
- DiskU1A.d64.gz
- DiskU1B.d64.gz
- DiskU2A.d64.gz
- DiskU2B.d64.gz
- DiskU3A.d64.gz
- DiskU3B.d64.gz
- JB/
- afo.prg
- anagrams.prg
- battleships.prg
- change_disk.prg
- curfit.prg
- eliza.prg
- explore.prg
- faces.prg
- financial.prg
- insulter.prg
- jotto2.prg
- labyrinth.prg
- list_all.prg
- lottery.prg
- maze.prg
- mileage.prg
- mortgage.prg
- people.prg
- petals.prg
- poems.prg
- powertwo.prg
- print_using.prg
- twin_bagels.prg
- KBV/
- Assembly source from K.B.V. Controls
- ASSM_DiskA.d64.gz
- ASSM_DiskB.d64.gz
- ASSM_DiskC.d64.gz
- ASSM_DiskD.d64.gz
- ASSM_DiskE.d64.gz
- KenRoss/
- Collection from Ken Ross of London
- KEN_Disk11A.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk11B.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk3A.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk3B.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk4.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk5A.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk5B.d64.gz
- KEN_Disk6.d64.gz
- utilities/
- 4040n8x50test.d80.gz
- 4040 and 8x50 test and diagnostic tools
- 8032.mem.prg
- This program, copied from the 8096 system disk, tests the memory on the
64k board. All other programs on the 8096 system disk are identical to
the programs on the 8296 disk.
- 8050diag35.d80.gz
- 8050 Diagnostics programs, v3.5
- 8050exam.d80.gz
- 8050 Physical Exam
- 8250exam.d82.gz
- 8250 Physical Exam
- PET40colUtilities.d64.gz
- Various utilities for 40 column PETs. See .dir.txt file for listing.
- PET40colUtilities.dir.txt
- PET_Rabbit_BASIC_3.zip
- Tape accelleration wedge for BASIC 3 Commodore PET with 32K of RAM
- alpha dir.prg
- Alphabetize directory
- auto disk boot.prg
- calculator.prg
- Calculator program
- cbm4032 any hz.prg
- cbm4032 any hz.txt
- This utility switches a 80 column PET to 40 column mode. Unlike the
CBM4032 50 Hz program distributed in the educational software collections
http://www.funet.fi/pub/cbm/pet/edu/Canada/, this one should work
with all 80 column PETs.
- cbm_dealer_tests.d80.gz
- Drive and computer tests and diags for the PET
- cbm_technician_disk.d80.gz
- Drive and computer tests and diags for the PET
- cbmcommand-2.3.d80.gz
- File Browser/Loader for all CBM computers, esp for PET-SD drives.
- cbmeqtest.d64.gz
- 8032 mem tests, 64k ram exp test, burn-in test, disk perf
- cbmeqtest.dir.txt
- cbmutildisk.d64.gz
- Various utilities. See cbmutildisk.dir.txt for contents.
- cbmutildisk.dir.txt
- change_disk.prg
- Change disk device number, by Jim Butterfield
- copy_sort.prg
- Disk File Copy - german language
- crtcx-pet-v1.prg
- CRTC register twiddler by Steve Gray
- diagslevak.d64.gz
- PET Diagnostics tools, uploaded by William Levak
- diagslevak.txt
- Information about diagslevak.d64.gz
- diagtest1.d64.gz
- Test and diagnostic utilities for CBM computers and drives. A superset of
cbmeqtest.d64.gz See diagtest1.dir.txt for contents.
- diagtest1.dir.txt
- disk append.prg
- Type SYS 826 to append something to a file.
- disk copier.prg
- drive to drive disk copier with visuals
- disk hex dumper.prg
- Dump file as hex to screen or printer
- disk to tape v4.prg
- Copy disks to tape
- diskmaster.d64.gz
- Disk Cataloging system, req dual drive. By Allan Yates
- doctor 4032.prg
- Disk sector editor
- doctor 8032.prg
- Disk Sector Editor for 80 col
- dos hex dumper.prg
- Hex dump of drive dos
- drive speed test.prg
- Drive speed checker
- emutil.prg
- emutil.readme
- EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for most Commodore computers.
It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities.
It also supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by
Bo Zimmerman and Andr� Fachat.
- fireball-xl7.prg
- Fireball XL7 Offline HTML reader for PET 80XX computers.
- header changer.prg
- Change disk name
- house finder.prg
- A utility for real estate dealers. The data is written on tape.
- key-repeat.prg
- Auto repeat key - start = sys(832), stop = sys(848)
- load addr.prg
- Edit the load address of a file. This seems to be the ancestor
of the Vic-20 utility "Edit Load Addr."
- lynx8017.prg
- LYNX Utility for PET computers.
- mem-softtools.d64.gz
- Memory utilities, and numerous option roms with instructions for loading.
- mem-softtools.dir.txt
- petunia_drivers.d64.gz
- Driver/Sample progs for Petunia auto/video board by HUH Electronics
- romload8096.d64.gz
- Program to load various productivity app option roms into 64k 8032 expansion
via software. Several application roms are included.
- scopy5.8032.prg
- Unit/Drive file copier for 8032
- screenconf11.prg
- Screen Configuration utility by Steve Gray
- sfdfinal.d82.gz
- SFD Final Burn-In Test disk, probably from Commodore
- softrom.d64.gz
- Soft-ROM master disk, contains option roms for numerous apps, required special
- talk.prg
- Demo utility for the CBM 4010 voice unit.
- tape to disk v4.prg
- Copy tape to disk
- tbtools1.d64.gz
- Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt for
- tbtools1.dir.txt
- tbutils1.d64.gz
- Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt for
- tbutils1.dir.txt
- tbutils2.d64.gz
- Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt for
- tbutils2.dir.txt
- tbutils3.d64.gz
- Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt for
- tbutils3.dir.txt
- tbutils4.d64.gz
- Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt for
- tbutils4.dir.txt
- univdemo.d64.gz
- DOS Wedge, plus numerous test/diag tools and utils for PET drives
- utils8032.d64.gz
- Various 8032 computer utilities: screen align and test, disk test, memory
test, 40 col screen, etc
- text/
- Wordcraft-80-nl.lnx.gz
- Dutch language version of Wordcraft-80 for the 8032.
- Wordpro3.tar.gz
- Wordpro 3+ is a text editor for CBM 3016/3032 machines published by Lotus.
- laufschrift.prg
- Laufscrift - (german) Print out larger characters
Mirror sites
General information
File types
Data transfer
The Commodore brandname and the chickenhead logo are
property of Commodore International BV, a Tulip company.