The Visual Canonical List of Commodore Products ?

Produced in Some Quantities

Office Equipment
Time Pieces
Mechanical Adding Machine Series
Handheld Calculator Series
Desktop Calculator Series
Video Game Series
KIM "Computer Trainer" Series
Media Player Series
PET 2000 Series
CBM 3000 Series
CBM 4000 Thin Series
CBM 4000 Fat Series
CBM 8000 Series
SuperPet Series
CBM 300 Series
CBM-II Series
VIC-20 Series
CBM-64 Series
C-128 Series
CBM 264 Series
Amiga Series
PC Series
Datasette Series
Disk Drive Series
Printer Series
Monitor Series
Modem Series
Mouse Series
RAM Expanders
CPU Upgrade Series
Networking Series
Cartridge Series
Cassette Software Series
Diskette Software Series
CD Software Series
Miscellaneous Series

Products Not Released

Commodore HHC Series
Commodore TOI Series
Commodore PET Series
Commodore VIC Series
Commodore 128 Series
Commodore 64 Series
Commodore 264 Series
Commodore LCD Series
Commodore 64DX Series
Amiga Series
PC Series
Commodore PC Series
Drive Series
CPU Upgrade Series
Cartridge Series
Miscellaneous Series
C900 Series
Commodore P series

PrivateBe an unlisted owner
Printer Series
CBM 152680 Col. 8.5" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, Brown, Serial 60cps.
CBM 2020IEEE, GFX, white w/black bottom, friction feed, 80 col?
CBM 202180 Col. Matrix Electrostatic (Thermal) Printer, GFX.
CBM 202280 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix No GFX, Off-White, IEEE-488.
CBM 2023Friction-Only 2022.
CBM 30222022 for PET 3000, IEEE-488.
CBM 30232023 for PET 3000, IEEE-488.
CBM 3050Plotter for PET, IEEE-488
CBM 402280 Col, 10" Wide 8*6 Matrix No GFX, Epson MX-80, IEEE-488.
CBM 4022pBidirectional 4022, Epson MX-70?, IEEE-488.
CBM 402380 Col. 10" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, NLQ, Brown, IEEE-488.
CBM 530Small Receipt Printer, 70mm paper roll, black/red ribbon
CBM 6400C.Itoh Starwriter F10-40, Centronics or IEEE-488
CBM 8022?
CBM 802380 Col. 14" Wide 8*8 Matrix No GFX, Off White, IEEE-488
CBM 8023P136 Col. 15" Wide 8*6 Matrix, GFX, IEEE-488.
CBM 8024132 Col. Mannesman Tally, 7*7, Upgrade to 7*9, Cream, IEEE.
CBM 8024/A132 Col. Mannesman Tally, 9*7, 160 cps bidirectional.
CBM 8024L8024 Multi-Pass NLQ Printer, IEEE-488.
CBM 8026OLYMPIA ESW-103, TypeWriter Printer, IEEE-488.
CBM 8026b8026 Extended.?
CBM 80278026 without Keys, IEEE-488.
CBM 8028132 Col. 15" Daisy-Wheel, (Robotron), Cent./IEEE-488
CBM 8075Plotter, available in 1 and 8 pen variety, IEEE-488
CBM 82298028 with 16kB print buffer.
CBM 8300P  (2)Tan, IEEE-488, Plastic case, HUGE, Need more info
CBM-P1Daisy Wheel Printer.
DPS 1101132 Col. 13", Daisy-Wheel, Friction Feed, Juki 6100, Serial.
DPS 1120116-175 Col. 14.5" wide Daisy, Black, Serial. (Olympia)
IP3300Ink Jet Printer
LPS 2000Laser Printer, Cent., MC68K/512K RAM, emulates LasetJet2
MCS 80180 Col. 8.5" Wide 8*8 Matrix GFX Color, Serial.
MCS 810Okimate 10
MCS 820Okimate 20
MPC 801Juki Color Printer
MPP 13618023P in rounded grey/brown housing.
MPS 1000  (3)Epson HomeWriter, US Version. 9 pin, 100cps draft.
MPS 1200Citizen 120D. 9 pin 120 cps draft, CBM Serial interface.
MPS 1200PMPS 1200 with Parallel Interface.
MPS 1224CMannesmann Tally, 24 pin Color Printer, MT Printer, Ser/Par
MPS 1230Olivetti printer, 9 pin, Centronics.
MPS 1250Citizen, Serial/Centronics.
MPS 1270Ink Jet Printer, uses Kodak Diconix Cartridges, Centronics.
MPS 1270AInk Jet Printer, uses Kodak Diconix Cartridges, IEC Serial.
MPS 1500CColor dot matrix printer, Centronics
MPS 15509 pin printer, Centronics.
MPS 1550C9 pin 4 color Printer, OLIVETTI DM105, Centronics.
MPS 2000NEC P6
MPS 2000CNEC P6 Color
MPS 2010NEC P7
MPS 2010CNEC P7 Color
MPS 2020OKI Centronics, 24pin (switchable interface), color
MPS 2030Centronics - more info needed.
MPS 80180 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Brown, Serial.
MPS 8021526.
MPS 803  (2)80 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Brown, Serial.
VIC 151580 Col. 7.0" Wide 6*7 Matrix GFX, Off White, Serial.
VIC 1520  (3)80 Col. 4.0" Wide Plotter, GFX, Off White, 4 color. Serial
VIC 152580 Col. 8.5" Wide 7*6 Matrix GFX, Off-White, Serial.
VIC 1525esame as @VIC_1525, but ROMs implement slower bus for 64.