Documentation for the Bone BBS, by Randy Schnedler. Setting up ---------- Load "menu" and RUN it. Select the set-up program. After it loads, insert the disk you will be using into drive #8. If the disk needs to be formatted, go to the disk commands (f7) and give the following command: N0:BBS DRIVE 8,D8 Now return to the main menu and use the function to create the user files. This will take about 10-20 minutes on a 1541-type drive. Now, go to the ibraries editor and create the libraries you want available for upload/downloading. Remember to save before you exit. You will need to write the following files with the screen editor (not suggested) or any SEQuential file editor (suggested): (use lower-case filenames for all files) -------------------------------------- 1. -INTRO- This is read from the message drive (more later) after a carrier detect. -------------------------------------- 2. LOGON This file (message drive) is actually contains a list of filenames to be read after logon before going to the Top menu. Here is an example of how this file is to read: 3 (<-number of files (3)) logon.1 (1st file) logon.2 (2nd file) logon.3 (3rd file) You may name the above files (logon.1, logon.2, and logon.3) whatever you wish, but I suggest these to keep them in order. All of these files go on the message drive. -------------------------------------- 3. GOODBYE This file (on the message drive) is read at log off. -------------------------------------- 4. Menus. There are several menus you will need to write. Append '.G' to any of these filenames for the Commodore graphics menus. The files are: TOP.YE The top menu that regular validated users have. This should include:

age sysop, hange password, iles subsystem, essage base, ulletins, -text files, and oodbye TOP.NO Top menu for new callers. Should include the above except essage base and iles menu. Also, you will need to add the ew callers questionaire. TOP.SY The Top menu that SYSOP(s) see. It includes the same as TOP.YE and adds ysop menu. FILES MENU is the files transfer menu and should include: elect library, enu of download files, pload, ownload, elp (which reads "FILES HELP"), xit to top menu, oto Message base MSG MENU message base menu which includes: ew msg read, -Forward/Reverse read, hange SIG, oto Files menu, eave msg, xit to Top Menu -------------------------------------- Bulletins --------- To write bulletins, create files called "BULLETIN #", for example: "BULLETIN 1" OR "BULLETIN 2". These files go on the message drive. You may have any number (within reason) of bulletins, but there must not be any break. In other words, you can't have numbers 1, 3, & 4 because there is a break between 1 and 3. You should renumber these to 1, 2, & 3 simply by renaming the files. The first line of each of these bulletins is the title. For example, to write bulletin #1, with a title "Welcome to the Bone Board", write it like this: ------------------------------ Welcome to the Bone Board Welcome to the Bone Board of San Antonio! If you have any questions, please feel free to leave the SYSOP a message or Page me. Enjoy...... The SYSOP ------------------------------ (Don't type in the lines of dashes.) On the Bulletin Menu, this file would look like this entry: 1. Welcome to the Bone Board 2. ... When the bulletin is read, however, the first line will be ignored. -------------------------------------- Text Files ---------- The text files are a little more complex to set up. You will need two files: TEXT LIBRARY & TEXT MENU. TEXT LIBRARY is set up exactly as LOGON. It contains the number of text files, then the list of filenames ON DISK that will be read. Example with 2 files: 2 BBS LEGISLATION BBS HACKING You can then write TEXT MENU make it look like whatever you wish. There is no graphics version of this menu. It would looks something like this in the example: 1. BBS Legislation 2. Hacking on BBS's -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Basic system setup ------------------ The system is set up for using 3 disk drives: one 1541 and one or two SFD-1001's.