Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)



Disks for Jimsam DBMS System, which requires option rom.


83 ont tax v1.0.prg 2021-11-01 7669
1983 Ontario Tax calculation. You need this!

auto_daten.prg 2025-01-21 4735
Fuel Consumption Calculator (German language)

calcresult_all.zip 2025-02-07 8424612
CalcResult from Handic - includes all versions and pdf docs

clock.prg 2024-01-22 608
petscii analog clock

createabase.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 26387
Create-A-Base database system. Requires option rom.

critcal path.prg 2021-11-01 11629

date-book.prg 2024-01-22 5344
Simple Date book (db)

execudesk.d80.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 138290
Execudesk disk for 8296. Requires execudesk editor rom.

finance.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 10263
Finance Pak (investments, depreciation, loans)

financial.prg 2025-01-27 5083
Financial calculator by Jim Butterfield

flexifile2.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 49672
Flex File 2.0 data manager

genldgr.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-08 62408
BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 1 - needs option rom

genldgr2.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-08 50344
BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 2 - needs option rom

graphic editor.prg 2021-10-31 2807
PETSCII screen editor

home-accounting.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 13853
Home Accountant

instruc.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 5732
Instruction-Printing disk for VisiCalc, WordPro, PaperMate, Power Instruction,
BASIC Programmers Toolkit, others..

invmanager.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 25246
Inventory Manager, requires two data disks

jinsam4demo.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 35528
Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 4.0 and 8.0

jinsam8demo.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 35616
Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 1.0, 4.0 and 8.0

keyprint.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-30 6593
Type directly to printer -- by Frank Yates

kram.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 14251
Unknown application, which probably requires option rom. What is this?

maillist.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 27490
Mailing List/Data Manager from CMS Software

manager-oracle.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 31160
The Manager v1.69 database/file manager. Seems to work w/o rom.

monthly mortgage.prg 2021-11-01 208
Calculate mortgage payments

mortgage.prg 2025-01-27 2812
Mortgage calculator by Jim Butterfield

oracle.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 38125
Oracle DBMS. Might require a rom.

paperclip-2.8-mx80.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 28185
PaperClip word processor 2.8, includes rom file for burning.

paperclip-2.83.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 26774
PaperClip word processor 2.83, includes rom file for burning.

paperclip-4040-2.8.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-27 17715
PaperClip word processor 2.8

pathdesign.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 64146
Several scientific programs. See pathdesign.dir.txt for contents.

pathdesign.dir.txt 2018-03-09 783

spellmaster.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 75900
Spellmaster for WordPro 4+ requires option rom

SpellMaster.pdf 2021-09-14 1480552
Manual for SpellMaster, scanned by William Levak

sprachuhr.prg 2025-01-27 31776
Talking analog clock (German)

story_writer_1982.prg 2019-06-24 7682
A simple 1982 word processor for the PET

supersortomnifile.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 56842
SuperSort, OmniFile, Superbase database systems

tax-86.d64.gz    (dir) 2021-10-31 23555
Ontario Tax preparation in 1986 by Jim Butterfield

themanager.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-08 61027
The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom

themanager.d80.gz    (dir) 2018-03-08 62101
The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom

timewrk1.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 72832
TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program

timewrk2.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 54756
TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program

typer.prg 2024-01-22 1180
little typing practice program

versacalc40.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-08 59441
Versacalc File Manager for 40 column Business PETs.

visic8096.d80.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 56634
Visicalc 1.70AM for 8032 and 8096, requires option rom.

visicalc-norom.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 44044
Visicalc 1.70AM 40 col, 80 col, and 96k versions, no rom required, includes


visicalc-pocketref.pdf 2021-09-14 204739
VisiCalc Pocket Reference

visicalc.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 28601
VisiCalc 1.75A, the world's first spreadsheet program by Dan Bricklin. This

version should run on all 32 kB PET models that have the 901472-04 ROM at

$9000. An IBM PC version of VisiCalc for DOS 1.0 and later is available at

visicalc.txt 2018-03-07 1399
Information about VisiCalc

visicalc170a.d64.gz    (dir) 2019-06-24 27383
Visicalc 1.70a dfferent variation with copy protection removed.

visicalc176a.d64.gz    (dir) 2019-06-24 39847
Visicalc 1.76a

visicalc40-80+rom.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-09 32369
40 and 80 col versions of Visicalc 1.70A, requires option rom, and rom is

included on the disk.

visicalcManual.zip 2019-07-22 2134179
Visicalc manual, possibly 1982 version, in two pdfs.

wordcheck.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 19069
Wordcheck -- more information needed

wordcraft+utils.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 53606
Wordcraft+ Utilities (master disk copier, convert from WordPro, other..)

wordcraft40e.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 24366
Wordcraft 4.0e word processor

wordpro-quickref.pdf 2021-09-14 286278
WordPro 2-5 Quick Ref - uploaded by William Levak

wordpro3.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 26280
WordPro 3+, requires option rom.

wordpro3norom.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 80062
Wordpro 3 and 3+ no-rom required versions

wordpro4manual.zip 2019-06-24 2194554
PDF Manual for WordPro 4 word processor

wordpro4plus.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 38959
Wordpro 4 and 4+ no-rom required versions

wordpro5plus.d64.gz    (dir) 2018-03-07 25690
Wordpro 5 and 5+, option rom required

wordpro5plus_d80.zip    (dir) 2024-02-07 23235570
Wordpro 5+ d80 image, w/option rom(s) and pdf manual

wpros.prg 2024-01-22 765
Tiny 1 screen word processor w/ load-save

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