Microprocessor Control of RAM and ROM
UB3 and UB4 are 8192 x 8 bit ROMS that store the Disk Operating System (DOS).
UB3 resides at memory locations $C000-$DFFF. UB4 resides at memory locations
$E000-$FFFF. UC5 and UC6 decodes the addresses output from the microprocessor
when selecting these ROMS.
UB2 is a 2048 x 8 bit RAM. UB2 resides at memory locations $0000-$07FF. This
memory is used for processor stack operations, general processor housekeeping,
use program storage, and 4 temporary buffer areas. UC5, UC6 and UC7 decode the
addresses output from the processor when selecting RAM.
This page has been created by Sami Rautiainen.
Last updated April 18, 1998.
Read the small print.